Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meet a Hussein supporter

posted at 7/16/2008 10:32 PM CDT on


First post: 1/16/2008
Last post: 7/16/2008
Total posts: 2151

When one totals McCain's 23 missions over North Vietnam, times the number of minutes he was actually over enemy territory (approximately 20 to 35 minutes per mission), McCain's total time over Vietnam before being shot down, was about 10 1/2 hours.

For those 10 1/2 hours over Vietnam, McCain, the Admiral's son, was awarded two Silver Stars, two Legions of Merit, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, three Bronze Stars, the Vietnamese Legion of Honor and three Purple Hearts averaging over one hero medal per hour.

The above is probably from a guy in his early 20's, has never had anything more difficult than choosing which cereal to eat for breakfast and grew up hearing "Good job!" every time he did anything. Failures included.

His schooling consisted of no hard science or math, was repeatedly told that America was evil and thinks that we can all just get along if we'll just throw open the borders and let everyone in to "do their thing."

He represents the perfect storm of ignorance about the world that is heading towards us guided by the elites we have allowed to destroy our great education system and captained by a man who, knowing nothing and having been given everything, is the perfect candidate to lead us into the next dark age.


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