Well the Lame Stream Media have been heralding Obamies masterful handling of the terrorist attacks all day, so there isn't much I can add, but I will try.
Let's start off by noting that a US flagged ship hasn't been attacked by pirates for 200 years and we haven't had an attack on US property, leaving Iraq and Afghanistan out of the picture where we are fighting a war, since 9/11.
Yet in not quite three months after we had Obamie pandering and groveling over Arab TV, pandering to the Europeans and the Turks and kissing SA's kings hand... guess what?
We had an attack.
You can call me suspicious, but I see a connection there.
Now I suppose I could mention that Obamie, after hiding out for three days didn't actually give the order to attack... But I wouldn't want to be accused of being ungrateful. But what do you think?
A top military official, Vice Adm. William E. Gortney, commander of the Fifth Fleet, explained that Obama issued a standing order that the military was to act ***if*** the captain's life was in ***immediate danger.***
Now you can call me suspicious, again.... But that looks like a CYA to me. If the results are good, Obamie is a hero. If the results are bad we have Obamie issuing "regrets" and "unnamed officials" noting how poor the Captain of the USS Bainbridge's judgement was. (And scratch one career.)
Of course things worked out fine and Obamie can bask in the glow of a naval Captain doing Obamie's job..... But the terrorists must have noted a few things.
Obamie did nothing until he had a chance to read pubic opinion.
His first move wasn't military but negotiation and he stuck with that. It was the military who actually took command and won under the belief that the Alabama's Captain was in harm's way.
So the next time they will...
Make sure that there can be no excuse for military action by the military. The fate and condition of the hostages will not be known until after the terrorists get what they want.
Obamie will fold up like yesterday's newspaper around garbage. He has taught the terrorists that and this incident hasn't changed their minds.