Monday, March 10, 2008

For stupid things, see stupid schools

as detailed in this article from WND.

A Pennsylvania student who wore a T-shirt to school to express his support for the American war on terror and to honor his uncle, a warrior in the battle, has been told he cannot do that.

The T shirt had a picture of a gun with these words:

"Volunteer Homeland Security" and "Special issue – Resident – Lifetime License United States Terrorist Hunting Permit – Permit No. 91101 Gun Owner – No Bag Limit"

Shocking, eh? And then we have these gems of wisdom:

"It's the district's position the wording on the T-shirt advocated violation of the law and acts of violence," Supt. Donald Stewart told WND.

Gosh and gee.

Why, I wonder, does he think hunnting terrorists is bad?

Stewart said the student was given detention, but that was a result of his "behavior" in the school office, not the T-shirt.

I hope the behavior expressed the view that the act was dumb.

And I wonder if the T shirt would have been a problem if it was abti-war or attacked Bush?

There is a law suit on going and I hope the district is forced to pay enough money to require the tax payers to absorb a sizeable tax increase. Perhaps then they will start to question who they are letting run their schools.

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