I am copying the following from a rejected comment by weeder gander. I rejected it because it was off topic. But I think it summarizes who we are dealing with.
Who lost 3 planes while serving in the military, and has demonstrated signs of confusion and erratic behavior while on the campaign trail, something that perhaps has figured in the AQ types saying what they said......
Al-Qaida supporters suggested in a Web site message this week they would welcome a pre-election terror attack on the U.S. as a way to usher in a McCain presidency.
LinkGander, of course, has never been in the military and thinks we should have open borders, shouldn't defend ourselves, etc., etc. His bible is the NYT and loves to quote long ramblings by Lefties who resemble him and who are responsible for the mess we are in.
Let's hear it for weeder! Stand up gander!!! Thanks for flying your true colors!!