I have been coming to Los Angeles for over 42 years. It is one of my favorite cities, even if it is, at the same time, one of the most f'd up places in the history of the world.
This morning I jumped on the 105 going east at Sepulveda. It was a beautiful day and there was a fantastic view of the mountains that back LA to the east. And they are covered in snow. More snow than I have ever seen on them. More than in December. More than in January. And certainly more than any previous week after Valentine's day.
Now I know that this is meaningless. I know it anecdotal. But the snow is there. (Don't tell Pope Algore.)
But I digress...
Had a few adult beverages last night at the hotel bar. A gentleman from Norway was two seats down. At some point I asked him about the Muslim problem in Norway. He nodded wisely and said:
"We don't talk about that. It is better that way."
Now I know that's anecdotal, but that is an expression of surrender.
But I digress...
I watched part of the press conference regarding ARod in which a guy making millions a year explained that he had no knowledge that what he was doing was wrong and hid only because... well because he had no knowledge that it was wrong.
Works for me.
I mean I watch the pros only because I admire watching them perform. And if they want to take a drug that makes their balls smaller and their weenie limper so they can put on a better show... I say let them do it.. Gene pool improvement works.
But I digress.
I flew out here on a Northwest flight in a A319. Since First Class is only for politicians and sports stars... certainly not for us ROF's... In case you don't know, that's the last row in coach. My theory is that if you can't be first, be last. Cuts down on the standing around... I had my headphones and Mpeg but figured that I'd listen to some music courtesy of NW.
Wrong. The aircraft had NO audio outlets.
So I boogied from Memphis to LAX on "Speedo," "My Prayer," and other such. Nice flight and the two ladies who were caring for 150 or so people really tried. But there isn't much anyone can do for you when you're in coach. My aim is to survive.
Being always the big spender I purchased a $7.00 snack that had crackers and cheese and something in a tin that if you bought it for a camping outing you would take back to the store. Plus two VO's on the rock's. $15.00 and a bargain at $6.00... I had nothing to eat since about 2:00PM and I knocked back the booze in record time, yet remained sober as could be... In my past two of these would have eased me into slumber land.... I wonder if they have down sized the amount. Yes, I think they have.
And NW can't figure out why they went out of business and Delta bought'em. As someone named George said about another merger years and years ago...
"When you breed two losers what do you get?"