Sunday, June 22, 2008

Indian Jones and the FBI

I took my 8 year old Grandson to the latest Indiana Jones flick. Language was a little much but not as bad as he can hear at any NBA game. The violence was up to snuff, no pun intended, and when I asked him about it he patiently explained that it was just a movie and not real.

So would I recommend it?? No. Because, as has become standard for Gollywood, Spielberg just had to throw in an attack on the FBI and have our hero fired from his tenured professorship.

And the gratuitous attack doesn't advance the plot one little bit. The whole FBI bit could have been deleted with just a minor change.

So why did Spielberg do it?

He did it because he has made so much money off the country that he doesn't even know when he is insulting the country.

Or he threw it in to titillate the off shore market who believe that the US was as evil as the Soviets.

I went only because I thought it was action/adventure with no politics. I won't be back.

And looking at the gross numbers of people seeing Gollywood's products I'm not alone in my leaving.

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