Feel better than I have in a while. The drugs must be working overtime...
Speaking of Working Overtime...
Finally purchased a MPEG player and Bose headset.... loaded over 400 songs on it...all golden oldies.... Amazing.... over 400 songs and you can understand every word of them..... Well, almost every... Most Yankees couldn't understand Elvis.. which contributed to his popularity... They all thought he was saying, "I got something in my pants...."
Now I can listen to such classics as "Call me"..... "Speedo"..... "They all can call me Speedo but my real name is Mr. Earl......" Such depth...
And then there was "Little Darling"..... Did anyone ever write, "Big Beautiful Woman Darling?" Of course not. But then that was before the Internet...
The wet cool weather continues. The woods around the palatial retirement compound are a dark green and all of the grass and trees are so full of moisture they look like they will pop if touched. The resident two deer come out on the lower side every late afternoon for a drink and a casual measuring look at me kicked back on the deck enjoying them.... I think they know I am a meat eater, but too lazy and too unstressed in the protein supply to bother them. But based on the actions of the stock market and the price of oil...someone should advise them to exercise caution.
I have read a few comments in a few blogs that say that MSNBC and NBC are pro Hussein... Ah, the insight of the Internet astounds me..
Was it "Hardball's" Chris Matthews saying of Hussein, "He sends a tingle up my leg" that tipped them off? Perhaps. I mean Matthews was speaking of his political leg.... wasn't he??
I heard this during my last trip to LA at a poker table.
Little Blind had just called and Big Blind raised. The action was heads up.
Big Blind said as Little Blind agonized over what to do. "I raised with Big Slick. Without stretching my brain I can think of 4 things that can happen on the flop. Three of them are good for me, one good for you... Please call..."
He got his wish and won a fair sized pot. Even when they are told the dummies won't leave...
Hillary has mailed a letter and 12 page treatise
as seen here explaining why she's the one. She fails to remember that, as Chris Matthews showed, logic can never overcome love.
This from
BizzBlog who continues to do masterful work in showing the deception and utter nonsense of the MSM.
With all the hype about the home-price plunge,......Prices nationwide were 3.1% lower than they were a year ago.....WITH the decrease during the last four quarters, that’s 47.6% appreciation in seven years.
Only 47.6%. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
....Appreciation during the seven years that ended on March 31, 2001, almost all of it before George Bush took office and started ruining everything (/sarc), was 36.3%
Yeah, but a Demo was President!!!
Later dear chums!