Monday, April 14, 2008

What Australia's troops think of our troops...a comparsion.

Before I came over here I thought we (the Australian Army) were pretty…hot….. was I ever wrong!….The Yanks (I hope you don’t mind me using that word) are so professional from the top to the bottom that it is almost embarrassing to be in their company,.....

If nothing else, coming here has taught me that the Americans are a truly great Nation and a truly great bunch of people…..Let’s face it they don’t HAVE to be here, they could stay in America and beat the shit out of anyone who threatened them, BUT THEY ARE HERE because they believe they should be here, and the Iraqis would be screwed if they weren’t here…..When I come home, you and I we are going to the US, we will buy some bikes and we are going riding….

Read all of the Australian soldier's comments.

Compare that to what our anti-war Left thinks.

Protesters burned an American soldier in effigy at a peace rally in
Portland, Oregon, on March 18.

Chants included:

"Bye, bye, G.I., in Iraq, you're gonna die!"


"Build a bonfire; build a bonfire; put the soldiers on the dock; put
the fascists in the middle, and we'll burn the f-----g lot!"

Did you get a good look at the video? Note the concealed faces?? What courage, eh? They can't even burn a dummy without being afraid to show their faces.

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