Thursday, December 25, 2008

A good'un

A hat tip to whoever sent me this one.

I love to watch exploding heads...on the Left

Some on the Left are taking Hussein having Warren speak rather hard.

[new] Nativity Scene (none / 0) (#50)
by lentinel on Wed Dec 24, 2008 at 03:12:55 PM CST
And a meeting was held in the Chamber.
Therein smoke aboundeth.
The Elders were came to decide
Which would be chosen to Place before the Multitudes
To Lead them.

He of Waxen face and stunted speech arose before them and proclaimed, « A savior findeth I. »
And the Elders rose up and questioned him, « Of what hath he done, this man who ye proclaim as Savior ? ».
And He of Wax Countenance arose anew and spake thus, « It is true, oh wise and wrinkled ones, that this man of the City of Wind of whom I speak is bereft of Works, but of Bullshit hath he great knowledge and speweth he in flowing torrents.
And the Multitudes are charmed therof and followeth him even they know not where. »

And all the assembled there fell on their faces and blessed the Waxen one, for he had chosen well.

And soon from the Criers issued Forth the news that a new leader had been chosen, and He would be a Bullshitter.
And those Born yet every minute gave joyous praise.

But trials soon begat the Chosen One, blessed be He.
First from the Lady of Rodham, betrothed of William the Philanderer.
William spake of the Chosen one, blessed be he, accusing him as ney a tale told by Fairies.
But the Scribes arose in anger and spake thus :
« Tho he lay in the dreck with Joe The Mentor, Monger of War, he knows not of this foul odor, but of inclusiveness embraceth he. »
William and his Queen, Lady of Rodham, Dame of Evil, thus were vanquished as they be one.

But yet another trial awaited He.
John the Septegenarian was joined with Sarah of the North.
And together they sought to Humiliate the Windy one.
And of his consort with the Bearded One of old spake they.
But the Criers of the Evening spake of tales of far-off lands wherein many shootings of the beasts of the fields tooketh place, Sarah the Beguiling resting among them and howling thereon.
And the Multitudes did ridicule and mocketh at John and Sarah
And the time of choosing came
And Sarah and John the Elderly, they too were vanquished.

The Chosen One, glib of tongue, became well chosen, and he spoke thusly to the assembled flock, « I will be thy leader and will presently consort
with those who dress not in gay apparel. I do this that I may in my tent placeth All. For it is written that the Scum shall lie with the Lilies.»
And the Multitudes and Scribes were vexed and spake thus :
«Thou didst promise us, oh Windy One, that when thou be annointed, remembered would be those who did thy bidding and the bidding of those by whose strings ye be pullethed.
And he answered thus, « Begone Morons, for I have chosen the Warren as my shaft.»
And the Morons spake and said, « Thus shafted be we now.»
And they was right.
Merry Christmas.

Hat tip to TalkLeft, the only blog on the Left worth reading.