Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Obama gives up to Mexico

I listened and watched TV today as our global leader, President Barack Hussein Obama said, (and I quote, verbatim)...."Your visit speaks to a truth of our time. In North America and the world, in the 21st century, we are defined not by our borders, but by our bonds."

Then, our global leader stood silently by, on white house grounds, while the Mexican President complained that, "Arizona law is forcing our people to face discrimination."

This is a new low, even for a Saudi King supplicant. I don't like it at all when my president sides with a foreign leader against one of the United States of America -- of which, President Obama, may I remind you, that there are fifty (not fifty-seven; remember? There are 57 Muslim countries in the world, but only 50 states in the USA. It might help you if you repeat that in a mirror a few times.)

Please, Click on this: Link

Hurry up, fellow Americans, put your encyclopedias in your safes before Google scrubs any remaining definition of the United States of America as a sovereign entity off the web. The only proof we'll have of the existence of the late, great USA is the spoken word and banned books.

It is important to note that it was George Bush who signed Agenda 21 not Barack Obama; so this warning is strictly bi-partisan. Furthermore, if you really wanted a "dang fence," Senator McSame, the bill you and your fellow Progressives signed into law authorizing it would have been funded and the fence, built. But no, you guys only voted for it because you had complicit assurance that it would never be funded. Plenty of money to feed kids into the wars.......

Remember, the sixties, when the draft-dodging baby boomers were a problem for the establishment? Well, look again. The tea partiers are the other half of that baby boomer population, the draftees. --Jacqui McDonald

Hat to Grant M.

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