Thursday, February 21, 2008

Algore fails again

My deck was iced over again this morning and yesterday I heard that this is the coldest winter in 10 years. Where oh where I ask is Global Warming when you need it?? Nothing from the MSM, of course, they are waiting for a hot day in July.

One of the puzzles of man made GW is this. If it is caused by Global Warming, shouldn’t we be having a steady progression of increases?? Do we have some years when our use of carbon fuels is less than the previous??

On a political note we find that the use to be Newspaper of Record, after endorsing John McCain has now published a hit piece. Leaving me to speculate on several things.

The NYT knew of this when they endorsed McCain for the Repub nomination. Why did they endorse him? If their claims are true it certainly calls into question their judgment, or lack there off.

But whether it is true, or not, their strategy was simple. First, try and help McCain beat Romney. And then, destroy McCain. That would leave Huckabee who is unelectable on a national level. There is a word for publications that do such things. And the word is not “newspaper.” Try “Democratic Party Magazine.”

Then there is this. Their sources are unknown.

Now I understand that protecting sources can be a good and necessary thing. When, that is, the source is outing someone in industry and/or government who has broken the law, and of whom the source is fearful. But the continual leakages of “claims” associated with politics is damnable at best and should not be allowed. Destroying people using “unnamed sources” for political gain is over the edge.

If the two people who made the claims about McCain are so concerned about him becoming President that they “tell on him” to the NYT, let them come forward.
In this case they may have picked a fight with a guy who is known for being tough, and John McCain is tough. He didn’t survive all those years of torture when he was a POW by being weak. I expect we will see the NYT hide behind the sources who aren't willing to support their claims in the open air. I expect McCain to just note he has called them on it.

There is an old parable that goes:

“If you attack a King you must kill him.”

Unless the NYT proves their charges they will unite the Republican base and other conservatives behind him and assure his elections.

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