Monday, November 16, 2009

It's okay, China.

WASHINGTON (AFP) – A CNN correspondent said Monday she was detained byChinese security guards in Shanghai for two hours for displaying a T-shirt on camera depicting US President Barack Obama as Mao Zedong.

Emily Chang, a Beijing-based correspondent for the US television network, said in a blog post on that she hunted down the shirt after hearing they had been banned amid fears they "may offend the American president."

Can someone call China and tell'em that we think it perfectly fine to offend Presidents and other politicians... Kinda makes us a democracy, don't ya know.


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Now you know

Um... have you heard about this guy Einstein? Famous physicist? Relativity and all that? A genius, even? I'm pretty sure little Albert could handle his business in 4th grade arithmetic. Yes, contrary to popular belief, Einstein was a top student in elementary school, getting mostly top grades on the German grading scale of 1-6, which silly Americans later assumed, backwardly, were "D"s. The idea stuck because everybody loves the idea that their poor student can go on to great things. Sorry, parents, Einstein was teaching himself calculus at age 12. Your little lip-twiddling 'tard will be working at Hardee's.

Hat tip to Mostly Cajun and...

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On Twitter I am Lesabre1