Florida's Congress critters has a bill in front of Crist to eliminate tenure in Florida's education system.
And I just love the article.
Three years ago, Elena San Pedro was a single mother of two struggling in a dead-end job that required so many hours during tax season, she feared her children no longer recognized her.
That's when she turned to teaching.
Besides giving her tools to help her autistic son, the profession offered stability, time with her kids and, with a few more degrees, opportunities for advancement.
Uh, Elena. Do you think we would have more confidence in you if you took the job because you liked to TEACH?
"I've already discussed with my family the possibility of moving to Georgia," said San Pedro, 29, a junior honors student majoring in special education at the University of South Florida in Tampa.
May I suggest you don't let the door hit you in the fanny on the way out? And Be careful around Waycross. There might be a patrol around writing tickets for speeders from FL.
And I love this.
Sherman Dorn, a professor in USF's College of Education, said the trade-off mentality — less money, but more security — is alive and well among educators.
"What job conditions are necessary in order to attract effective teachers and keep them in their jobs and ensure that they stay effective?" he said.
Well Sherm, the rest of us work under a system that says if you become ineffective you can be fired without three dozen reviews, four law suits and ten years to get it done.
I mean it ain't like K-12 is known for turning out well educated students with positive attitudes about our country. Maybe you folks should spend less time singing "Barack Obama Hmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm" and more times saying things like "The square root of 9 is 3....The reading assignment tomorrow is the Constitution..."
That's just us, Sherm. But pay no attention to the folks who are paying for the schools. We're just the boss of bosses and we just spoke in FL.
Maybe Pedro will have room in his car for you.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1