Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chuck Todd

from NBC writes:

But it is a faux lead. If the de facto Democratic nominee is clear within the next 4-6 weeks, that person will see a poll bounce. And according to GOP pollster Steve Lombardo, it could be one heck of a bounce, like post-convention. He anticipates the Democratic candidate will move up 10 points once the primary race is over.

Can anyone tell me why?? The current Demo contest is as nasty as I have ever seen, and that does back 48 years. Why does Todd think the winner will get an automatic 10 point bounce? Both sides despise each other, and the typical Hillary Demo has more in common with McCain than they do with Hussein and his minions. Many surveys show numbers in the teens that will move to McCain if Hillary is shut out. In fact, some polls show McCain up around 10 versus Hussein and 5 over Hillary.

Todd also makes this astonishing comment.

Getting the bounce out of the way isn’t the only reason McCain needs the Democrats’ race to end as soon as possible. It is also because he will run two very different campaigns depending on whom he faces.

He will either be the steady hand in uncertain times vs. Obama, or he'll be the breath of fresh air and openness in a campaign against Clinton.

That, of course is just silly. Being a steady hand and a breath of fresh air is not mutually exclusive.

I often wonder if these organizations ever set down just look at what their employees are saying.

MSNBC link.

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