Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama has spoken...Have you listened?

History is full of those who would rule us writing books that spell out who they are in great detail.

Certainly these two from Hussein have done so.

"Dreams of My Father" -- "I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."

"Audacity of Hope" -- "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."


  1. So, you're in favor of political winds turning ugly?

  2. I am in favor of a national press that is fair, balanced and vets all candidates.

    That has not happened.

    Hussein is reaping what his people sowed in their attacks on Palin.

    Now let's see if he can stand the pressure or will he whine, cry and whimmper.

    So far it appears he will whine, cry and whimper..

    Just the guy we need to stand up to Putin, DinnerJaclet, et al.

  3. Hussein attended the annual KOS many Palin attacks came out of KOS?

    But I have been guilty of letting you reframe the argument.

    I will let your first comment stand, even if it was off subject, the second one is gone.

    Would you care to comment on the post??

  4. I did, that you chose not to post it is beyond my control.

  5. No, you did not. Your first comment has no connection to the post, and your second was worse.

    Simply put, this blog does not exist to give you a platform for your opinions beyond how they relate to the post.

    If you want that, start your own blog.
