Friday, February 29, 2008

I know, I know

everybody keeps telling me that Hussein Obama is not a Muslim, but I keep on reading things like this:

It may just be a smattering of coincidental facts whose convergence will be difficult if not impossible to decipher, and these days there are signs that the mainstream media is so solidly behind Barack Obama that it's almost assured they'll never look into this, but there are several items popping up on my radar this weekend relating to Obama and some of his campaign contributors and advisers, and ties back to Syria, Islamic fundamentalism, and the Nation of Islam, that are puzzling enough to

I mean you are known for the company you keep, and if you walk like a duck, etc., etc.

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Hussein is caught

lying to the rust belt states and the MSM says nothing.

Look, I agreed with Ross Perot that the giant sucking sounds were jobs being sucked into Mexico when Bill Clinton and his faithful companion Pope Algore pushed NAFTA through, and now the Demos want to have it both ways.

Despite repeated requests, Barack Obama's campaign is still neither verifying nor denying a CTV report that a senior member of the team made contact with the Canadian government -- via the Chicago consulate general -- regarding comments Obama made about NAFTA.

Allegations of double talk on the North American Free Trade Agreement from both the Obama and Clinton campaigns dominated the U.S. political landscape on Thursday.

On Wednesday, CTV reported that a senior member of Obama's campaign called the Canadian government within the last month -- saying that when Senator Obama talks about opting out of the free trade deal, the Canadian government shouldn't worry. The operative said it was just campaign rhetoric not to be taken seriously.

I mean we have now seen Hussein Obama send his presumptive National Security Adviser, the Z man from Jimmty Carter's halcoyn days to advise the Syrian dictator and terrorist enabler God knows what, and now he's telling Canada that he's not going to do anything about NAFTA, despite what he is telling voters in the states that have seen their jobs head south for nicer climates and lower than dirt wages.

Maybe someone should gather all of Hussein's supporters together and tell them the truth. He can't be trusted. He is funning you. This is just old fashioned Chicago ward politics. Quit fainting and start booing.

Link to source.

Worse he is violating Federal Law by having these discussions with a foreign power.

Where's a Grand Jury when we need one?? Where's the NYT?

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Good morning buckaroos

and a hiyoo Silver and away! Pope Algore has favored us with some moderate weather this AM, at least at the home field as well as the West Coast where I am doing TAD and enjoying myself immensely. Of course the next time I come out this way I shall learn Spanish before I come. Perhaps one of those “learning” programs that are being hucked on TV is in order.

In case you think I am being one of those unspeakable beasts, aka nativists, let me share with you what I heard Tuesday. One third of all people living in the Golden State were born outside the US.

Actually I think that number low. There was no word on how many are intercultural sojourners, aka illegal aliens. But I digress.

I got this from Denny Wilson but the original source was this article

I give you both because Denny was my source, and even though I would believe him over any newspaper, all Left Wingers that I know attack all sources that have information they do not like. And not only will they not like this information, I think most of them take a nerve pill after reading Denny.

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on.

No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.

I had previously heard that the US has had the coldest winter in 50 years and the sunspot cycle had changed causing reduced output from the sun, and now we have this. Perhaps we need to get ourselves to the
Shrine of Algore for prayers and supplication.

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Computers and names

I am pleased to note that I have a new computer. A brand new fancy Toshiba Satellite P205D with Vista… About which I have much to learn. A friend grouched that Microsoft took the worst of Windows and the worst of Apple and made Vista… I will not complain at this time, but reserve the right to do so at a later time. I am sure Bill and his happy crew are anxiously waiting for my comments.

In the meantime John McCain continues in his efforts to solidify his base among the Left and the MSM with his abject apologies that a Right Wing Talk Show Host repeated Barack Hussein Obama several times while he was warming up the Senator’s audience.

Look folks. His name is Barack Hussein Obama. If he is concerned that Hussein reminds us of a Muslim dictator who raped, tortured, gassed and used WMD’s, then Hussein should get himself down to the Cook County Courthouse and change it to something more American. Like say, Jimmy Carter Obama…..

In the mean time McCain should quit being so fast to attack those who are trying to be his friend and start watching his back around Blitzer, et al. That is if he truly wants to be President.

What we have here is an attempt by the MSM to frame the discussion. Next thing we will find is that noting that Hussein has proposed nothing except change is beyond the pale and must not be noted.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It must have been on the grapevine.

Sometimes and somewhere this week I heard that 66% of the country is under snow cover for the first time in 40 years. Somehow that seems wrong and heaven knows we have too much media and not enough facts, but viewing the FNC weather picture shows cold sinking into Florida, so perhaps it is correct. It is almost the end of February people! Where is Pope Algore this morning? Has the man no shame? No shame at all for leaving his flock shivering in the cold?

Speaking of facts and the media, the daily lack of accurate information is truly staggering. Take this from yesterday’s USA Today and DeWayne Wickham:

The most recent chapter in US-Cuban history when Castro seized power…..The Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 was supposed to spark a popular uprising …… but instead it rallied much of Cuba behind Castro..

Uh, DeWayne old bean. The invasion you mention was aborted when the US failed to provide the air support promised by JFK, leaving the rebels penned down in the swamps with only one road out. They were trapped in a trap of our making with bait provided by the then current “messiah of change,” John F. Kennedy.

Having lost his nerve there, he later had to reject the emboldened Soviet Union’s attempt to place missiles in Cuba and almost got us into a nuclear war.

There’s a lesson in there for the anti-war Left, but I doubt that any of them can figure it out.

But I digress. The point is this. Since the invasion failed, any “uprising” was sure to not occur. People are funny. If they see you losing they are not apt to run around waving American flags. As someone once said, success has a thousand fathers. Failure is an orphan.

And then we have this by James R. Healey regarding hybrid cars and pollution:

“Plug-in cars could increase air pollution.”

The theory behind this that the electricity required will be generated by coal powered plants.. The best is this:

“….so in some regions a plug-in running on its battery is nearly the equivalent of a coal-burning vehicle…”

No study is provided to back this. No mention of smoke stack scrubbers, etc., that have greatly reduced the pollution… no mention that nuclear plants would solve the problem.

I guess Algore’s 20,000 kwh per month mansion must be the equivalent of at least 10 Chattanooga Choo Choo’s huffing and puffing up the grade to Nashville.

I go now to view the future of fiber. Have a happy day. And don’t buy a hybrid in an attempt to save the planet. Do the right thing and consume no power until 6PM when you may turn on your TV for one hour. Hussein will be on display to tell you to have hope for change.

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Tax Answer International Issues

Bump and update:

Exchange Student Starved While in Egypt

Hosting a foreign exchange student is tax deductible but paying for your own, or your child’s, or any American citizen is not.

Or so says AOL tax tips. Why am I not surprised??

Guess Egypt doesn't give out tax breaks.


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I be here.

Here being The West Coast. May I say that United Airlines became Un-tied today, but I think the Chicago weather had much to say about that. Pope Algore failed us again. And may I say that the old Southern Curse, the one that says once things start to go bad they go bad…. Ask the Mayor of Atlanta circa 1864… was in full bloom. Flight cancelled…. Cellphone dies and I bounce my trusty Compaq off he floor..

The cellphone remains inopt but…… the flight out of Denver was First Class….

How much wine can a wine drinker drink if a wine drinker can drink wine???

But the Compaq, despite the CD tray no longer closing and a vertical line on the right side of the screen, is working. Maybe I should call HP and sell them on me doing a John Cameron Swazye.. “Takes a dropping and keeps on bloggin”

Of course it does have an issue in starting up, requiring multiple attempts and an occasional modest shake… Tomorrow to Best Buy.

Pleasant dreams.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On the road again..

I’m on my way to the west coast to attend the OFCNFOEC. I love technology and believe that whoever dies with the most toys wins.

Maybe I can do some blogging in Chicago during my layover.

On the other hand I can have a breweski or two....…decisons decisions.

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Sad news

Once upon a time we were Salesmen. Not Account Executives. Not Customer Enablers. Not Planners or Account Managers.

No. We were Salesmen. And we ran the road, with dedication and the supreme confidence that we were selling products that made people’s lives better. We sold touch dialing, three way calling, call forwarding, SSS7 Signaling, toll ticketing, fiber optic transport that carried more and more conversations and data at lower and lower costs. And if our first cell phones looked like book ends we dreamed and knew that someday they would fit in our pockets and cost less than a dinner for two at a trendy restaurant.

And it was fun and we knew the customers and our competitors. It was a small universe that had very few bad guys, and best of all we had our very own internet before there was an Internet.

It was called “Joe Martian” and the network was called “Roadrunners.”

Before email, there was snail mail and the telephone. Joe kept up with us. He knew where a new job could be found, who had been blessed with a new child, and who had a new wife. He knew who had moved, who had retired and best of all he did this with kindness, affection, good humor and a pleasant demeanor rarely seen in today’s world.

Joe retired a few years back with some health problems. They have now become worse. Gentlemen and ladies, say a prayer for a true Gentleman. The world is a better place because of Joe. Like all of us he will, sooner or later, check-in to that last roadside motel where there is a grumpy front desk clerk and a room with a broke air conditioner…. But I have no doubt he will be immediately upgraded to a 5 Star hotel and a suite on the Club Floor with a complimentary fruit basket and a king size bed for eternity.

Rest well, Joe. You will be remembered.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

The Judge

Today must be my day for information from my buds. The following describes a .45 caliber/410 gauge pistol that looks ideal for protection in close quarters. I think the 410 capability is great because if you have to use it, you aren’t going to kill someone two rooms over, and you don’t have to be the world’s greatest shot to hit your target.

Link to "The Judge."

But although "The Judge" looks impressive for close in defense, I’ll still take my 20 gauge short barrel pump loaded with No 4 shot for every thing outside a car. Light, almost no recoil and accurate enough so that duffers like me can damage what I shoot at.

Besides. I love to hear that shhhkunkk when I chamber a round.

My thanks to Grant C.

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I wonder why this didn't make the MSM??

Could it be that it doesn't fit in with their agenda?

I got this from my bud from Texas, Mike L. My thanks to him.

In Tennesse e we really do pull off the road and stop for funerals......nobody moves until the last car has gone by.

What follows is a message from Vicki Pierce about her nephew James' funeral (he was serving our country in Iraq):

'I'm back, it was certainly a quick trip, but I have to also say it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. There is a lot to be said for growing up in a small town in Tennnessee The service itself was impressive with wonderful flowers and sprays, a portrait of James, his uniform and boots, his awards and ribbons. There was lots of military brass and an eloquent (though inappropriately longwinded) Baptist preacher. There were easily 1000 people at the service, filling the church sanctuary as well as the fellowship hall and spilling out into the parking lot.

However, the most incredible thing was what happened following the service on the way to the cemetery. We went to our cars and drove to the cemetery escorted by at least 10 police cars with lights flashing and some other emergency vehicles, with Tennessee police handling traffic. Everyone on the road who was not in the procession, pulled over, got out of their cars, and stood silently and respectfully, some put their hands over their hearts.

When we turned off the highway suddenly there were teenage boys along both sides of the street about every 20 feet or so, all holding large American flags on long flag poles, and again with their hands on their hearts. We thought at first it was the Boy Scouts or 4H club or something, but it continued .. for two and a half miles. Hundreds of young people, standing silently on the side of the road with flags. At one point we passed an elementary school, and all the children were outside, shoulder to shoulder holding flags kindergartners, handicapped, teachers, staff, everyone. Some held signs of love and support. Then came teenage girls and younger boys, all holding flags. Then adults. Then families. All standing silently on the side of the road. No one s poke, n ot even the very young children.

The military presence, at least two generals, a fist full of colonels, and representatives from every branch of the service, plus the color guard who attended James, and some who served with him .. was very impressive and respectful, but the love and pride from this community who had lost one of their own was the most amazing thing I've ever been privileged to witness.

You know, I have to wonder if this would have caused Mrs. B. Hussein Obama to have some pride in her country?

Or is that pride reserved only for her own desires? I think we know the answer.

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A picture IS worth a 1000 words

Well,well. Here is a good look at the Democrats’ presumptive Presidential nominee. Don’t you think he looks just swell? I wonder if he is considering that outfit for the swearing in ceremony… Gotta be diverse you know!

And then we have the endorsement by Louis Farrakhan. Which Hussein’s troopers rushed to disavow…. Well, not really..

Said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton: "Sen. Obama has been clear in his objections to Minister Farrakhan's past pronouncements and has not solicited the minister's support."

I mean, so what? You have it.

But just to clear things up, Hussein himself spoke:

"I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan," Obama said in the statement. "I assume that Trumpet Magazine made its own decision to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is not a decision with which I agree."

The above non-disavowal was touted by the Washington Post as:

the Obama campaign responded with an unequivocal statement on it from the candidate himself.

Do Journalists actually study the English language anymore? Do they take any courses in critical thinking? But I digress.

Ok. But can we now have a disavowal? Neither of the two statements is. Instead they are attempts to parse and straddle. Here, Hussein. This is a disavowal.

“I condemn Louis Farrakhan’s many hateful statements about Jews and whites. I did not seek his endorsement and totally reject it.”

No charge because I know you are too busy getting yourself deeper and deeper in the hole.

Washington Post

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A classmate sends this educational comment.

At one time in my life, I thought I had a handle on the meaning of the word "service."

"It's the act of doing things for other people."

Then I heard these terms which reference the word SERVICE:

Internal Revenue Service, Postal Service, Telephone Service, Civil Service, City & County Public Service, Customer Service, Service Stations

Then I became confused about the word "service." This is not what I thought "service" meant.

So today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he had hired a bull to "service" a few of his cows. BAM! It all came into perspective. Now I understand what all those "service" agencies are doing to us.

I hope you now are as enlightened as I am.

My thanks to Billy F.

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You are who you vote for.

I had an old bud call me up this morning and show a modest amount of umbrage over my suggestion last night that there are no moderate Democrats.

“I am a moderate,” he proclaimed, “and I am a Democrat.”

Not wishing to engage in verbal jockeying so early in the morning I asked him. “Will you vote for whoever the Demos nominate?” His answer was, to paraphrase; of course, I am a Democrat so I support the party. I rested my case by inquiring about his family, wishing them well and saying good bye.

Folks, it is time to quit fooling yourselves. You are who you vote for. If you vote for Hussein you are not a moderate Democrat. You are a Left wing Democrat who has promised to abandon Iraq, bring the troops home immediately, engage in talks with countries that sponsor terrorists with no pre-condition and nuke Pakistan.

If you vote for a Democratic Representative or Senator you are a Left wing Democrat who has promised to surrender in Iraq, de-fund the troops, increase taxes, give amnesty to intercultural sojourners – aka illegal aliens - and hold hearings on such weighty matters as did ballplayers use HGH and steroids while the economy tanks and Iran builds nuclear missiles.

Not that the Repubs are a lot better, but the facts are the facts, and the above is what the current Democratic Party stands for.

Deal with it. Admit it or vote for someone else. They aren’t going to change, and your Demo Congress person, if you elect him/her, will keep the radical Left in power, with the capability to introduce bills, waste millions of dollars in useless so called “oversight hearings” and destroy our efforts towards winning the WOT and closing the borders to the intercultural sojourners.

Remember. The party in the majority has the majority on the committees. What that means is that a Demo bill can be voted out and into debate on the floor by the majority in the committee. If the Demos want to squash the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” all they have to do is get it out of committee. If the Repubs want to extend the Bush tax cuts they will never get that bill out of committee.

So the party of the individual you vote for is important.

If you put a radical in power then you have become a radical.

There are no moderate Democrats.

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If you needed a reason

to not vote for Hussein, here it is.

CHICAGO (AP) - In his first major public address since a cancer crisis, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said Sunday that presidential candidate Barack Obama is the "hope of the entire world" that the U.S. will change for the better.

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Late night special

A commentator over on TalkLeft has identified themselves as a “moderate Republician.”

Now I ask you. Have you ever seen anyone identify themselves as a “moderate Democrat?” I mean, I can’t remember such a thing happening. Are there no moderates left in the Demo Party?? Have they all become anti-war zealots?

Inquiring minds want to know.

The real Star Wars

You have probably seen the video of our missile destroying our failed space station, but if you have not, here it is.

Link to video source.

Now, if you will look at a globe you can easily see why Iran and Russia do not want our anti-missile missiles in Poland.

The world, gentlemen and ladies, changed and no one really seemed to notice.

Bump and Update

A reader sent the following comment. While I agree with her, I think there are also some other points that the US voter needs to consider.

You can be sure that many people noticed. It's awesome. It's a technological show of defensive strenght. It's done at a strategic moment.A strong President is leaving. An unknown one is coming. USA is saying to the world: "We have what it takes. No matter what."

Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, be ready for war. It works!

It's the way President Reagan secured the peace of the world during the Cold War. I had two sons in their twenties at that time. I've been forever grateful to him for his political courage.

But what is often forgotten is that all of the military might in the world is of no value in preventing attacks if the enemy does not believe they will be used. We should never forget that when Hitler marched into the Rhineland his Generals were ordered to retreat immediately if France exhibited any resistance. As he expected they did not, and the rest, as they say, is history. Very bloody history.

Such as it is with Hussein Obama. He is running on what is, essentially, a peace platform. If elected the world will see us as embracing surrender to al Qaeda, and that will be a disaster. Like Kennedy who emboldened the Soviets by withdrawing from Cuba, the radical Moslems will believe that they can attack at will. At that point the voter will demand a response and we will have, even more history. Very bloody history.

It is written

that during the surrender by the British at Yorktown during the Revolutionary War a British band played, “The World Turned Upside Down.” Like much of history that claim has now been disputed. But there is no dispute about the UT vs. UM game. The final score was the University of Tennessee 66 and the University of Memphis 62. Stunning. UM was at home, with a perfect record. And while a close game was expected, UT was supposedly 6 or so points the weaker team. If the world was not turned upside down, it was at least tilted far to one side.

I confess to having lost interest in college basketball, tracing that loss back to the institution of the shot clock. Without the clock ball handling and strategy are so much more important. Now the games are pro style with a super pace and great athletes making impossible moves. But like ballet, I admire the dancer. But to mix a metaphor or two, my interest wanes long before the seventh inning stretch and the fat lady sings.

The game last night was one of the best games I have ever seen. But too often the team with a couple of super players wins by 20 points and my interest fades at halftime. Before the clock a good ball handling and foul shooting team had a better chance of winning. While that may not count in the pros, you expect them to do both, at the college level I would like to see what the attendance records have been over the past several years. My gut feeling is that outside the very top tier, attendance is declining simply because the expectation of an upset is no longer there.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

You heard it here first.

The sky is clearing and the evil sleet and rain storm moved northward over night, proving again that Pope Algore knows more than he lets on, and that he hears all, even those most humble of his servants. His command of the weather is exceeded only by the Evil Bush Rove and they must use a complicated Hurricane Machine. I sometimes think the picture to the right is a beta model of the evileeeeee machine, but I have lost my tinfoil hat and may be under the influence of rays from the man made global warming community.

But on to more sober thoughts.

The comparison of the Left’s desire to surrender to radical Muslim terrorists remains a topic, but has been reduced as we continue to have success in Iraq, and the media devotes their time to attacking, in their mind, even more dangerous targets, aka John McCain.

What was especially interesting yesterday was the announcement that al-Sadr has graciously extended the “truce” for six months. Although I usually don’t make predictions. I predict that he will direct his minions to start new attacks in September in an attempt to influence the US election in favor of the Democrats who have stated they will leave Iraq.

Remember where you read it first.

This, of course, is the fruit of being thought to be weak. And to our everlasting shame as a country and as a “culture” some call “western civilization,” we an easily look back and see the results of Chamberlain, and others, who thought they could do business with Hitler. That lapse in judgment cost only 10,000,000 lives or so, including 6,000,000 or so Jews.

Although our security forces have had great success, sooner or later something very bad will happen to us, in this country. When it does, we are apt to respond directly. Consider this from Walter Russell Mead It offers some interesting thoughts.

In the last five months of World War II, American bombing raids claimed the lives of more than 900,000 Japanese civilians—not counting the casualties from the atomic strikes against Hiroshima and Nagasaki……

Why is it that U.S. public opinion is often so quick—though sometimes so slow—to support armed intervention abroad? What are the provocations that energize public opinion (at least some of it) for war—and how, if at all, is this "war lobby" related to the other elements of that opinion? The key to this warlike disposition, and to other important features of American foreign policy, is to be found in what I shall call its Jacksonian tradition, in honor of the sixth president of the United States……

If Jeffersonianism is the book-ideology of the United States, Jacksonian populism is its folk-ideology. Historically, American populism has been based less on the ideas of the Enlightenment than on the community values and sense of identity among the British colonizers who first settled this country. In particular, as David Hackett Fischer has shown, Jacksonian populism can be originally identified with a subgroup among these settlers, the so-called "Scots-Irish", who settled the back country regions of the Carolinas. and Virginia, and who went on to settle much of the Old West—West Virginia, Kentucky, parts of Indiana and Illinois—and the southern and south central states of Tennessee, Missouri, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas. Jacksonian populism today has moved beyond its original ethnic and geographical limits. Like country music, another product of Jacksonian culture, Jacksonian politics and folk feeling has become a basic element in American consciousness that can be found from one end of the country to the other.

The Scots-Irish were a hardy and warlike people, with a culture and outlook formed by centuries of bitter warfare before they came to the United States. Fischer shows how, trapped on the frontiers between England and Scotland, or planted as Protestant colonies in the hostile soil of Ireland, this culture was shaped through centuries of constant, bloody war. The Revolutionary struggle and generations of savage frontier conflict in the United States reproduced these conditions in the New World; the Civil War—fought with particular ferocity in the border states—renewed the cultural heritage of war.

I hope I am wrong.

One more brick in the wall

Over at TalkLeft a reader quoted this from Hussein Obama.

I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world,

The problem with this is that I cannot remember any of those “best impulses.” Instead all I have read/seen about is hundreds and hundreds of years of rulers oppressing their people, killing Jews, infidels and other Muslims who are of a different sect. This includes the current group who don’t grasp the desire for change that Hussein is selling, and who can’t quite seem to grasp the necessity of rounding up and killing the terrorists who are determined to return the world to the 7th century.

The more I read/hear what he has said the more I come to understand that he is, at best, educated but clueless. It is frightening to think of having this man as President trying to negotiate with, say, Iran. He will make Chamberlain look like Dr. Strangelove.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Wish I had said that.

…….Obama, on the other hand, sounded like a man who believed all wisdom came from term papers.

The audience seemed to consist mainly of young people, who, with their whoopin' and cheerin', provided a good case for raising the voting age to 30. Make that 35. Would you go to 40?

The above is from William Katz at Urgent Agenda, one of the best new blogs on the Internet. Of course he has an advantage; he is knowledgeable, smart and can write.

It also falls squarely into the “Wish I had said that” category.

And never have I seen the ignorance of youth demonstrated so well as by the cadres of Hussein ditto heads. You need go no further than listening to them explain that using someone else’s words without attribution is not Plagiarism while ignoring dictionaries and other reference works.

is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement.

Evidently part of the “Change” that Hussein invokes includes changing the meaning of words. He surely makes Humpty Dumpty proud.

But "glory" doesn't mean "a nice knock-down argument,"' Alice objected.
`When _I_ use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.'
`The question is,' said Alice, `whether you CAN make words mean so many different things.'
`The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master - - that's all.'
Lewis Carrol “Through The Looking Glass.”

Through The Looking Glass Humpty Dumpty.




Thursday, February 21, 2008

Did you ever

have a discussion with someone and after walking away think of a dozen things you would like to have said??

I think most of us have.

A few months ago on another blog one of the Left Wing commentators drew himself up and declared that I had said he was un-patriotic and that he was insulted. To my shame I assured him that I didn’t mean to imply that he was.

What I should have said was this.

I understand that you consider yourself a patriot. That you embrace this delusion is your right, and I do not challenge the fact that you believe. But belief does not confer fact.

And the fact that you think you are does not mean that I must agree with you, or in fact do agree with you. In fact, I do not. What I believe is that you are terribly misinformed and are the end result of a failed education system and a life experience that, evidently, is so different from mine that I cannot imagine how you came to embrace the causes you do and the positions you espouse. But that is your life and your problems.

All I can do is offer my sympathy.

Further to my comments last night regarding

Wal-Mart, I decided to write them a letter. It is as follows.

February 21, 2008

Mr. Lee Scott
Chief Executive Officer
Wal-Mart Incorporated
702 S.W. 8th St.
Bentonville, AR 72716-8611

Dear Mr. Scott:

I note the following AP news story.

“AP - RIVERDALE, Utah (Feb. 20) -- Wal-Mart Stores Inc. apologized to a Muslim woman who said she was mocked because of her face veil.

"Please don't stick me up," a cashier told the shopper on Feb. 2, according to The Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Wal-Mart apologized Monday in a letter signed by Rolando Rodriquez, a vice president and regional general manager. It was released Tuesday by the council's Nevada chapter.

"I can assure you that the associate in question was disciplined in accordance with our employment policies as a result of the situation," Rodriguez said without disclosing details.

Rodriguez said employees at the Riverdale store would undergo "sensitivity training," specifically in the Islamic faith and Muslim culture.”

This is utter nonsense. What should have been done is to explain to the complainer that in our culture, in the country that she came to under her own free will, people do not go around with their face covered, and that those who do are often and usually regarded with suspicion.

You should have then said that you apologized if the joke offended her, but no harm was meant, and that Wal-Mart would be glad to work with her, and other Muslims, to help them better understand the culture of the United States. You should have then extended the same offer to CAIR.

Of course that would have required a small degree of courage. Something Wal-Mart did not exhibit in the face of pressure from an organization, CAIR that the US Government has designated as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the case against the Holy Land Foundation. (If you are unfamiliar, Google has about 21,800 hits on the subject.)

Mr. Lee Scott page 2 of 2

Now I understand that a commercial organization has a great reluctance to become involved in such things as national politics and thus can be easily pushed around by a lobbying organization that claims to represent a segment of the US population. But if you expect your customers to show loyalty to you, you must show that you believe in the values of this country. And one of those values is that all are welcome who want to become Americans. However, a dogged utilization of traditional dress and a demonstrated sensitivity to what, at worst, was an ill considered joke does not demonstrate a desire to be assimilated into our culture. Your demonstrated support of the actions by the Muslin female and CAIR are unacceptable. I again suggest the remedy I offered earlier in this letter.

Sir, the vast, vast, vast largest number of your customers are the American middle class. Working men and women who have fought, bled and died for the country and the freedoms we all hold dear. In fact, the Wal-Mart employee who has been “disciplined” most likely has a family member, a friend or a family member of a friend who has served in the military to protect the rights and “feelings” that seem to be in play in this matter.

As you can tell by the address I live in a small town, and I was pleased when you opened a Super Center about a year ago. Having been a Wal-Mart customer since the early eighties I looked forward to the better selection and competitive prices I expected you to provide, and have rewarded you with annual business in the neighborhood of $9,000.

It would be difficult to totally quit doing business with you, but let me assure you that you have lost my good will, and I think millions of other Americans like me. I will do my best to reduce my business level with you to the bare minimum and to actively seek other companies to do business with.


I don't exect a reply. If you would like to call them, the number is 479-277-7000.

This from my old bud Ron

It's a bit old, but everything around me is... In any event, it's a good'un.


A woman married three times walked into a bridal shop one day and told the sales clerk that she was looking for a wedding gown for her fourth wedding.

"Of course, madam," replied the sales clerk, "exactly what type and color dress are you looking for?"

The bride to be said: "A long frilly white dress with a veil."

The sales clerk hesitated a bit, then said, "Please don't take this the wrong way, but gowns of that nature are considered more appropriate for brides who are being married the first time - for those who are a bit more innocent, if you know what I mean? Perhaps ivory or sky blue would be nice?"

"Well," replied the customer, a little peeved at the clerk's directness, "I can assure you that a white gown would be quite appropriate.

"Believe it or not, despite all my marriages, I remain as innocent as a first-time bride.

"You see, my first husband was so excited about our wedding, he died as we were checking into our hotel.

"My second husband and I got into such a terrible fight in the limo on our way to our honeymoon that we had that wedding annulled immediately and never spoke to each other again."

"What about your third husband?" asked the sales clerk.

"That one was a Democrat," said the woman, "and every night for four years, he just sat on the edge of the bed and told me how good it was going to be, but nothing ever happened."

Algore fails again

My deck was iced over again this morning and yesterday I heard that this is the coldest winter in 10 years. Where oh where I ask is Global Warming when you need it?? Nothing from the MSM, of course, they are waiting for a hot day in July.

One of the puzzles of man made GW is this. If it is caused by Global Warming, shouldn’t we be having a steady progression of increases?? Do we have some years when our use of carbon fuels is less than the previous??

On a political note we find that the use to be Newspaper of Record, after endorsing John McCain has now published a hit piece. Leaving me to speculate on several things.

The NYT knew of this when they endorsed McCain for the Repub nomination. Why did they endorse him? If their claims are true it certainly calls into question their judgment, or lack there off.

But whether it is true, or not, their strategy was simple. First, try and help McCain beat Romney. And then, destroy McCain. That would leave Huckabee who is unelectable on a national level. There is a word for publications that do such things. And the word is not “newspaper.” Try “Democratic Party Magazine.”

Then there is this. Their sources are unknown.

Now I understand that protecting sources can be a good and necessary thing. When, that is, the source is outing someone in industry and/or government who has broken the law, and of whom the source is fearful. But the continual leakages of “claims” associated with politics is damnable at best and should not be allowed. Destroying people using “unnamed sources” for political gain is over the edge.

If the two people who made the claims about McCain are so concerned about him becoming President that they “tell on him” to the NYT, let them come forward.
In this case they may have picked a fight with a guy who is known for being tough, and John McCain is tough. He didn’t survive all those years of torture when he was a POW by being weak. I expect we will see the NYT hide behind the sources who aren't willing to support their claims in the open air. I expect McCain to just note he has called them on it.

There is an old parable that goes:

“If you attack a King you must kill him.”

Unless the NYT proves their charges they will unite the Republican base and other conservatives behind him and assure his elections.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More PC silliness

AP - RIVERDALE, Utah (Feb. 20) -- Wal-Mart Stores Inc. apologized to a Muslim woman who said she was mocked because of her face veil.

"Please don't stick me up," a cashier told the shopper on Feb. 2, according to The Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Wal-Mart apologized Monday in a letter signed by Rolando Rodriquez, a vice president and regional general manager. It was released Tuesday by the council's Nevada chapter.

"I can assure you that the associate in question was disciplined in accordance with our employment policies as a result of the situation," Rodriguez said without disclosing details.

Rodriguez said employees at the Riverdale store would undergo "sensitivity training," specifically in the Islamic faith and Muslim culture.

I have to wonder if Wal-Mart would allow me to shop in a wind breaker and ski mask??

This is just too much. I don’t think it wrong to simply say, “If you don’t like my culture in my country then you should go home.

My impassioned pleading

to Pope Algore has worked. He has released the spirits of global warming and this morning we had a warm 50 degrees at 8 AM. A grateful nation thanks him. My bank account thanks him. The utility company has issued an all points bulletin for his arrest.

But the heretics continue their denial, giving us this to consider.

Back in 1991, before Al Gore first shouted that the Earth was in the balance, the Danish Meteorological Institute released a study using data that went back centuries that showed that global temperatures closely tracked solar cycles.

I mean really? The sun’s out put effects the temperature of the Earth? How gauche and out of style can you be?? But worse was written. Close the door and make sure no children read this:

Solar activity fluctuates in an 11-year cycle. But so far in this cycle, the sun has been disturbingly quiet. The lack of increased activity could signal the beginning of what is known as a Maunder Minimum, an event which occurs every couple of centuries and can last as long as a century.
Such an event occurred in the 17th century. The observation of sunspots showed extraordinarily low levels of magnetism on the sun, with little or no 11-year cycle.
This solar hibernation corresponded with a period of bitter cold that began around 1650 and lasted, with intermittent spikes of warming, until 1715. Frigid winters and cold summers during that period led to massive crop failures, famine and death in Northern Europe.

Repeat after me. Pay no attention to these actual records and known facts. Projections and computer models are always more accurate.

Link to source.

Onward to the politics of the hopeful.

I read somewhere yesterday that Republicans are being urged to cross party lines in the Texas Demo primary and vote for Hussein. The claim is that is, at last, the chance to drive a stake through the Billarypire’s heart and dispatch her for ever… subject that is, to a rerun in 2012..

How anyone with Hillary’s negatives, more than 50% claim to dislike her, could expect to win is beyond me. Even more beyond me is why the Hillary haters want to beat her in a primary by voting for a politician that has become a pop icon that is beloved by the Left and about which the harshest thing that can be said about is that he is vacant of any thought beyond, “Hussein want to be President.” Telling his fans that he knows nothing is an exercise in futility. Remember. All of them believe in man made global warming. Need I say more?

Me? I would rather face an opponent in the GE that has the aforementioned 50 plus percent negatives. But that’s just ole logical me.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Well, this settles it for me

BURLINGTON, Vt. (Feb. 18) -- The founders of Ben & Jerry's endorsed Barack Obama on Monday, and lent his Vermont campaign two "ObamaMobiles" that will tour the state and give away scoops of "Cherries for Change" ice cream.

Yes sir, that does it. No doubt.

"What we saw is that when you want real change it's not a marketing slogan. You have to do things differently. And that is not going to be done by someone who's been involved in the system for years and years," Greenfield said. "It needs to come from inside and Barack Obama has it."

What the above paragraph means is known only to Hussein fanatics. I mean if it can't come from someone who has been involved in the system yet it must come from inside.... well, I guess Ben and Jerry can explain how they came to Hussein.

Of course I don't think Hussein has ever had a job outside of politics...

Take off

It was spitting snow earlier this morning, so I must assume that Pope Algore of the Church of Global Warming remains in hiding. Whether or not this means his members have grown restless due to his inability to deliver is not known. But one can hope, as Hussein would say.

Speaking of the Man Who Would Save Us, I note this comment from a column from Froma Harrop.

Volunteer trainees at Camp Obama are told not to talk issues with voters, but to offer personal testimony about how they "came" to Obama. Makes the skin crawl

Yes, it does make the skin crawl. They edge closer to a theocracy every day.

And to make it complete, Hussein’s wife has noted:

“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwauke crowd today, “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

Evidently she has been living in a cave. Or else she is so self centered that anything that doesn’t advance her position has no value.

After considering the lack of caves in Chicago and DC I believe it is the “me me” syndrome shining through.



Monday, February 18, 2008

Unbelievers and what to do about them.

A classmate has sent me an email in which a person named Kathy Griffin made some outlandish comments and my classmate noted that she would not support/view, etc., events in which she appeared.

To be honest I had never heard of Kathy Griffin, but her comments piqued my interest on several levels, so I Googled her up and found this:

LOS ANGELES — Before Kathy Griffin won a creative arts Emmy last weekend for her reality show….

In her speech, Griffin said that "a lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus." She went on to hold up her Emmy, make an off-color remark about Christ and proclaim, "This award is my god now!"

It always intrigues me when someone who obviously depends on the public for whatever successes that may enjoy does something any intelligent person would know would anger a large chunk of that public.

Now if you assume that Ms Griffin is not dumber than a door knob then you come to two conclusions.

A. She doesn’t care because you are wrong and she really is dumb.

B. She doesn’t care because she knows that such statements will actually help her career among those who watch her show.

I pick door “B.” Simply put there are a large number of people in this country who are ignorant as to what Christianity is all about, and what Christianity has accomplished. To them nasty comments about Christianity is proof of the commentators’ sophisticated view of the world and her disdain of the dummies who get up, go to work every day and try to maintain a small amount of decorum and respect in the world. Her fans are the rightful heirs to the “Barbarians at the Gate” that destroyed Rome and launched the world into the Dark Ages. Without them Ms. Griffin would not exist in her present state.

So I do not blame her, I place the blame on those who created and sustained her. The answer is just as my classmate said. Don’t watch. Don’t buy. Flip the channel. The marketplace is the answer.

As to her statements, someone should sit her down and explain to her that she can say such things because our country is unique in the world because our rights are God given, not by man. Without that belief then our rights are not protected, and depend on man rather than God. Such beliefs have universally proved to be founded on sand and wash away at the first sign of flood.

As to the correctness of her statements, time will give her a clearer understanding.

Source link to Fox News.

You may see the

icon for Digg below the posts. Please feel free to submit any that you find worthy.
I will be adding other "reader submitted" sites in the future!

Can you figure this out??

Delegates at a US-Islamic forum voiced support on Monday for US presidential hopeful Barack Obama,

Link to source.

Where else did they have to go?

Hillary is a female, so she's out.

McCain sang.. "Bomb bomb bomb... bomb bomb Iran...well, that kind of blows him out of the picture

And then we have the name... Barack Hussien Obama.

Who do you think would win?

Pope Algore continues to withhold

the blessings of his Global Warming and this morning is frosty despite my driving my truck an insane amount over the weekend. Perhaps the evil GW doubters have secretly found a way to thwart the effects of the nasty carbon dioxide.

More likely, of course, is that the sun continues on its natural cycle of reduced output. But don’t tell the UN officials in charge of wasting our money or the Weather Channel lady. The former have no idea of what is going on and the latter knows everything, but has no idea of what is causing it.

On the national front we are told that the Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor, Zbig Brzezinski did not visit Israel as advertised, but instead returned to the US. No reason is known, but some think he was recalled by Hussein when he decided that he should wait until he is President before asking Israel to surrender to Syria.

If so that was a wise move. Israel’s answer will most likely be unprintable. Now and then.

In news of no particular importance we find that the NBA’s team in Seattle is making news by threatening to move to Oklahoma City if the citizens don’t build them a suitable home. The citizens, to my surprise, are saying, “No, and have a nice trip.”

I say “to my surprise” because, when I lived there in the mid eighties, I found the locals to be tough, level headed hard working people. But in recent years it appeared that enough Californians had moved in to dilute the commonsense factor to a very low level. Perhaps the price reductions of $1,000,000 homes to $900,000 homes has seized their attention.

As to the good people of Oklahoma City, that hand you feel on your wallet has a basketball in the other.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

It doesn't get any better than this


But you have to ask what the heck was the City Fathers of Reno doing.

Bump and Update.

A lady from Canada commented the following regarding my post, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” I think it is so good that I decided to post it. She writes:

I saw that video on another blog. I did not comment. I'm not even sure I have the right to comment because we don't have this problem here. In my mind my question was: do you need a citizen-vigilante to correct the situation? Can't you call City Hall, notify the authorities, let the proper people do the job? Would it be done if you try it that way?

To get the disagreement up front and out of the way, yes Canada has this problem. The difference is that it is not yet seen by many Canadians. As your larger cities develop neighborhoods, as in England, Holland, Germany, France and others that become de facto enclaves where Sharia law is allowed to control they will see the light. The flag will be different and the results worse.

And do you have a right to comment? Absolutely. We Americans can not claim to be for free speech and then deny others. For better or worse, it is always important to see yourself as others see you.

As to, do we need citizen-vigilante, the answer is obviously yes. City Hall saw the same news that he did, and did nothing. They did nothing because politicians are basically afraid of everything. If they dispatched the police they would lose votes. First from the Hispanic community, then from the fuzzy heads who claim that we need no borders and finally from the Left wingers who, for whatever reason, hate this country. And since so few citizens vote, the loss of a few votes could cost them their jobs.

So while they dithered and blathered, this one man acted. He acted reasonably, calmly and with no threats and no harm to others.

On station

I once saw a video of a religious event in which people spoke in tongues and handled snakes. Now we have members of the Church of Hussein fainting, as shown on this video.


So far it appears to be limited to the fairer sex, but who knows when the boys will start collapsing from the strain of holding up all those “Change” signs and start taking a one up in the mux.

Actually fainting is not all that hard to do. Simply stand up and lock your knees. In about 60 seconds the loss of blood/oxygen to the brain will result in an effective and undeniable faint. Of course the question becomes, will it hurt you?? Well, given that loss of blood/oxygen to the brain does no one any good, I don’t recommend it. But given that these are Hussein supporters, who knows?? You have to assume a certain amount of gray matter to assume damage.

Some have started questioning if these faints are staged.

Doubting Thomas link

I have no answer to such questions, but based on the screams and shouts, I would guess that the answer to:

“Will you lay down for Obama?”

would be “yes!”

And I wonder… I have a friend who confessed to attending some demonstrations during the 60’s. When I chided him the truth, or at least an acceptable excuse, came out.

It was a great place to meet girls, he noted.


The influence of Pope Algore continues as the outside temperature is a balmy 43 degrees. The consumer of my dollars, aka the central heating systems, have not clicked on for at least 30 minutes and the dog hasn’t brought me her sweater.

Smart dog, although I suspect she is a Hussein Democrat. And why not? She has no knowledge of the economic system that provides her dog food, growls and barks at the German Shepard that patrols the yard and tries very hard to be friendly with her enemy, the cat.

The cat displays great disdain for her, except for when he wants something. He will then walk over and stretch out near her. She will immediately run around in circles barking in joy. Yes, there is no doubt. She is a Jimmy Carter Democratic. Ooops, I meant a Hussein Democrat. My apologies to all, but please grant me that it is hard to tell the difference.

In international affairs, it is not known if Hussein’s delegates to the Syrian dictator and Hizbollah supporter will return for a requiem visit regarding the killing of Imad Mughniyeh, the Hizbollah terror master, or if sufficient groveling was accomplished during the visit this week. I am waiting to see if Hussein’s web site establishes a contribution link to help defray Imad's funeral costs.

The house dog will remain in mourning for a fortnight. The German Shepard has displayed a fair amount of happiness. I must caution him that unseemly acts regarding the fate of our enemies are not permited. After all, can't we all just get along?

In environmental news, the AP touts more nonsense regarding 1 meter sea rises and ocean pollution. This is a new high, given that it is a double dip of disaster.

In the meantime, no explanation is forthcoming from the United Nations panels on scare mongering on what caused the Little Ice Age, much less the last real one. I read somewhere that there has been no increase in global temps for three years. I remain hopeful that we are not preparing for the wrong disaster.

On to more important things.

To those who see the Lady Vols loss by 16 points to the Lady Tigers of LSU after leading by 19 points early on as retribution of biblical proportions for their one point win over Rutgers, arguably helped by the officials, I can only say that I do not have a better reason.

And I suspect neither does Coach Summit.

As to the bad call at the end of the Rutgers game, and all the whining that has ensued, I would only note that if you can show me that there were no other bad/no calls then I will accept your complaints.

The foul was called because it was a “hard foul,” not a ticky tacky push or reach in. The referee’s timing may have been bad, but the message was simple. No such nonsense at the end of a game. This is the US and not a soccer stadium in Europe or England.

Bad/No calls in sports happen, just as they do in life. All the gadgets and science can’t stop them. Hopefully they even out. At least in sports. It is, after all, just a game.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Rejoice dear hearts!

Pope Algore has heard my pleas and delivered a warm 43 degrees this morning. Thank you. Thank you. My carbon footprint was very expensive in January and February is also looking way above average. But I now have some hope of being able to pay the utility bill with only a third mortgage on the Palatial Retirement Compound.

And if Valentine’s Day comes, can summer be far behind? Since the local utility has hinted at a 25% electric rate increase in May, just in time for summer air conditioning, the answer is a solid, “Yes!”

In the meantime Mayor Bloomberg, he of New York City, has told us the US is starting to look more and more like a third world country. Perhaps if he would get busy and start arresting all the intercultural sojourners, aka illegal aliens in the city that never sleeps, it would start resembling the US rather than Mexico. Sorry to be snippy, but if that offends you, deal with it.

Oh. Wait. He was talking about the economic situation. Here. Let me try again. If he would get busy arresting all the intercultural sojourners, aka illegal aliens in the city that never sleeps he could save millions and open up jobs for legal residents who would pay taxes and not suck up all the welfare money… Who knows? Perhaps his example would encourage other City and State Fathers to act for the citizens rather than the Special Interest Groups that represent the intercultural sojourners.

Nahhh. Never happen.

Continuing my nasty mood, I have read several articles noting that NYC has an epidemic of bed bugs. Others have noted the spread of head lice and TB across the fruited plain. These diseases were almost gone back in the unenlightened 50’s, yet here they are back in play. Am I wrong in noting their re-introduction to the urban masses coincides with the influx of millions of intercultural sojourners…. all without health examinations…. which were required in past years when legal immigration was the norm??

Just to get in one last dig at the environmental wackos, I also note that the ability to cheaply kill mosquitoes – DDT - was taken to save the birds… and now millions of humans die of malaria, yellow fever and other mosquito transmitted diseases in third world countries.

But leaving the above victims to the tender mercies of the UN, I return to my native land.

Recently, however, a large number of individuals have immigrated to the United States from nations with vector-borne diseases. Many of these immigrants are arriving illegally without being screened for disease. As a result, some of them may serve as a reservoir for diseases such as malaria and dengue.

From Lou Dobbs? No. From the State of Maryland Department of Agriculture.

All terrorist take note.

The FISA bill allowing the Feds to listen to/read the conversations/emails of NON- US citizens suspected of speaking with other terrorists outside the US with consuming hours and hours of legal spleagle expires tomorrow night. Feel free to thank the anti-war crowd and the party of surrender for this ability to plan terrorist attacks without fear of being caught.

Source Link

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Take off

The cold weather remains. Someone please send me Algore’s email address so that I may send him a message imploring him to invoke some global warming.

But it didn’t snow, much to the disappointment of my Grandson who had visions of snow days dancing in his head. I explained that snow days had to be made up at the end of the school year, but he met that with the indifference of a Leftie Demo listening to an explanation of the War On Terror and why we should be concerned. Of course my Grandson is a child and the Leftie Demos are, at least physically, adults. His motto and their motto is “That is then. Now is now.”

He is a work in progress. They are who they are.

In the meantime I carefully listened to a “Body Language” expert on “Fox and Friends” opine that McNafee was relaxed while explaining that he lied then, but wasn’t now. Clemens she noted was tense… Now let me see. Here we have a guy who had to have it explained to him that selling illegal drugs made him a drug dealer and she thinks that him appearing relaxed means something. The other guy has stated his innocence, is under oath in front of a Congressional Committee and a 100 million or so TV audience... and she finds him being tense meaningful? Well, yes. It does. It means he is human.

I believe Clemens. All he had to do was tearfully admit wrong doing, pledge to never do it again while noting that it was the hitters doing it that made him do it and he would have been forgiven with not more than a 10 second sound bite on ESPN2.

Instead he has put himself at risk for a perjury trial, spent a million, or more, and subjected himself and his family to intense scrutiny. Those aren’t the acts of a guilty guy who could have just slipped by.

In the meantime the media and the blogs are busily condemning Congress for what politicians do so well. Waste their time and our money. This point was brought home by my favorite news guy, the Holly Springs, MS ex-pat, Shepard Smith. He also asked why we were watching. Uh, Shep. The same reason you are broadcasting and why NASCAR is so popular. Morbid curiosity and wanting to watch some guy get destroyed is always a money maker.

Returning to the “body language” lady, she closed by noting that body language reading could be wrong, but that it was a science. Uh huh. I’ll bet you ten bucks to a George W that she knows her astrological forecast… every day.

At altitude

On a more happier note we find that Imad Mughniyah, Master Terrorist has been killed in Syria. By a car bomb. Sometimes people get back what that they give. And was that the devil I heard laughing?

The killing occurred in Syria and is thought to be the work of Israel. I can hardly wait for the news conference by Hussein of Chicago condemning such acts of terror.

Finally, we have this from USA Today where it is said:

The cost of government benefits for seniors soared to a record $27,289 per senior in 2007, according to a USA TODAY analysis.

That's a 24% increase above the inflation rate since 2000. Medical costs are the biggest reason. Last year, for the first time, health care and nursing homes cost the government more than Social Security payments for seniors age 65 and older. The average Social Security benefit per senior in 2007 was $13,184.

Three things.

First I paid a lot more in taxes than that each year for at least the last 15 so find something else to whine about.

Secondly, Social Security is not a “benefit.” It is money that they took being returned to its rightful owner.

Finally, Medicaid pays for nursing homes. Medicaid is a state program. You would think the AARP would know that.

USA Today

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

On station

Some of you may have noticed that my previous post was titled "First Out" but became "Mid morning" out.

The problem was that my internet service, which had evidenced a problem whenever two drops of rain fell, became worse and worse after last week's demonstration that tornados can destroy almost anything man can build. Union University, a Baptist Institution was a fine example of that and I expect donations to come pouring in from thru out the world any year now...

Anyway, the telephone company showed up just as I was completing, and went straight to work. They assure me that they have corrected the problem and that my blatherings won't be interrupted in the future. Yes. I am sure. Uh huh.

But onward! Ever ownward! Looking for rogue submarines and other such nasties that could cause us harm and trouble.

Heading the list comes a memory of other stupid and arrogant acts by leaders of the Party of Surreder.

State Department officials said Thursday they made it quite clear they did not want Pelosi to visit Syria, a nation that is listed as a state sponsor of terror and is home to terror group Hezbollah, which started a low-grade war with Israel last summer.

Link to source.

And I am sure those who were pushed past the veils hiding Old Rot and his friends the Worm Patrols are comforted by dying in a “low grade” war. And this from FNC yet! But I digress.

That was April 7, 2007 and was despicable at best. It raised quite a row and many thought it was in direct violation of the Logan Act.

Link to source.

But now we find that one of Hussien Obama’s senior advisors has dashed off to Syria:

Zbigniew Brzezinski will travel to Damascus for meetings as part of a trip Syria's official Cham News agency described as an "important sign that the end of official dialogue between Washington and Damascus has not prevented dialogue with important American intellectuals and politicians."

Ah yes, the Z man. AKA known as Jimmy Carter’s NSA. Jimmy C of course is known for his ability to build houses, condemn Israel and helping create the mess we’re in because of his decision to not support the Sha of Iran in 1979. Way to go Jimmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course we always have the JUSTIFICATION for these actions.

An assistant to Mr. Brzezinski, Trudy Werner, told The New York Sun yesterday: "He is leading a delegation for RAND and they will be in Damascus. It is a high-level delegation and they are meeting with some high-level people in the region. There is no shortage of issues in the Middle East to discuss as I'm sure you know."

Uh, yes, Trudy. Lots of issues. Of course us ROF’s expect it to be done by duly elected governmental officials and such as those retained and used by them. It’s kinda a legal and constitutional thing, if you know what I mean.

Plainer. That would be POTUS and those he supervises….

So the problems with Hussein continue. His top adviser is a former Jimmy C guy. I wonder if those screaming teenagers actually know Jimmy C? Well, though it is as unlikely as me winning the World Series of Poker....

If any of them read this blog….Young ladies!!!!! The Z man is from the 70’s!!!! What is this? “Back to the Future 2008??”

Oh well, time to depart for Home Base. And here’s to a quick debrief and a large Stoly.

Link to source.

First out.

It’s cold this morning and it looks like more of the same for the next several days. This is not what I left the Queen City of the Plains for. Worse, it is spitting snow. Not the 40 inches type that Denver catches from time to time but the “nobody can drive on this sh*t and will run you over” kind.

My Grandson is protesting that school should be closed. To my story that I used to walk four miles to school barefoot in the snow, up hill both ways, he only answers, “Oh Grandad.”

Worse, I have pulled my usual act and put off getting a Valentine, candy and flowers for the love of my life. Sometimes today I will have to do some heroics. And to think I could have ordered roses through Sean, The Big Guy and Glen Beck.

Valentine has now become Christmas Redux with the merchants building expectations of Great Sex if you will dress her by Victoria Secret, put shiny baubles in her ears, candy on the table and pretty cards declaring your undying love.

Based on the divorce rates it appears there are also others things that have some importance.

Speaking of love.

It appears that Hussein Obama has won more delegates and the pundits are referring to his campaign as a “movement.” Having watched some of his fans, especially of the female gender, I prefer to think of it as a new religion. Many of them are only a step above drinking the poison kool aid if he should happen to suggest it would be helpful.

On the male side I wonder if they aren’t expecting 72 virgins to be provided by the Feds should they make the ultimate mistake and vote for Hussein. Sheer clothing, candy, cards and diamonds available upon request.

Double standards anyone??

And then we have Media Matters demanding that MSNBC quit demeaning Hillary, which has been translated into “all females” on many of the Leftie blogs. A petition is available for you to sign but not on this blog. Do your own work. Hussein’s shock troops have not been idle. They claim that the comments have been both sexist and racist. Expect to see more of this tripe from them in the future. Especially when some reporter who doesn’t care that he will suffer for it, asks some hard question of Hussein.

Like, “What changes are you actually talking about?” To all of Hussein’s lady fans I think we should remind them of the midlife change that lurks in their future, and ask how they think they will enjoy that. But I digress. If Hussein calls, what is a few million hot flashes??

The actual comments featured a guy named Shuster noting that Chelesa was “pimping” for Hillary. I do not know what was in his heart, but his head must have been empty if he thought such a comment would not immediately be attacked. Proving again that using words and phrases from the ‘hood should be left to those with a better claim to understanding what they mean.

Perhaps Jesse can come forward and apologize for using the expression “Hymie Town.”

And then we have Tucker Carlson, one of the two designated MSNBC Repubs and Conservatives who opined:

"I have often said, when she comes on television, I involuntarily cross my legs."

Which also has been attacked as sexist and racist. Exactly how a comment about a single person without referencing her sex or race can be sexist or racist escapes me but then I am not a fan of Hussein, Hillary or the Demo Left. The scary part is that we have people, a large number of people, who evidently think we should not say negative things about any minority or female…. That is, of course, stupid. But then again look at what we have to deal with.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Boulder proves Forest Gump correct.

In case you have forgot, Gump noted, "Stupid is as stupid does."

The city council of Boulder, CO is weighing whether or not to impeach Bush and Cheney.

Seems like a harmless little exercise in nonsense by a group of people with too few smarts and too much time on their hands, right?


Consider this.

Q: Was the American antiwar movement important to Hanoi's victory?

A: It was essential to our strategy. Support of the war from our rear was completely secure while the American rear was vulnerable. Every day our leadership would listen to world news over the radio at 9 a.m. to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement. Visits to Hanoi by people like Jane Fonda, and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and ministers gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses. We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was ashamed of American actions in the war and that she would struggle along with us.

Link to Bui Tin Interview

There are things the government should do.

And one of them is product safety. Oh, I know it seems that Big Brother has his nose in everything, but many times he does because industry won't fix a problem.

Case in point, antifreeze.

Conventional antifreeze tastes sweet to dogs, cats and other animals. The industry knew about this for years and did nothing. It leaks out of your auto and is lapped up by your dog, or maybe your neighbor's cat and the animal does of kidney failure. Solution? Put some chemical in the antifreeze that repels the animal. Simple, eh? Costly? No. Oh I know it costs something. But do you really believe it could be more than a few pennies?

What brought this up was the rant by one of our local talk radio drive time jocks who was complaining that the state had passed a law mandating that this be done. He's a sometimes libertarian and I agree with him sometimes, but this time he is off the chart wrong. His solution, of course, is to let the market fix the problem. Companies wanting to protect the animals can sell antifreeze with a bittering agent, companies that don't want to, don't.

What's next? Shall we get rid of the FAA? Let the airlines that want air control put their own system in place and pay for it. Those companies that don't want the expense can just fly VFR. Makes sense? No. Of course not.

And meat inspection. Why do it? If a company kills a few hundred consumers, well the survivors can sue. Right? Well, if they have enough money, sure.

I have a libertarian streak in my psyche. But I also have become old enough to know that a large part of that streak is based on the government sticking its nose in things that I don't want to be bothered by. e.g. I have car insurance and have always had car insurance. Why should the government make me prove I have car insurance? Because people lie. I like to drive fast. Why should the government have and enforce speed limits? Because some people drive too fast.

Common sense seems to be as lacking on the libertarian side as it is on the Leftie side.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Once upon a time


Looks like the air early warning barrier may be back in business.

Russian Bears Overfly Fleet

Solutions and solutions

I keep up with my vehicles’ gas mileage. Oh, not in any great detail, but it’s something I’ve always done, mostly out of curiosity as much as anything else. Plus, my newest vehicle has a computer that tells me it’s overall average as well a snapshot. Of course after a few thousand miles the average isn’t going to change absent some real radical movements.

So I also check it when I fill up. Just hit the trip odometer and divide. And again the results don’t vary very much. And yes, since I am product of public education of years ago, I can do such things without pen and paper, or hand held computer.

And being the frugal type I always buy the lowest price gas. That is unless it is Citgo, which I don’t use at all. So when I saw a sign saying $2.77.9 I drove in and filled up. I noticed the “10% Ethanol” on the pump. I don’t remember exactly what the mileage figure was, but it was close to the overall average of 25.6 mpg.

Now, imagine my surprise when the next fill-up came in at 23.7. That’s almost a 2 mph decrease. Close to 7.4%. And it jogged my memory that when I lived in Denver, every winter the gasoline was changed to reduce pollution. The additives were ethanol or MTBE. And every winter I noticed my gas mileage go down.

So I Googled up “ethanol” and discovered something. Ethanol, which is alcohol, has 34% less “power” than gasoline in equal volumes. Ergo. Ten percent ethanol results in less power. Less power means more fuel is burned to yield the same power required to pull my car around.

Now the use of ethanol as a fuel has been around for over a hundred years. It had many problems early on that existing technology couldn’t solve, plus it was more expensive than gasoline to produce. But in blends of up to 90%-10% it works well, except for the aforementioned loss of power, in the modern day internal combustion engines. Said engines can also be designed to use more ethanol and some countries have done exactly that. Brazil in particular.

The catch being that you must first have a ready source of ethanol, and cars that have been modified to run on fuel with much higher percentages of ethanol. The US has neither, although we are supposedly working to fix that.

So now comes the question. Why use ethanol?

First, fuel with 10% ethanol burns cleaner. Thus its use in Denver to fight pollution.

Secondly, the clean burning also reduces carbon dioxide which according to Algore’s Church of Global Warming, is going to destroy the earth and kill all the cute little polar bears.

Thirdly, it reduces the amount of gasoline used by 10%, thus reducing our dependence on foreign oil… All of the above is good, right?

Well, not exactly.

The pollution reduction in areas such as Denver looks like a cinch. It’s a seasonal fix of a known problem.

The global warming claim is shaky because it takes energy to run the equipment to produce ethanol and that energy produces carbon dioxide that is supposedly being reduced by the use of ethanol in autos. Question becomes, how much reduction are we talking about? I don’t know and I haven’t read enough information to convince me either way.

But I do know this. People drive to go places. If, at the end of the week, they have driven 250 miles using a fuel that yields 25 mpg they will have used 10 gallons.

If they have used a fuel that yields 23.7 mpg they will have used 10.54 gallons. So that one gallon savings now becomes .46 gallons. Not very much. And if you go back to the fuel consumed to produce the ethanol…. Well, it becomes smaller.

Over 50 years ago a science fiction writer named Robert Heinlein wrote: “TANSTAAFL”.

“There aint no such thing as a free lunch.”

Like it or not we are stuck in a world that runs on petroleum. Petroleum is plentiful and gasoline can be refined from it very inexpensively. In fact, petroleum is so plentiful that it is a commodity. And plentiful commodities should be cheap. Petroleum is not because a monopoly has been established to restrict the supply and the commodities markets have engaged in speculation on that supply.

Now if the monopoly’s profits were being used to improve the standard of living for its members’ citizens then you might be able to argue that the western world should pay to allow others to “catch up.” But it isn’t. The profits are being used to support the rulers who are also using them to pay protection from the radicals who would otherwise attack them. Said radicals, tolerated by the rulers, are also engaged in attacking the west.

Maybe it’s time to quit focusing exclusively on a technical solution and see if we have enough JP to fuel up the bombers.

Google Ethanol Fuel

The President of Mexico

is touring the US, and part of his agenda is reported to be to speak out
for the intercultural sojourners, aka illegal aliens.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Somebody tell this guy:

"Mexican go home!"

Sunday, February 10, 2008

F. Gump had a point

when he said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

The next time George Bush, or any other politician starts blathering about Islam being a “Religion of Peace,” remember this.

RIYADH — The National Society for Human Rights (NSHR), Saudi Arabia’s non-governmental rights body, will address the Governorate of Riyadh regarding Yara, a 36-year-old Jeddah-based businesswoman who was apprehended by the religious police and thrown in Al-Malaz Prison on Monday.

You may ask what her crime was.

Yara said she endured a humiliating and frightening hours-long ordeal that began with her arrest by a member of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice for having coffee with an unrelated man in a Starbucks cafe in Riyadh.

And then we have this from the Archbishop of Canterbury.

LONDON - Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual leader of the world's Anglicans, said on Thursday the introduction in Britain of some aspects of sharia, Islamic law, was unavoidable……..

His unexpected comments were welcomed by some Muslim groups

Oh, really? What a surprise.

There is no doubt, dear friends, that some people are educated beyond their intelligence.



Saturday, February 9, 2008

More on limit poker

Note that this is about limit poker, not No Limit, which is so popular on TV. Frankly, I think No Limit is ruining poker. First because it is much like flying. Hours and hours of boredom followed by minutes of stark terror, aka "thrills."

Secondly because too many poor players are playing it and losing too much money. That reduces the number of players, and that limits the number of tables and that limits the money the card room can make. Casinos don't believe in losing money. Especially when they can fill the space with One Armed Bandits. But I digress.

So you have had a few good hands beat by better hands and maybe better play. You’re in a tidy sum and the game has become progressively tighter as the other good players savior their win. And then he appears.

The Idiot.

A cheerful sort he returns all the greetings with a smile, buys some chips and sets himself down. Ah, you say to yourself, I have been rescued.

But you haven’t.

He cracks your pocket Aces with a 45 off suit. Your trip 10’s lose to his 96 when the river rings an 8. In the meantime he keeps smiling and stacking. Winning with trash on the river…. He is enjoying what is known as a “rush.” He has been hit with the “deck.”

Of course, everyone knows, he will “give it back.” The question is when, and to whom.

Now, if you play every day the odds are that you may get some of it. But if you are a recreational player, the odds are that you won’t be back tomorrow, or the day after…. The question is, what should a poor poker player do?

Take a long break. Quit for a few hours. Go to dinner. Go out to the parking lot and scream. Quit poker.

Or if you want to play and have a hand you want to play.

First, don’t raise in late position. All you do is entice him to call and, at the same time, bring in other players who might have mucked their hands but who now will play because of the pot odds. I mean how many people do you want in the hand with your KK? Oh. I know you’re supposed to raise to get people out, but a raise can also bring people in, especially if they are already in for one bet with six others. Your position raise merely makes a bigger pot and if you are not running well, you are increasing the competition by getting more people dedicated to playing to the river.

Secondly, do raise if you are acting almost directly behind The Idiot and have players behind you who have no money invested in the pot. This is especially true if The Idiot has demonstrated that he will almost always re-raise. The good players will know that they aren’t calling two bets, but three, maybe four if you re-raise.

Then just call to the river, or when you decide you are beat and fold, or better yet, when you are very sure you have him, raise and then value bet the river.

Now notice you have also done something else. You have limited the size of the pot, so even if he wins, he wins less. Remember, he isn’t playing the cards, he’s playing chips. By reducing the chips he can win you will gradually force him to buy more chips as the “rush” ends. At that point the question is, how much money does he want to dump in the game.

And remember. Keep smiling. Both when you are losing and when you are winning.

Dumber and dumber

I was on my cellphone this morning talking to a friend when it quit in mid sentence.
I thought it was the battery, but the battery charged, and then quit immediately...
so it's off to Verizon later...

Worse, I remembered that I had been adding telephone numbers for years to the phone, and had lost my hard copy.....

Hope to heck the SLIM can be popped into another phone and display the numbers...

I have long believed that he who dies with the most toys wins....and the toys will be what causes the fatal stroke.

Who's on First?

It's Saturday and the latest Abbott and Costello movie is on down at the Star Theater. Admission is 12 cents, popcorn a nickel and you will have 7 cents left over for gum and ice cream.

And even better! That girl who has ignored you for weeks said she might let you set by her.

Actually it's free! Enjoy the boys.


Please note that the spellchecker function of the blog is still broken.

This means that if I get lazy and don't do the off line/check copy/post step yuo muy finde a few errrers.

Delegates Delegates who's got the Delegates?

I know the Repubs are trashing around trying to figure out what is happening post Limbaugh, but if you want to chuckle, go over to some of the Leftie blogs and check out the arguments between Hussein supporters and Billary supporters over who has the lead.

Which leads me to wonder..... Since the Demos love to scream about transparency, ease of the voter to approach and understand the system.. who in the world invented the mess they have now? One source says they're even, one says Hussein is ahead, the other says Billary is ahead... Who knows? But my friend Earl tells me it was designed by Demos in southern Florida.... Hanging chads optional. Dimples standard on fat cheeks....

Link to TalkLeft

News Flash!

Dr. Dobson endorses Huckabee!!

Well, that settles it for me. No doubt. Yes sir, that's it.

Anybody wanna tell McCain it's over??

Friday, February 8, 2008

You knew it would happen again.

FEBRUARY 7--One of the "Jena Six" defendants was arrested yesterday for allegedly assaulting a fellow student at a Texas high school. Bryant Purvis, 19, was busted on the misdemeanor charge following an 8:30 AM altercation at Hebron High School in Carrollton, where his family relocated from Louisiana. According to the below arrest warrant affidavit, Purvis assaulted a male student he apparently suspected of vandalizing his auto. Along with choking the 18-year-old victim, the 6' 6" Purvis allegedly slammed the teenager's head on a table.

So I guess Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will show up to express sympathy for the victim?

Link to source article

All of this is nutso stuff I don't know what happened at Jenna, but there is no doubt in my mind that the media attention apparently gave the young man the belief that he could do as he pleased rather than the understanding that he had to keep himself under control. And no, I am not saying he is guilty this time, but the siuation looks grim.

Background article Christian Science Monitor

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I have got what I wanted.

I hope I will want what I have got.

Based on McCain's speech to CPAC members today I think I will, and I think the country will.

Here is a link to McCain's speech as printed on Powerline.

Am I smarter than the pundits??

Nope, don't think so. But when I read things like this from the NYTimes, I wonder.

But one of the most intriguing finding in the surveys of voters leaving the polls across the nation on Tuesday was when they arrived at their final decision.....when there was a sense that he was creating a movement that cut across racial and generational lines, there was a steady movement of Democrats toward Mr. Obama, the survey suggested. But those who reported making their decision on the last day bucked the trend, tending to vote for Mrs. Clinton, of New York.

Loooking back, I always understood that people who delay a decision are usually confused, weighing many factors. Unable to reach a decision they will almost always go with what they were previously comfortable with. In sales this meant that if you were the incumbent supplier you would push for a quick decision. If you were trying to unseat the incumbent you wanted to string things out. Let the customer get comfortable with you and your company.

Maybe the talking heads need less journalism school and more real world. Cancel that "maybe."

Editorial note: When I speak of sales I am not speaking of retail type sales, but big ticket complex sales. Marketing and advertising have a large impact on the former while specifications and relationships drive the latter.

NYT Article