You know, I use to think the defense of terrorists by trying to compare Christians and Jews' actions by the Left was them playing devil's advocate, and I refer to the Left in general because the ones who regularly comment in various venues can't mount an effective comment. They just mouth overhead statements with links to some lame stream media article with never any secondary links.
But I have come to see that, in general, members of the Left hate America and use any attack against enemies of the West as a method to jump in and attack the West. They did it for years with communism and have now just slid over to the extremist Muslims.
It is always, "Yes but...." Some of them do not know that they are (trying) to give moral equivalence to extremists who hate the West. Some do. Like their past members and communism, some were communists, some were fellow travelers and some were, as Lenin is reputed to have said, "useful fools." The Left is not one specific model.
But one thing is true. While Joe McCarthy’s tactics were wrong, there really were communists in the government. And, as Hasan has just shown, there really are radical Muslims in the military. And I see no reason to think that there aren’t some in government.
But I digress. Back to the Left.
The Left’s hypocrisy is startling. Supposedly they are for minority rights.... Supposedly they demand fair trials and justice for all... Yet what we see is them, at best, providing a weak...if at all.... condemnation of the Muslim extremists while condemning the West in general and Christians, Jews and America specifically. That the extremists they support would gladly chop off their heads and/or stone, hang, etc., them for not totally obeying the "law" seems to never reach their minds.
Of course 99% of this comes from our education system and from the media. Both have turned against our culture. This came from the radicals of the 60's moving into our universities... that has now filtered down to our state universities and junior colleges. It is now moving into K-12.
The results can be seen with the election of Obamie the Bower. Supposedly smart, his ignorance about America and lack of love for the country that elected him is always on display.
Where is all of this going to lead? I confess I don’t know. I would like to tell you that the American voter will become disgusted and vote Obamie the Bower and his minions out, starting in 2010. So I have Hope for Change.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1