Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Obama was really doing bowing....

You know, there have been a lot of good rants condemning Obamie the Bower bowing down every time he gets near so called Royalty... Many have noted that Americans don't bow to anybody. Others have analyzed him, pointing out he has this deep seated belief America is inferior...

They are all wrong.

Obama is, if nothing else, a planner. And he has figured out that if he gets lucky and isn't impeached, a definite possibility, he has zero chance of being elected for a second term. So he is sneaking in some practice time.... practicing getting into the shoe shine boy position...

Think about it.

Besides, I'm sure you gotta know somebody to get a stand at Chicago's Ohare airport...

I bet he has this song on his mpeg...

See it here.

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On Twitter I am Lesabre1

Obama bows to Chinese official

Click here for video.

I have a new name for this guy.... Obamie the Bower

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On Twitter I am Lesabre1