Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jones admits that man made global warming has not happened... and wishes that it would

House Republicans pointed to controversial e-mails leaked from climate scientists and said it was evidence of corruption. Top administration scientists looking at the same thing found no such sign, saying it doesn't change the fact that the world is warming.

The e-mails from a British university's climate center were obtained by computer hackers and posted online about two weeks ago. Climate change skeptics contend the messages reveal that researchers manipulated and suppressed data and stifled dissent, and conservative bloggers are dubbing it "Climategate."

House Republicans Wednesday read excerpts from at least eight of the e-mails, saying they showed the world needs to re-examine experts' claims that the science on warming is settled. One e-mail from 2003 was by John Holdren, then of Harvard University and now the president's science adviser.

The exploding controversy led Phil Jones to step aside as head of the climate research unit at the University of East Anglia, the source of the e-mail exchanges. The university is investigating the matter. Penn State University also is looking into e-mails by its own researcher, Michael Mann. House Republicans asked for a separate hearing or investigation into the issue, but were rebuffed by Democrats.

"These e-mails show a pattern of suppression, manipulation and secrecy that was inspired by ideology, condescension and profit," said U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis.

But in my mind the most damning of the emails is this fro Jones:

Another Jones' e-mail read, "I would like to see the climate change happen so the science could be proved right."

Now think about that. All the hoaxers claim that there is no doubt, but here we have Jones admitting that it hasn't happened and the science hasn't been proved right.

Yet the Lame Stream Media and their Leftie buds just ignore that. If some of the people saying man made GW was a hoax said something similar it would lead the news on all the networks and be above the fold in the NYT, WaPost, LATimes and every other major market news outlet in the world.

What hypocrites the media, the hoaxers and the Lefties are.

How dumb the Repubs are for not jumping on such statements.


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