Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Global warming as seen from Martin, TN

I read this in the “Views” section of a small regional newspaper, the Jackson Sun. I skimmed it the first time and was going to move on assuming it was written by just another Leftie in love with Obama… then I realized the author is chancellor emeritus of The University of Tennessee Martin.

It starts out like a paean of a typical eco freak.

“I'm concerned about the negative impact mankind is having on our planet. We are not being good stewards of the earth. We are overpopulating, destroying wetlands and overharvesting our natural resources.”

Power to the People!

“With our consumer spending might, we can set the pace to deploy clean, renewable energy, and the world will follow. The American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454) presents an opportunity to spur innovation and economic investment and strengthen American competitiveness.”

Right on brother! But can we talk?

“I strongly believe that we can develop and deploy renewable technology and thus be poised to sell, manufacture and develop those technologies. The proposed solar panel farm at the Haywood County megasite is a good example of clean energy and a positive impact on West Tennessee.”

I understand you strongly believe. But the problem is you use words like “proposed” and “good example.” Can you tell me this? Will it produce electric power that I can purchase, with no subsidies, for what I am paying now? That’s around 9 cents per KWH.

“Transitioning to a clean-energy economy offers pathways out of poverty for the 78 million people in the United States who are presently poor or near-poor. On a national level (according to "How clean-energy policies can fight poverty and raise living standards in the United States," from the Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst), a $150 billion annual level of clean-energy investments in the U.S. economy would generate a 1.7 million net increase in job creation, roughly 870,000 of them jobs that would be accessible to workers with high school degrees or less. Jackson native Van Jones is working hard as the "green energy czar" to make this happen.”

Again it sounds great. But how can producing power that costs more than what we are paying now be a path out of poverty for anyone? The poor pay a higher percentage of their income for utilities, gasoline and groceries than the non-poor. So unless you are going to pay a direct subsidy to the poor, there is no way you aid them. And if you do, you will have to take money in increased taxes from the middle and upper income people, plus… of course…they will see the same increases in utilities, gasoline and groceries that the poor will.

I must say that for someone who apparently was exposed to higher education for a lengthy period your logic seems to be under developed.

“The clean-energy economy is already proving to be a strong economic boom on top of doing the right thing. New analysis reveals that by 2007, 1,090 businesses in Tennessee had generated more than 15,000 jobs in the clean-energy economy.

As noted by a report this month from the Pew Charitable Trusts, "The clean energy economy: Repowering jobs, businesses and investments across America," about $16.3 million of venture capital investments were directed toward clean technology businesses in Tennessee between 2006 and 2008. We have the third-fastest-growing clean-energy economy in the nation, according to the Pew study.”

I have a few problems with this. The first one is that you don’t provide any references for your claims, and frankly, they don’t make sense. If 1090 businesses generated around 15,000 jobs in clean energy, then that is around 15 jobs per business. That's a low number. Now you don’t say if these are new companies or new hires to existing companies. Plus, while $16 million seems to be a lot of money I can tell you that a high tech start up is a capital intensive operation. $16 million is not a drop in the bucket.

I also get concerned when you don’t define what a “clean energy” company is. You wouldn’t be calling a farm switching from cotton to saw grass a “clean energy” company would you?

“What really gets my passion up is thinking about the world we will leave to our grandchildren. I want them to have a chance to breathe clean air and see the same beautiful Tennessee that I'm experiencing. It is time we think about the future and not just what is happening to us today.”

I am glad to see that you want a pretty Tennessee. I grew up in Tennessee and I remember the pretty green grass we walked on. But let me give you some advice. If you give people the choice of green grass or brown shoes the shoes will win every time.

“I'm also concerned that we must develop an alternative to Middle East oil. For national security reasons, we must break from our dependence on the oil cartels that are influenced by governments that are not friends of America. Do we set the terms for our energy needs, or do we let other, not-so-friendly, nations set our agenda?”

That sounds wonderful. But you don’t tell us how you would do that. And based on what you have written prior to this,I would guess that you are against drilling for more oil off the coast and in ANWR. I would also say you don’t want to mess with oil shale, wouldn’t touch coal and nuclear… well nuclear is just out of the question.

So how would you do this? We use 390 million gallons of gasoline a day. If you convert all of it to a 10% ethanol blend that means 39 million gallons of ethanol. And since saw grass isn’t yet a practical source and since we have a huge import tax on sugar… have you figured out how many acres of corn will be needed? And have you considered the damage that all the new corn production does to the environment… including release carbon dioxide when the soil is tilled??

BTW – Just to give you an idea, even with saw grass it will take around 13 million acres of new production just to break even. Now that would a fair sized spread in any state. And that assumes 100% efficiency. The actual number would most likely be 16 million acres.

Wind? Solar? Both have technical and cost problems, but even if you solve those and develop an electric car with batteries that will last, you have the problem of distribution. Can you imagine millions of cars all needing to be charged at the same time? The existing grid simply won’t do the job. So what happens to those electric bills when the new grid must be paid for? And what happens to the environment when all the new power lines, power stations and other new equipment is put in place?

Nuclear is the obvious choice for electric power generation. It has all the distribution problems I mentioned above if we are to go to electric cars but it is more reliable and cheaper.

You know, petroleum… gasoline…didn’t just get picked as the fuel of choice to run our transportation system. It won because it was cheaper better and easier to use.

“We are not going to come up with a perfect solution to our energy crisis, and all parties are not going to be 100 percent pleased. We can talk this issue to death, or we can begin to solve the problem.

The world's leading scientists have clearly stated the problem. The question is, do we respond like the frog that is placed in a pan of cool water that is slowly warmed to a boiling point and thus perishes, or do we take steps to turn down the temperature? The American Clean Energy and Security Act is a good start in turning down the temperature. Let's not be like the frog.”

The problem is that the problem has not been clearly stated, nor proven. As I write this we find that a 38 year EPA employee’s simple request for the EPA to use other inputs beside the UN’s was denied. That, in my opinion, is criminal. At the least the Administrator should be fired along with all others associated with this action.

Even worse, we have ample evidence that man made Global Warming is not worth worrying over, and that the real driver is the sun, as it has been for millions and millions of years.

Dr. Kenneth Tapping is worried about the sun. Solar activity comes in regular cycles, but the latest one is refusing to start. Sunspots have all but vanished, and activity is suspiciously quiet. The last time this happened was 400 years ago -- and it signaled a solar event known as a "Maunder Minimum," along with the start of what we now call the "Little Ice Age."

Tapping, a solar researcher and project director for Canada's National Research Council, says it may be happening again. Overseeing a giant radio telescope he calls a "stethoscope for the sun," Tapping says, if the pattern doesn't change quickly, the earth is in for some very chilly weather .

During the Little Ice Age, global temperatures dropped sharply. New York Harbor froze hard enough to allow people to walk from Manhattan to Staten Island, and in Britain, people reported sighting eskimos paddling canoes off the coast. Glaciers in Norway grew up to 100 meters a year, destroying farms and villages.

Link to source article.

BTW – The Little Ice Age came on quite quickly. You might consider that as you demand we rush to solve a problem that doesn’t exist, we might want to think about this.

“At December's U.N. Global Warming conference in Poznan, Poland, 650 of the world's top climatologists stood up and said man-made global warming is a media generated myth without basis. Said climatologist Dr. David Gee, Chairman of the International Geological Congress, "For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming?"

I asked myself, why would such obviously smart guy say such a ridiculous thing? But it turns out he's right.

The earth's temperature peaked in 1998. It's been falling ever since; it dropped dramatically in 2007 and got worse in 2008, when temperatures touched 1980 levels.

Meanwhile, the University of Illinois' Arctic Climate Research Center released conclusive satellite photos showing that Arctic ice is back to 1979 levels. What's more, measurements of Antarctic ice now show that its accumulation is up 5 percent since 1980.

In other words, during what was supposed to be massive global warming, the biggest chunks of ice on earth grew larger. Just as an aside, do you remember when the hole in the ozone layer was going to melt Antarctica? But don't worry, we're safe now, that was the nineties.

Dr. Kunihiko, Chancellor of Japan's Institute of Science and Technology said this: "CO2 emissions make absolutely no difference one way or the other ... every scientist knows this, but it doesn't pay to say so." Now why would a learned man say such a crazy thing?

This is where the looney left gets lost. Their mantra is atmospheric CO2 levels are escalating and this is unquestionably causing earth's temperature rise. But ask yourself -- if global temperatures are experiencing the biggest sustained drop in decades, while CO2 levels continue to rise -- how can it be true?

Ironically, in spite of being shown false, we must now pray for it. Because a massive study, just released by the Russian Government, contains overwhelming evidence that earth is on the verge of another Ice Age.

Based on core samples from Russia's Vostok Station in Antarctica, we now know earth's atmosphere and temperature for the last 420,000 years. This evidence suggests that the 12,000 years of warmth we call the Holocene period is over.

Apparently, we're headed into an ice age of about 100,000 years -- give or take. As for CO2 levels, core samples show conclusively they follow the earth's temperature rise, not lead it.”

Link to source article.

So your to claim that the discussion is over with is laughingly inaccurate. You either do not keep up with what is going on and merely spout the Left’s party line, or you know but still spout the party line.

As a private citizen that is acceptable. But when you seek to add authority to your claims by bringing in your previous position with The University of Tennessee it is not acceptable.

“Nick Dunagan is chancellor emeritus of The University of Tennessee Martin.”

New confessional

New Confessionial

A guy goes into the confessional box. He finds on one wall
fully equipped bar with Guinness on tap. On the other wall is a
dazzling array of the finest Cuban cigars.

Then the priest comes in.

"Father, forgive me, for it's been a very long time since I've been to
confession, but I must first admit that the confessional box is much
more inviting these days."

The priest replies "Get out. You're on MY side."

Hat tip to Terry M

Sex in the afternoon

Afternoon Sex

The only way to pull off a Sunday afternoon 'quickie' with their 8-year

old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony with a

Popsicle and tell him to report on all the neighborhood activities.

He began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation:

'There's a car being towed from the parking lot,' he shouted.

'An ambulance just drove by!'

'Looks like the Andersons have company,' he called out.

'Matt's riding a new bike!'> >'Looks like the Sanders are moving!'

'Jason is on his skate board....'

After a few moments he announced,

'The Coopers are having sex!!'

Startled, his mother and dad shot up in bed! Dad cautiously called out,

'How do you know they are having sex?'

'Jimmy Cooper is standing on his balcony with a Popsicle.'

gosh.... I wish I had thought about the popsicle 50 years ago ....too soon old and too late smart

Hat tip to W.R.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Obama's birth certficate question - new light

More questions, and this time some good questions.

While I've little interest in getting in the middle of the Obama birth
issue, Paul Hollrah over at FSM did so yesterday and believes the issue can be
resolved by Obama answering one simple question:

What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi ?

So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later?

And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi , what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and

The American people not only deserve to have answers to these questions,they must have answers.

It makes the debate over Obama's citizenship a rather short and simple one.

Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?
A : Yes, by his own admission.

Q: What passport did he travel under?

A: There are only three possibilities.
1) He traveled with a U.S. Passport,
2) He traveled with a British passport, or
3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.

Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?
A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in1981.


When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.

If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims. And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.

Whatever the truth of the matter,the American people need to know how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between 1981 and 2008..

Given the destructive nature of his plans for America ,as illustrated by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending plan he has presented to Congress,
the sooner we learn the truth of all this, the better.

Hat tip to Mike L.

China's banking system crashing?

I realize it is boring, and it is a lot more fun to bash Obamie, and God knows he deserves it......

But this is serious and deserves your close attention.

China's banks are veering out of control. The half-reformed economy of the People's Republic cannot absorb the $1,000bn (£600bn) blitz of new lending issued since December.

Money is leaking instead into Shanghai's stock casino, or being used to keep bankrupt builders on life support. It is doing very little to help lift the world economy out of slump.


Fitch traces the 2009 bubble to the central bank's decision to cut interest on reserves to 0.72pc. Bankers responded to this "margin squeeze" by ramping up the volume of lending instead. Over half the new debt is short-term. Roll-over risk is rocketing. China's monetary stimulus since November is arguably more extreme than the post-Lehman printing of the US Federal Reserve, though less obvious to the untrained eye.


Understand something. We are highly dependent on the ChiComs cycling the money we give for goods back to us.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Obamie and animal rights!

Of course he can't defend human female rights!

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) has blocked President Obama’s candidate for regulation czar, Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, because Sunstein has argued that animals should have the right to sue humans in court.

Yeah, I know. You think I'm BSing you. Right? Wrong tofu breath!

Indeed, in his 2004 book, Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions, Sunstein wrote: “I will suggest that animals should be permitted to bring suit, with human beings as their representatives, to prevent violations of current law.”

More specifically, he wrote: “Laws designed to protect animals against cruelty and abuse should be amended or interpreted to give a private cause of action against those who violate them, so as to allow private people to supplement the efforts of public prosecutors.”

Chambliss said he is also concerned about Sunstein’s potential impact on “a number of other issues relative to agriculture.”

Obamie's merry band of idiots!

Health care - Go with the flow

Or the truth dribbles out.

This story from Le Journal de Montréal is en français, but you don't have to know the lingo of the Continent to figure out the meaning of le mot "incontinent":

Des patients souffrant d'un problème d'incontinence grave doivent attendre jusqu'à trois ans pour une opération qui dure à peine 30 minutes.

Which means: In the Province of Quebec, patients suffering from serious incontinence — ie, they have to aller aux toilettes jusqu'à 12 fois par nuit (that's 12 times a night) — have to wait three years for a half-hour operation. That's 3 years times 365 nights times 12 trips to the bathroom.

There are only two urologists in the province who perform the operation, in part because hospital budgets are so tight they decline to buy the necessary "neurostimulator."

The central point about socialized medicine is that restricting access is the only means of controlling costs. And, when comparisons of health "costs" between nations are made, the time you spend in the bathroom each night and the subsequent impact on your work performance the following day are not factored in.

Of course, if you get sick of the three-year wait, you can always drive a couple of hours south, with frequent rest stops, to Fletcher Allen Hospital in Vermont or Dartmouth-Hitchcock in New Hampshire, and write a check. For the moment. Once the U.S. system has been "reformed" so that its wait lists are up to Euro-Canadian standards, poor incontinent Quebeckers will have to drive to Costa Rica. And that's a lot more rest stops.

Mark Steyn link

You might wonder why I, an avowed believer in National Health Care - NHC - would post the above. The reason is simple.

I believe we need a single payer system, but not a single supplier.

Police photos

I got the following from Jimmy M. who wrote that he was wondering why all of these actual police photos didn't have a single person with a T shirt on supporting Bush, McCain, etc...

Jimmy. I know you. You aint that dumb.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jackson - The problem identified - Updated

WASHINGTON — The House of Representatives paused for a moment of silence Friday to mark entertainer Michael Jackson's death.

Lawmakers briefly interrupted a debate on a global warming bill to stand in silence and honor the "King of Pop."

Rep. Diane Watson of California rose during the debate to suggest the House "pay tribute to the culture that he has left behind, his legacy."

Uh Diane darling....... I hate to tell you this but it is THE CULTURE that is the problem.

Oh well, you shouldn't expect pigs to know they're rolling in mud.

Bump and update...

A commentator who didn't leave a name has made this comment.

If he had written 25% of the hateful, twisted, and sick things you've written here, you'd have a point.

First of all, Jackson has written nothing beyond, I guess, some pop songs that will fade away as the years go by. Nothing wrong with that and he was a great showman, but he contributed nothing of any real value. Again, nothing wrong with that. Entertainment is entertainment and humans need some distraction but let's not think that the ability to sing and dance is of any real importance.

Of course to those who can only, speaking figuratively, sing and dance he was important because he represented the apex of their food chain.

And it is that culture that I refer to. The culture of worship of people who have no grasp by people who have no grasp. The same people who sob over Jackson's death, demanding to know every detail are the same people who elected Obamie. The same people who actually believe that man made global warming is real.

They are Pods as described so well in this series of articles.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson is dead and I don't feel so good myself

Which of course is a paraphrase I stole from Lewis Grizzard who wrote, “Elvis is dead and I don’t feel so good myself.”

I don’t know what that means. I was never a Jackson fan, and truth be known, I have never been a “fan” of anyone. Life beat such nonsense out of me at an early age and I have always had a great disregard of anyone who would scream and swoon over any mortal, but entertainers, and I include sports stars and politicians among them… well, swooning over them I find especially stupid. Most of them can do one thing very well, but that’s the end of it, although they may, or may not be, nice people.

Not that I haven’t met a few. I met Senator Packwood on a flight out of Portland. To the best of my memory he was gracious, friendly and didn’t try to grope any of the female flight crew. But I confess I slept through part of the flight and may have missed the fireworks.

I also met Jimmy Carter on a flight out of Portland to Denver where he changed to a United Express flight to Aspen for some conference or the other. The weather was terrible in Denver and I remember I was concerned over his safety.

I met Doris Day on a flight out of LAX. She was as sweet in person as she was on the screen. Class and quality counts.

I met Rodney Dangerfield in the Hilton at Vegas and felt vaguely insulted that he didn’t insult me.

There were several others of lessor fame.

I had a good friend who was the spitting image of Charlie Rich. This was back in the day when Charlie was huge. We were having a drink or two one night in a club of semi-ill repute when this lady, from a table of about 6 ladies, came up and asked for his autograph. My friend carefully explained who he was and the lady went away looking oh so sad.

A few minutes later he went to the john, so I naturally went over to the ladies and explained that Charlie was just trying to relax and we appreciated them respecting his privacy. You can guess what happened when he came back.

He signed about 40 autographs before we left….

I mean, what are friends for if not to insert some fun in your life??

I don’t know what that means either….

But Michael Jackson is dead and I actually feel fine. All my demons have long since rested. I think his were on his shoulders when he passed.

RIP Michael. Perhaps you have found what you have been looking for.

A little humor!

A woman scanned the guests at a party and spotted an attractive man standing alone. She approached him.

'My name is Carmen,' she told him.

'That's a beautiful name,' he replied, 'Is it a family name?'

'No,' she replied. 'I gave it to myself. It reflects the things I like most -- cars and men.'

'What's your name?' she asked.

He said, 'B.J. Titsengolf.

Hat tip to Jimmy M!

Replace a clunker program!

I took out a luxury car last week, just to drive that automotive beauty. The salesman sat in the back seat describing the car and options. The seats were of particular interest. He explained the seats blew warm air to your butt in the in the winter and blew cool air to your butt in the summer heat. I stated the car must be a republican car.

He asked why I thought it was a republican car and I explained if it were a democratic car the seats would blow smoke up your ass.

Hat tip to everyone who sent me this one!

More Global cooling

The average arctic temperature is still not above (take your pick) 32°F 0°C 273.15°K–this the latest date in fifty years of record keeping that this has happened. Usually it is beginning to level off now and if it does so, it will stay near freezing on average in the arctic leading to still less melting than last summer which saw a 9% increase in arctic ice than in 2007.

Link to source.

You know, the information just keeps piling up. Yet Obamie is ramming through a cap and trade law that will destroy us.

Obamie and his people are either stupid or trying to destroy our economy. Your call.

In the meantime, I called my Congress critter this AM. I urge you to call yours. Here's a link that will let you find the telephone number.

Congressional Contact site.

Obama is a liar.

"Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."

Obama said he has personal familiarity with such a dilemma. His grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given less than nine months to live, he said.

She fell and broke her hip, "and the question was, does she get hip replacement surgery, even though she was fragile enough they were not sure how long she would last?"

Obama is lying. No doctor would suggest, or perform, hip replacement surgery on a patient who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Hat Tip to UrgentAgenda.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Barak authorizes 300 new homes in the West Bank

Defense Minister Ehud Barak has authorized the building of 300 new homes in the West Bank, defying U.S. calls for a halt to settlement growth.

Who do these Jews think they are, Muslims??

I mean no one else pays any attention to the mouse, why should Israel??

Link to source.

Hat tip to MakeANoice at Free Forum

Shut the hell up!

The EPA apparently doesn’t care about any negative comment of their GHG Endangerment findings, even internally, so the exercise in Democracy we did yesterday apparently was for naught.

“The time for such discussion of fundamental issues has passed for this round. The administrator and the administration has decided to move forward on endangerment, and your comments do not help the legal or policy case for this decision… I can only see one impact of your comments given where we are in the process, and that would be a very negative impact on our office.”
- Internal EPA email, March 17th, 2009

Shorter. Shut the hell up.

I lived in Chicago for a while and this is just pure Chicago politics.

Can you imagine the explosion if this had happened during the Bush years?


The Mouse that said nothing.

From the Politico:

A couple of surprising words were missing from President Barack Obama’s 55-minute news conference on Wednesday: “Iraq” — and “Afghanistan.”

Also MIA: “Korea,” “Pakistan,” “soldiers,” “surge” and “war” — as well as the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

“He feels equally comfortable on each role,” Axelrod said. “His focus isn’t just solving the problems as we find them, but hopefully forestalling some for the future.”

Obama aides say that the attack of 9/11 made war central to Bush’s presidency, whereas a twice-in-a-century recession has forced them to multitask — restoring the economy at the same time the president was engineering a surge of troops into Afghanistan.

“The war was the central story of his administration,” a White House official said. “For better or worse, we have an economic crisis and a number of other things going here that a president has to deal with.”

Politico Link

Leaving aside the fact that Bush received an economy going in the tank and that 9/11 drove us into recession....The question is, how stupid can Obamie be? 9/11 didn't go away when he became president. The War On Terror didn't just become last years fad and North Korea and Iran didn't go into a deep swoon induced by over heated brains with love for Obamie.

In fact, they both have raised the stakes and Obamie, like a The Mouse the Germans have nicknamed him, has collapsed. No. Not right. He never had anything to collapse from.

This president is going to bankrupt the country, destroy health care and get a lot of Americans killed. Depend on it!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Why I voted Democrat

I voted Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever
I want. I've decided to marry my horse.

I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a
gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of
gas at 15% isn't obscene.

I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job
of spending the money I earn than I would.

I voted Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody
is offended by it.

I voted Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that the
bad guys will stop what they're doing because they now think we're
good people.

I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I
know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers
and thieves.

I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it
will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away
in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.

I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of
millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive

I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed
to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the
rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit.

I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the
Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never
get their agendas past the voters.

I voted democrat because I'm sure that Left-Wing
Educators have better influence on my Children's
outlook on life than Parents.

I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my ass that
it is unlikely that I'll ever have another personal point of view

Hat tip to Jimmy M!

Dr. Vaknin points out Obama is a pathological narcissist

This was sent to me by Faye C who I guess obtained it from someone else. I haven't vetted it beyond determing that Vaknin is an Israeli psychologist.

I find the article interesting and informative. It was written pre-election and its conclusions have not yet been refuted by Obamie's actions.

And the author's longer term conclusions are very frightening.

Dr. Sam Vaknin is an Israeli psychologist. Interesting view on our new president.

Dr. Vaknin has written extensively about narcissism.



Dr. Vaknin States "I must confess I was impressed by Sen.Barack Obama from the first time I saw him.. At first I was excited to see a black candidate. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident -

a wholesome presidential package. I was put off soon, not just because of his shallowness but also because there was an air of haughtiness in his demeanor that was unsettling. His posture and his body language were louder than his empty words. Obama's speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history.. Never has a politician in this land had such a quasi "religious" impact on so many people. The fact that Obama is a total incognito with zero accomplishment, makes this inexplicable infatuation alarming. Obama is not an ordinary man. He is not a genius. In fact he is quite ignorant on most important subjects."

Barack Obama is a narcissist.

Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of the Malignant Self Love believes "Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist." Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism. He understands narcissism and describes the inner mind of a narcissist like no other person. When he talks about narcissism everyone listens. Vaknin says that Obama's language, posture and demeanor, and the testimonies of his closest, dearest and nearest suggest that the Senator is either a narcissist or he may have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Narcissists project a grandiose but false image of themselves. Jim Jones, the charismatic leader of People's Temple, the man who led over 900 of his followers to cheerfully commit mass suicide and even murder their own children was also a narcissist. David Koresh, Charles Manson, Joseph Koni, Shoko Asahara, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, Kim Jong Ill and Adolph Hitler are a few examples of narcissists of our time. All these men had a tremendous influence over their fanciers. They created a personality cult around themselves and with their blazing speeches elevated their admirers, filled their hearts with enthusiasm and instilled in their minds a new zest for life. They gave them hope! They promised them the moon, but alas, invariably they brought them to their doom. When you are a victim of a cult of personality, you don't know it until it is too late. One determining factor in the development of NPD is childhood abuse.

"Obama's early life was decidedly chaotic and replete with traumatic and mentally bruising dislocations," says Vaknin. "Mixed-race marriages were even less common then. His parents went through a divorce when he was an infant (two years old). Obama saw his father only once again, before he died in a car accident. Then his mother re-married and Obama had to relocate to Indonesia , a foreign land with a radically foreign culture, to be raised by a step-father. At the age of ten, he was whisked off to live with his maternal (white) grandparents. He saw his mother only intermittently in the following few years and then she vanished from his life in 1979She died of cancer in 1995".

One must never underestimate the manipulative genius of pathological narcissists. They project such an imposing personality that it overwhelms those around them. Charmed by the charisma of the narcissist, people become like clay in his hands. They cheerfully do his bidding and delight to be at his service.. The narcissist shapes the world around himself and reduces others in his own inverted image.

He creates a cult of personality. His admirers become his co-dependents. Narcissists have no interest in things that do not help them to reach their personal objective. They are focused on one thing alone and that is power. All other issues are meaningless to them and they do not want to waste their precious time on trivialities.

Anything that does not help them is beneath them and do not deserve their attention.

If an issue raised in the Senate does not help Obama in one way or another, he has no interest in it. The "present" vote is a safe vote.

No one can criticize him if things go wrong. Those issues are unworthy by their very nature because they are not about him. Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations.

The University of Chicago Law School provided him a lot longer than expected and at the end it evolved into, guess what? His own autobiography! Instead of writing a scholarly paper focusing on race relations, for which he had been paid, Obama could not resist writing about his most sublime self. He entitled the book "Dreams from My Father."

Not surprisingly, Adolph Hitler also wrote his own autobiography when he was still nobody. So did Stalin. For a narcissist no subject is as important as his own self. Why would he waste his precious time and genius writing about insignificant things when he can write about such an august being as himself? Narcissists are often callous and even ruthless. As the norm, they lack conscience. This is evident from Obama's lack of interest in his own brother who lives on only one dollar per month.

A man who lives in luxury, who takes a private jet to vacation in Hawaii, and who has raised nearly half a billion dollars for his campaign (something unprecedented in history) has no interest in the plight of his own brother. Why? Because, his brother cannot be used for his ascent to power.

A narcissist cares for no one but himself. This election is like no other in the history of America . The issues are insignificant compared to what is at stake. What can be more dangerous than having a man bereft of conscience, a serial liar, and one who cannot distinguish his fantasies from reality as the leader of the free world? I hate to sound alarmist, but one is a fool if one is not alarmed. Many politicians are narcissists. They pose no threat to others...They are simply self serving and selfish.

Obama evidences symptoms of pathological narcissism, which is different from the run-of-the-mill narcissism of a Richard Nixon or a Bill Clinton for example. To him reality and fantasy are intertwined.

This is a mental health issue, not just a character flaw. Pathological narcissists are dangerous because they look normal and even intelligent. It is this disguise that makes them treacherous.

Today the Democrats have placed all their hopes in Obama. But this man could put an end to their party. The great majority of blacks have also decided to vote for Obama. Only a fool does not know that their support for him is racially driven. This is racism, pure and simple.

The downside of this is that if Obama turns out to be the disaster I predict, he will cause widespread resentment among the whites.

The blacks are unlikely to give up their support of their man. Cultic mentality is pernicious and unrelenting. They will dig their heads deeper in the sand and blame Obama's detractors of racism. This will cause a backlash among the whites.

The white supremacists will take advantage of the discontent and they will receive widespread support. I predict that in less than four years, racial tensions will increase to levels never seen since the turbulent 1960's.

Obama will set the clock back decades... America is the bastion of freedom. The peace of the world depends on the strength of America , and its weakness translates into the triumph of terrorism and victory of rogue nations. It is no wonder that Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, the Castrists, the Hezbollah, the Hamas, the lawyers of the Guantanamo terrorists and virtually all sworn enemies of America are so thrilled by the prospect of their man in the White House. America is on the verge of destruction. There is no insanity greater than electing a pathological narcissist as president.

Obamie is taking notes on how to do it...

NEW YORK (CBS)Governor David Paterson says enough is enough. Fed up with the fighting in Albany, the governor is ordering Senators back into the state house – and he plans to keep them there until the squabbling stops............

The governor warned Senators, who have refused to pass bills since the coup in Albany, that they'd better show up or else.

((The coup in Albany, best I can tell... is here:))

Bill Hammond thinks the move had nothing to do with reform. "This was a GOP power grab, plain and simple," and Espada's "talk about fixing Albany is the thinnest of cover stories." Skelos only trusted Espada and Monserrate because "[t]hey were willing to join him. The only question is what goodies they extorted." Maybe Republicans really will "put their ill-gotten power to good use" with real reform, but we'll have to wait and see. [NYDN]

• Fred Dicker blames Smith and other Democratic leaders for bringing the coup on themselves. When the Democrats took power they "fired nearly 200 employees of the Senate Republicans, many of whom had considerable knowledge and skill." They promised reform but "treated the Republicans worse than the GOP had treated them." They divvied up pork-barrel member items completely disproportionately. And they refused to give Espada any "real power." And it's demonstrative of Smith's failed leadership that he didn't even see the coup coming. [NYP]

Link to coup info.

((Evidently the Repubs haven't done the Guv's bidding.))

"If the Senators do not cooperate with this order, I will convene a special session everyday until they do," Paterson said. "That includes Saturdays and Sundays, that includes Fourth of July. There will be no excuses, and there will be no tolerance to non-compliance to this order."

While the governor can't force senators to vote on or debate bills, the state constitution grants him the power to call a special legislative session – and experts say he can even keep the senators in the state house with the help of state police.

"I think, at the extreme, he does have the power to call them in, and use the power of the police to bring them in, to get them all in the same room," state constitution expert Richard Briffault says.

Link to source article.

I seem to remember Bush did something similar in Texas and the press went nuts. Seems like the Demos were trying to prevent the Repubs from redoing the states voting districts as per law. Of course a Democrat doing something like this, well, he's just looking out for the people... Wanna bet on how much NATIONAL play this gets? My forecast says between none and very little.

And would Obamie actually try this? You are damn right he will. Just wait, dear chums. Just wait.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day redux

I wrote the following last year. Thought I would post it again. I can't add much, and I don't have to speculate what he would be saying about Obama's policies. "Never live beyond your means," was one his Iron Rules and he trusted neither politicians or police.

Too bad all of us didn't follow his rule. And now all of us will have to pay for breaking it.

I think it's time for a Father's Day post.

What? You say it isn't Father's Day? True, but I'm not much on such "days," believing that they were created more to put money in some one's pocket rather than honor a Father, or Mother or the birthday of Christ.

But I think of him a lot, the older I get the more so. Born into a middle class environment, he saw that disappear with the Depression. And while banks even then were probably cutting special deals for Senators, a la Dodd and Hussein and Conrad, no one was cutting any special deals for the common man. At least not until Roosevelt.

So his formal education was cut short but he loved books and newspapers and because of that tolerated his oldest reading anything and everything in sight. He loved to hunt and he loved dogs. There's a picture of him with his dog and his shotgun. He would grin and say that he had no shells for the gun but carried it because the dog expected it. He loved jokes but his humor was gentle and I have often seen him dance around the warm morning stove in the morning, just pleased to be alive and in the world.

There were no jobs, just farming, timbering and working in a "store." So he went to Roosevelt's CCC camp and sent money home to the family while working to build roads and parks. It was hard physical labor with actual things done. No "organizing," no "midnight" basketball. Just work. And that was precious and meant something.

Later he met my Mom and they married and I came along. Having nothing they became sharecroppers and lived in a shotgun house. When WWII came along he was 36 and it was unlikely he would have been drafted. Yet he joined the Marines and served in the Pacific. He never discussed his service and refused to see any war movies. But he was always a Marine and had a disdain for the Army that was only partially hidden.

He was Scot Irish tough but would give you anything he had if you asked. Family came first followed by friends and country. Politicians and police were not to be trusted although both groups were required. He taught me that it was "Yes Sir and No Sir and Thank You Sir Please." He never lectured about segregation, but the "N" word was not allowed. It was "Colored People" or "Negro" and the greeting of respect was used without exception to race. Both may be out of favor now but remember this was in the early fifties.

He learned to be a machinist and my Mom worked in a local garment factory. They bought and paid for a farm and they retired comfortably, yet he never wanted to quit working. He worked a few years with the University on demonstration projects and could drive you around the county and show you the results. We have to grow more food he would say. Simple and direct and spot on. I don't have to wonder what he would think about using corn for ethanol while people in the third world are going hungry. "Who in the hell is doing that?" he would demand, even though he knew.

He never had a major health problem, yet at age 75 stood up one morning while at a friend's place of business and announced, "I feel bad." He died on the spot the same way he lived, quietly and with little fuss.

It broke my heart but I have since come to understand there are much worse ways to die. He was a Common Man that did much with very little. The country used to have millions of them. But there appear to be damn few left. We suffer because of that.

Ron Paul supporter detained at St. Louis airport

Is that $4700 in your pocket or are you just a criminal?

Pardon the partial paraphrase, but it is nice that the ACLU has finally decided to take notice of some things...

ST. LOUIS (AP) — A lawsuit filed Thursday against the Transportation Security Administration alleges a Ron Paul supporter was unreasonably detained at the St. Louis airport because he was carrying about $4,700 in cash.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit on behalf of Steven Bierfeldt, director of development for the Campaign for Liberty, an organization that grew out of Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign.

The organization had hosted an event in St. Louis that included the sale of tickets, T-shirts, stickers and other materials and Bierfeldt said he was carrying the cash proceeds in a metal box when he was detained at Lambert Airport for about 30 minutes on March 29.

The lawsuit does not seek money but asks the court to declare the TSA's actions unconstitutional and to prohibit the agency from similar searches when there is no evidence aircraft are endangered.

I am going to take a leap here and assume that the issue started when the metal box went through security. I am going to further assume that the money, and perhaps other objects, looked suspicious in the Xray.

"It's obviously important that the safety of flights be ensured," Bierfeldt said in a telephone interview. "But subjecting innocent travelers like me who are doing nothing wrong — I think it diverts TSA away from its core mission of safeguarding air travel."

TSA spokesman Greg Soule said the agency would not comment on pending litigation.

Bierfeldt said he refused to answer when a TSA official asked what was in the box. Another TSA official arrived, and Bierfeldt was taken into a separate room where he used an iPhone in his jacket pocket to record the officials' questioning.

An audio clip provided by the ACLU includes repeated questions from a TSA official about why Bierfeldt was carrying so much money, and his repeated refusal to answer. On one occasion, the questioner swears and asks, "Is there any reason you're not answering questions?"

Now I am going to assume that Bierfeldt, or the TSA, had opened the box. And I am going to assume that Bierfeldt, a Paul supporter and likely Libertarian was radiating hostility when:

Bierfeldt answers, "Am I legally required to answer the question?"

I admire his grit and see his point, but I wonder if a simple 30 second explanation wouldn't have sent him on his way. Not, mind you, that I am not glad he did what he did because it may lead to some clarification.

Soule said while there is no limit to the amount of cash a person can travel with domestically, travelers must cooperate with the TSA screening process.

A few years back I was questioned about the amount of cash I was carrying. When I just said I liked cash, nothing happened. When I asked if their was a limit a person could carry I was told they could seize it if was over $5000.

And about two January's ago a professional poker player, on his way to a World Series of Poker event in Tunica, MS, was stopped in Detroit and his money seized. The amount was around $15,000. He missed his flight but his money was returned and he was sent on his way after he had explained why he had the money.

That we get conflicting answers from government officials shouldn't be a surprise. And I have to agree with this.

"Cooperation may involve answering questions about their property," Soule said. "A passenger who refuses to answer questions may be referred to appropriate authorities for further inquiry."

True, but what was Bierfeldt going to do with the money that would cause damage to the flight he was going on? Slap the flight attendants in he face with it?

Bierfeldt's attorney, Ben Wizner, said the lawsuit does not challenge TSA's authority to search and detain those suspected of taking weapons, explosives or other dangerous objects onto planes.

"That's the whole purpose of airport searches," Wizner said. "These are not, however, open-ended criminal searches."

Of course that is exactly what some of them have become. That, and a power trip by the agent.

But the real thing that I find of interest is that this hasn't really made the news cycle. Oh I know that AP reported it, but I haven't seen NBCObamie or WhiteHouseABC opining about the evil of the administration. I mean perhaps someone on the Left has said something about this administration destroying our rights but I haven't seen them. Can someone show me??? I would take that as a sign that the Left, especially the Libertarian Left has started to understand who Obamie is.

But having condemned the TSA let me add a small note. Our legal system, in fact our society, runs on a lubricant called courtesy and cooperation. Wouldn't it have been easier for Bierfeldt just to say it was proceeds from fund raising? And then raise hell if the agent went further? Yes, TSA was wrong, just as they were wrong in Detroit and just as they were wrong to question me.

And I especially wonder that in matters of security if it wouldn't be better for the ACLU to sue because TSA routinely lets young ME males glide through security while searching grandmothers, all because they are forbidden to profile.

But that would make too much sense.

Link to source article.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Global warming fake information

WUWT readers will probably remember yesterdays’ story about the malfunctioning temperature sensor at the ASOS station at Honolulu airport next to an asphalt access road. Well guess what? Even though NOAA admits the sensor is in error by as much as 2degrees, they are going to keep the data and the string of new high temperature records. “BUT” they fixed the recent record rainfall data from the same station. See below. How’s that for science? Fix one broken record due to faulty equipment but leave others?

Last February it was discovered that the man made GW fanatics had "missed" the formation of new Artic ice that raised the ice amount to the levels observed in 1979.

Now we have this. Proving again that "Figures don't like but liars can figure."

Link to source article.

BTW - Even if the probe was repaired, do you think that the fact that it is located very close to an asphalt road and about 10 feet from an air conditioner exhaust might give higher than actual temperature readings?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More global warming

I know Obamie's minions won't read this, but since we have an extended winter this year I thought this might be of interest to intelligent people.

The assumption in all these stories that report on the Wilkins Ice Shelf, and other melting ice around the Antarctic Peninsula, is that global warming is the cause, and that they are representative of a general melt occurring throughout Antarctica. And if this were true, this would be alarming, since 90% of the world’s land based ice is in Antarctica. So is the ocean warming around Antarctica, and is Antarctica’s overall total mass decreasing?

The answer to both of these questions is almost certainly no. As this recent imagery from NOAA indicates, the southern ocean is actually colder than average. Except for a few areas directly south of the Indian Ocean, and in the area south of Patagonia and surrounding the Antarctic Peninsula, the rest of the ocean surrounding Antarctica - virtually all of the South Pacific and South Atlantic - is cooler than average. This data indicates no reason to believe ocean temperatures are causing overall loss of ice mass in the Antarctic; with the exception of the insignificant quantity of ice on the Antarctic Peninsula, they suggest the opposite.


Universal Health Care - The why of it

JeremyR takes exception to something I wrote in another post.

“There is only one way to reduce cost. And that is to reduce care. If that is what you want, then you should be happy.”

Jeremy notes.

“So wrong. There is another simpler way to cut health care costs, yet it is the one way that congress has rejected time and again. That is to limit litigation. Make all the malpractice suits loser pays and require that the liar err lawyer fork over the cash immediately if his client filed a false claim.”

I agree. And I agree that this is especially true in some areas. And I agree that that we should stop them, as I noted, if for no other reason than to no longer create more John Edwards. But I don’t think the cost reduction would be enough to make a real difference.

I also don’t think we can save enough on “administrative costs” to make a difference. It will cost government just as much to process a claim as it does the private companies. Indeed, given that the fact that the government worker will be paid more and unionized I expect that cost to increase by a sizeable amount. Say 15%.....

The problem is that we have no real facts. Everyone has their own numbers and they are always presented as “it will cost……” I read somewhere that it will cost a trillion dollars to add 16 million people who are not now covered. I later heard that was over ten years. Now, would that be 100 billion a year, or would it be 50 billion in year one and 75 billion in year two??

The truth is that when it comes to insurance of any kind, the cost to the company depends upon the people insured. Run out and insure a bunch of teenagers auto insurance and costs will explode. Sell life insurance to a bunch of 80 year olds and get ready to go out of business, or go to Congress… Those are simple facts but we seem to forget simple facts when it comes to politics.

The use of health insurance, it has been often noted, is a U shaped curve for the vast majority of Americans. It starts off relatively high, drops as adulthood approaches, remains flat for around 40 years and then climbs back when the person goes past 60. I read somewhere that a huge percentage of Medicare cost is expended in the last weeks of a person’s life.

This leads some to opine that what we need is insure that, like car insurance, takes care of the wrecks but not the flat tire. That seems to make sense, but I have seen absolutely no figures to back it up. What would the price be for such a policy? And would we do this for everyone, or just those between say 20 and 65?? Remember. The principle of insurance is that the cost of damages to the individual is shared by a large number of other people. If the number goes down, or if the high risk group’s numbers go up, the insurance company must increase rates or go out of business.

Or, in the case of government, increase taxes or reduce services or both. That is what Canada and Europe has done. Abortions of unborn babies known to have a treatable but high risk/low outcome and high cost treatment are encouraged and in some cases treatment is denied. Pulling the plug on older patients is definitely encouraged. When you’re 30 such actions are abstract. When you’re 70 plus you have a target on your back.

The issue then becomes one of the social contract. If you believe that everyone has a right to health care, then it must follow that everyone is everyone. That includes the babies and the elderly. The wasted life of a shot up gang member who has multiple 9mm holes in him is just as valuable as the Pope.

If you believe that people do not have that right, but rather the right to purchase health care based on what they have accomplished then that is a different matter.

This raises several issues. Advocates of the former, whether they admit it or not, favor cost reduction through rationing, or better put, selection based on political criteria.

Advocates of the latter are mostly unwilling to recognize that many are wealthy through the luck of birth. Others because they are smarter quicker faster and work harder longer. And have a job where the employer purchases health insurance for them as part of their compensation package.

Employer paid health care started back in the 40’s as a way to attract employees. It was a benefit that has become a right. Part of the problem is that technology kicked in and started creating high price machines and drugs that disabled the thinning of the herd at what was historically expected ages and reasons.

If you had (effectively) untreatable high blood pressure 30 years ago, they now have drugs, expensive drugs that will keep strokes and heart attacks at bay so that cancer can kill you, but only after two or so operations followed by a stay in a “skilled nursing facility.”

So now we have to decide what it is we want to do. Since I don’t trust any Leftie’s judgment and since I damn sure don’t trust Obamie about anything I am convinced that the plan being blessed by the Lame Stream Media, people who for the most part probably can’t keep their check books balanced and have almost zero education in science, engineering and logic will fail as sure as those plans are failing now.

Yet I look at the fact that what we have now doesn’t provide fair and equal treatment to everyone and find that unacceptable. And yes, while the Left says let the old person die to reduce cost the Right too often ignores the fact that an unemployed person’s life is destroyed if their child winds up with a high cost disease or accident. And don’t be misled. While the hospital will treat they will also sue, destroying credit ratings and harming the person’s ability to get a job that would let them pay the bill.

The system, dear Righties, has become too complex and interconnected. We are our brother’s keeper or we lose the right to claim ourselves civilized or Christian and the hope of heaven disappears.

So to me we need National Health Care. The question becomes how to do it and what it will cost.

And that is a subject for later thought.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Factual health care information....NOT

An anon commentator used this link in his health care comments. I thought maybe a few questions would be helpful....

Why doesn’t the United States have universal health care as a right of citizenship?

The United States is the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee access to health care as a right of citizenship. 28 industrialized nations have single payer universal health care systems, while 1 (Germany) has a multipayer universal health care system like President Clinton proposed for the United States.

Why did I know he would choose the one from Germany??

Myth One: The United States has the best health care system in the world.

Fact One: The United States ranks 23rd in infant mortality, down from 12th in 1960 and 21st in 1990.

(Why are they using 39 year old figures? And did anyone look at the survival rate to adulthood?)

Fact Two: The United States ranks 20th in life expectancy for women down from 1st in 1945 and 13th in 1960.

(Why are they quoting 39 year old figures??)

Fact Three: The United States ranks 21st in life expectancy for men down from 1st in 1945 and 17th in 1960.

(Why are they quoting 39 year old figures?)

(I wonder. Since people die as they get old, and since our population is aging, do you think that might have something to do with it?)

Fact Four: The United States ranks between 50th and 100th in immunizations depending on the immunization. Overall US is 67th, right behind Botswana

(Maybe if we quit paying attention to the fruit cakes claiming imminizations harm children......)

Fact Five: Outcome studies on a variety of diseases, such as coronary artery disease, and renal failure show the United States to rank below Canada and a wide variety of industrialized nations.

(Outcome of what??? And was diet considered??)

And then....

Conclusion: Single payer universal health care costs would be lower than the current US system due to lower administrative costs. The United States spends 50 to 100% more on administration than single payer systems. By lowering these administrative costs the United States would have the ability to provide universal health care, without managed care, increase benefits and still save money

Why would it cost the government any less to process a claim than it does the private companies??

Conclusion: The US denies access to health care based on the ability to pay. Under a universal health care system all would access care. There would be no lines as in other industrialized countries due to the oversupply in our providers and infrastructure, and the willingness/ability of the United States to spend more on health care than other industrialized nations

Then all these stories we are hearing about people dying while waiting for heart surgery are lies??

As for over supply, where do you think that $400 million Obamie's plan is supposed to save comes from?

And then.....

Conclusion: Single payer, universal health care administered by a state public health system would be much more democratic and much less intrusive than our current system. Consumers and providers would have a voice in determining benefits, rates and taxes. Problems with free choice, confidentiality and medical decision making would be resolved

Now, where do they get this nonsense????

What you can do about this through your state Green Party.....

Way to go ANON! I'll put you on my never believe list!

Health care

Everyone keeps telling me that we have the best health care system in the world... and the most expensive...

Anyone see a connection there??

So if Obama is going to reduce costs, how does he do it??

There is only one way to reduce cost. And that is to reduce care. If that is what you want, then you should be happy.

But no one wants that. What they want is health care paid for by someone else. I keep on saying that we have all the elements in place for the worlds greatest National Health Care.

First, we have the administrative system in place. Medicare. And the delivery system knows how to deal with it.

Secondly, we have the delivery system in place. Our Hospitals, Clinics and professionals are the greatest in the world.

Thirdly, all we need is how to pay for it. I say a national sales tax, collected at the POS. That way we all use it, we all pay for it. Drug dealers, illegal aliens, doctors, lawyers...Indian chiefs... poor man.. beggar man...rich man... thief...

But that won't fly because it doesn't favor Obamie's minions. It isn't free. And it doesn't create a new level of bureaucrats to ration care, which is what the Left wants. Even worse, everyone can see what they are paying and even much worse, the insurance companies are included out...

So stand by. You think what we have now is bad, just wait until you have to call your local ward heeler to get a Doctor's appointment...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Letterrnan should be fired redux

In a previous post I noted that Letterman should be fired.

The Dark Avenger, a left wing commentator who I knew from Talk Left, commented that he didn't remember me doing the same for Imus.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Letterman apologizes":

Don't remember you demanding the same of Imus when he made the 'nappy headed h--s' remark on the air, but some jokes are more acceptable than others, perhaps.

Since he has been banned, I deleted his comment. So he came back with a snark.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Letterman apologizes":

Scared of the truth?

So I deleted that one. But, since I don't like personal attacks, I went to Google and provided two comments showing his comment was wrong.

I saved this one for this post.

No (none / 0) (#18)
by jimakaPPJ on Mon Apr 09, 2007 at 11:12:09 PM EST

You are correct that Sharpton and Jackson are both guilty of the same, and both have made what many consider racist remarks... eg "Hymie Town.."
But what this does is bring moral equilavence into the picture and three wrongs make a right. I don't buy that from the Left, so I'm not going to buy it from the right.

Imus should be fired. Now.

Talk Left link.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Letterman apologizes

So I would like to apologize, especially to the two daughters involved, Bristol and Willow, and also to the governor and her family and everybody else who was outraged by the joke. I’m sorry about it and I’ll try to do better in the future. Thank you very much.” (audience applause)

OK, apology accepted. Now. Pack up your personal items and leave the building.

Obama's Children's Crusade

Obamie's audience, at least the audience that cares what he says, isn't the audience that will not be affected by what he says. Like the boy preacher who led the Children's Crusade, or the CIA who encouraged the Prague Spring or Bush the Elder who encouraged revolt against Hussein, our Hussein has turned away from those encouraged, proclaiming realism as the goal.

Kissinger may not be in charge but his policies are alive and well, if not as focused on protecting the US as they were under the good Doctor's boss.

Our boy wonder went to Cairo and told the Muslim world we loved them, they loved us and... well not even Barney could have done a better job. Unfortunately the Islamic bosses don't care that we love them, or that their children might want something called freedom. So the thugs took to the streets and started cracking the heads of the children. And Obamie and his minions try and act like they don't know they have blood on their hands. But they do.

You see, you truly can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs. The power structure won't just fade away. Even Bush the Second knew that and when he said he wanted to encourage democracy, by golly he had the firepower ready to encourage democracy.

But he was evil and the dimmest bulb on the tree and the dullest knife in the drawer. Or at least that is what those who has a foreign policy that is listed under, "dumb and dumber" in the Yellow Pages tell us. I emphasize "tell us." They damn sure can't show us,

Oh well, times goes on. Hopefully the Left will get to see what happens when you speak truth to power in a Islamic theocracy. But I doubt they will understand. Ignorance is curable. Stupid is forever.

The differences between us and them

Got this from Mike L. I think it defines the difference between the Left and Right and us average joes and janes...
I just received my bill from AT&T for mobile service. It had increased by $1.02 from last month's. After reviewing, I discovered that the
increase was listed under the heading "Credits, Adjustments & Other Charges" as "Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge".

I called AT&T and, after a 3 minute wait on hold (it might have been shorter if I had pressed 2 for Spanish) I got an agent who looked the charge up. She said the the federal government raised the rate. When I asked her if Obama an company was responsible for that, the line got very quiet. She was at a loss for words!

I thanked her for her time and assured her that I did not hold AT&T to blame for this, then terminated the call.

In my opinion, King Barry has started his "share the wealth" plan in subtle ways and I caught him.

Now, I have vented and feel better.


Mike L

Mike! You call that venting??? No "truth to power?" Didn't wish ATT to collapse from kidney failure? What kind of RWNJ are you??

Country goes Conservative??

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thus far in 2009, 40% of Americans interviewed in national Gallup Poll surveys describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal. This represents a slight increase for conservatism in the U.S. since 2008, returning it to a level last seen in 2004. The 21% calling themselves liberal is in line with findings throughout this decade, but is up from the 1990s.

The question then becomes, how did Obamie win???

I mean if the moderates split 50-50 then you 57.5% for McCain.... Even if the "slight increase" was 5%, then you have around 53% for McCain.. So the conclusion has to be that:

1. ACRON stole the election for Obamie, or

2. A bunch of dumb ass Moderates stupidly voted for Obamie.

now I don't think ACRON stole the election. It wasn't close enough, although I have no doubt but they would have if needed. So.......

Congratulations dear Dumb Assess. You just helped a Marxist destroy the world's greatest country. Oh, offended by being called Dumb Assess? Well, Lenin did say....

Useful idiots...

Gallup link

Now the question is, have you learned anything? Time will tell, eh?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ray Nagin's bio??

Mayor C. Ray Nagin, City of New Orleans
Mayor Nagin led and managed the largest mass evacuation and biggest natural disaster in the history of the United States in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Mayor Nagin developed the Bring New Orleans Back Commission which sought widespread community input and deliberations to rebuild and improve the city's infrastructure and economic development, urban and city planning, education, healthcare, government effectiveness, culture and tourism.


Pure utter bullshit. He led nothing. He managed nothing.

In fact, by delaying the call to evacuate he contributed to the problem.

The perfect storm

is hitting us, yet we pay no attention the increasing winds.

Pay no attention to this.

For the second time in little over a year, it looks as though the world may be heading for a serious food crisis, thanks to our old friend "climate change". In many parts of the world recently the weather has not been too brilliant for farmers. After a fearsomely cold winter, June brought heavy snowfall across large parts of western Canada and the northern states of the American Midwest. In Manitoba last week, it was -4ºC. North Dakota had its first June snow for 60 years.

There was midsummer snow not just in Norway and the Cairngorms, but even in Saudi Arabia. At least in the southern hemisphere it is winter, but snowfalls in New Zealand and Australia have been abnormal. There have been frosts in Brazil, elsewhere in South America they have had prolonged droughts, while in China they have had to cope with abnormal rain and freak hailstorms, which in one province killed 20 people.

Doesn't mean a thing.

In Europe, the weather has been a factor in well-below average predicted crop yields in eastern Europe and Ukraine. In Britain this year's oilseed rape crop is likely to be 30 per cent below its 2008 level. And although it may be too early to predict a repeat of last year's food shortage, which provoked riots from west Africa to Egypt and Yemen, it seems possible that world food stocks may next year again be under severe strain, threatening to repeat the steep rises which, in 2008, saw prices double what they had been two years before.

There are obviously various reasons for this concern as to whether the world can continue to feed itself, but one of them is undoubtedly the downturn in world temperatures, which has brought more cold and snow since 2007 than we have known for decades.

Details, details, details.

It is now more than 200 years since the great astronomer William Herschel observed a correlation between wheat prices and sunspots. When the latter were few in number, he noted, the climate turned colder and drier, crop yields fell and wheat prices rose. In the past two years, sunspot activity has dropped to its lowest point for a century. One of our biggest worries is that our politicians are so fixated on the idea that CO2 is causing global warming that most of them haven't noticed that the problem may be that the world is not warming but cooling, with all the implications that has for whether we get enough to eat.

Yes, but they can starve knowing they have helped Al Gore get richer.

It is appropriate that another contributory factor to the world's food shortage should be the millions of acres of farmland now being switched from food crops to biofuels, to stop the world warming, Last year even the experts of the European Commission admitted that, to meet the EU's biofuel targets, we will eventually need almost all the food-growing land in Europe. But that didn't persuade them to change their policy. They would rather we starved than did that. And the EU, we must always remember, is now our government – the one most of us didn't vote for last week.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Perfect Diet

One of my favs...

Yesterday I was at my local Costco buying a couple of large bags of Kirkland Dog Food for our Greyhounds, Sheena, Spice, Angel, & Smoke and was in the checkout line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog.

What did she think I had, an elephant?

So since I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Costco Kirkland Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.

I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Costco Kirkland nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well
and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.)

Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish Setter's butt and a car hit us both.

I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Costco won't let me shop there anymore.

Hat tip to Mike L!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Letterman apologizes

Well, the Left's latest example of their lack of good taste and manhood has now apologized claiming that he wasn't talking about Sarah Palin's 14 year old daughter. It seems he thought she was traveling with her 18 year old.

Hey folks, it was just a simple mistake!

Laying aside that joking about any woman getting raped or being a prostitute, even if they are of legal age, is not acceptable, I think it obvious that he knew.

He did it two nights running. He has a huge staff and the first night's comments must have lit up the phone lines at CBS. Do you believe that no one on his staff said...

"Uh boss, the daughter at Yankee Stadium is only 14.... maybe you should cool it..."

He knew. He just so wanted to be cool and attack Palin via her daughter... send her a message that she mustn't run for Prez.....that he did it again the second night.

There was a time in this country when such actions would have meant the end of his employment at CBS. That CBS won't fire him is our national disgrace.
