Saturday, December 5, 2009

11 Muslims board Flt 297 - update

In case you missed it, I posted this on 12/2 regarding the incident.

I also called Gene Hackemack, the author of the email. He has responded with this:

My emails are now running into the thousands each day, which is actually a very good sign, but it also now prevents me from answering each one personally – a 24 hour job for the last 3 days! Let me assure you that the events on AirTran Flight 297 did occur. Mr. Petruna almost got fired from his job, so he is no longer available, however, now other eye-witnesses are also stepping forth, such as Chaplain Dr. Keith Robinson who was on that same flight. His appearance on Fox News adds the validity that this event it deserves.

You can go to now and type in either Chaplain Dr. Keith Robinson or Petruna or Hackemack (or all three) and find the information that you might be searching for when you sent me this email.

Thank you again for your email and rest assured that these events that you are checking validity to – did indeed occur. – Gene

I find it sad that Petruna almost lost his job for bringing attention to this incident. Political correctness run wild is disgusting, damnable and deadly.

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On Twitter I am Lesabre1


  1. Maybe you should do another update that makes note that Petruna missed his earlier connection and wasn't even on the plane on which his amazing tale takes place.

    This guy is lying, plain and simple.

  2. Thanks. I will do that. Update that is.
