Thursday, July 17, 2008

Stuff I couldn't make up

There is stupid and then there is really stupid.

But actually this is just another attempt by the Left to re-write history.

“I want to tell you I’m not here for or against any government,” Springsteen said, as he pointedly introduced his rendition of the Bob Dylan ballad “Chimes of Freedom.”


  1. Although I seldom use it, I wish you would allow bad language for my next paragraph.

    His mind already fuzzed up, big, strong Springsteen, with his army of dazed zombies, scared the poor, puny East German soldiers. Russia was trembling, frozen up with fears. And the wall came tumbling down...The New Joshua!!!!!!!!

    Why don't they go to Iran, or at the Islamic Conference? Bin Laden might even come out of his cave, enthralled and enlightened...

  2. The fun part is that the truly believe...

    And the scary part is that throughout history that has always led to the rack for anyway who do not believe....
