Sunday, March 21, 2010

Can somebody show me the Tea Party?

It looks like some idiots lost their marbles and screamed insults, including the N word, and spit at John Lewis and some other Black Congress people.

Stupid doesn't even cover this. And just remember how angry you were when you read this.

And although the initial press reports had no mention of "Tea Party" the Leftie blogs and some newspapers have now joined the lynch the Tea Party mob.

But before you go soft and wobbly on me here, let me point out a few things.

1. There is no such thing as a "Tea Party."

2. If the idiots who did this are actually members of any group, the group must expel them immediately.

3. If future idiots do something similar the other protesters should grab the idiots and turn them over to the police.

Don't let the Lefties win by doing silly, stupid, despicable things.

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On Twitter I am Lesabre1

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