Sunday, March 7, 2010

What the IoP said

A few days ago I posted this:

The Institute of Physics, which represents 36,000 physicists across Britain and the world, has told a Commons inquiry into Climategate that the controversial emails at the centre of the storm represent "prima facie evidence of determined and co-ordinated refusals to comply with honourable scientific traditions".

In short, the IoP has called into question the integrity of the entire field of climate change.


Well, the next day they decided to clarify what didn’t need to be clarified.

IOP’s position on global warming is clear: the basic science is well established and there is no doubt that climate change is happening and that we should be taking action to address it now.

The evidence to the Committee was focused however on the need to maintain the integrity, openness and unbiased nature of the scientific process. The key points it makes are ones to which we are deeply committed – ie that science should be communicated openly and reviewed in an unbiased way. However much we sympathise with the way in which CRU researchers have been confronted with hostile requests for information, we believe the case for openness remains just as strong.


We’ll lay aside the fact that there is a great deal of dispute about the science and that the carbon dioxide levels haven’t been rising and that water vapor and clouds are the new villians… We’ll just say hold that for later. Now, what else did the IoP say? Oh, that climate is changing. Okay, no problem. It is changing. It’s not getting warmer.

But what did the IoP say?

The Institute of Physics, which represents 36,000 physicists across Britain and the world, has told a Commons inquiry into Climategate that the controversial emails at the centre of the storm represent "prima facie evidence of determined and co-ordinated refusals to comply with honourable scientific traditions".
In short, the IoP has called into question the integrity of the entire field of climate change.

Let me try and break this down so that even the Leftie Global Warming Nuts get it.

The Baseball Writers of America (that’s the IoP) has just said that the team statisticians (that's the "scientists" in question) are cheating by calling singles doubles, doubles home runs and giving the home team 4 strikes before they are out…. Among other things.

So the Baseball Writers have called them to task.

In the meantime, all records for the past 10 years or so are not believable and should not be used for anything, much less as a justification to give anyone any money!

BTW – Part of this was brought up by the banned commentator, Dark Avenger. But since he is banned for other reasons it was deleted.

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On Twitter I am Lesabre1

Best movies of the past 60 years

At one time we had this.

Now we have this.

How do you like that changey thing?

I probably should write something deep and profound about the 2009 Oscar nominees but since the nearest I have come to an adult move in the last 12 months was taking my grandson to see “Indiana Jones and the Support Hose….” No, wait. I did purchase a DVD of “Gran Torino.” Gesh. Pukingly PC.

And of course everyone has to have their “best” list.


Movies should be enjoyed. I get an immediate gag reflex whenever I hear or read some nummy nummy opining deeply about a movie. Color me insensitive but I just don’t give a flip about the motives of the leading man and if he is known to a mouthy Leftie … well, I just can’t enjoy giving him fame and money to bad mouth the country at every chance.

Especially when 99% of them have less education than a typical fast food joint manager and even less common sense.

So the movies on my list are old. OLD. But hey, so am I.

Westerns….. High Noon, Shane, True Grit, Lonesome Dove

War….Patton, Lawrence of Arabia, Band of Brothers, Zulu, Stalag 17, The Great Escape, Twelve O'Clock High

Drama… Godfather 1 and 2, Treasure of Sierra Madre, Smiley’s People, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Historical…Gone With the Wind, Ben Hur, Cleopatra, HBO’s Rome 1 and 2, Braveheart

SciFi ….Star Wars 1 and 2, Blade Runner

Crime…Goodfellas, The French Connection, Chinatown

Comedy...The Money Pit (only because I have lived it) and Caddyshack (the best golfing movie ever made)

Special category... all the Eastwood spaghetti westerns and Dirty Harry movies....

And yes, I know some were made for TV, but so what. They were and are great entertainment… and isn’t that what counts?

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On Twitter I am Lesabre1

Knuckle headed about Islam

The link will take you to an interview of Diana West by some knuckle headed Russian talking head who can't quite get her mind around the fact that if a religion and/or group is pouring into your country and is preaching intolerance while killing the odd native....

It is okay to be intolerant of them.


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On Twitter I am Lesabre1

Where have I been?

In case you wondered....

For the past several days I have been off trying to become rich and famous by winning an entry into the WSOP.

Alas you won't get to see me jawing with the Poker Brat as I stack and rack his chips.

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On Twitter I am Lesabre1