Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The facts

….Obama's campaign got caught up in a series of revised statements about what one of his economic advisers said to a Canadian official about NAFTA. Meanwhile, the trial of Chicago developer Tony Rezko, a former Obama supporter, thrust that issue back into the headlines.

Someone asked me why I was cheerleading for Hillary. I suppressed a desire to punch him. I don’t give a flip who wins the Demo nomination, but I do want to make sure the Demos, and the country know who and what they are getting.

The above quote comes from CBS News and I note it for two reasons. The first is to show that Hussein has ties to some very shady people, and that he not only wouldn’t come clean about the discussion between his people and Canada because it shows that the pure dishonestness of his campaign, it also demonstrates that he doesn’t mind violating Federal Law. And yes, I know he didn’t personally do it, but I also remember that Nixon got impeached for what his guys did, and his failure to give them up. No difference between Nixon’s and Hussein’s actions in my mind, except Hussein has done it twice. First In Syria a few weeks ago and now with the Canadians.
It’s calledThe Logan Act.

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

and it is supposed to keep unauthorized people from doing the above. For years and years it wasn’t a very big deal, but leave it to the Demos to break the law big time. First it was Dear Leader Pelosi, and now Hussein twice. And to be fair, Dear Leader Pelosi had a couple of tag a long Repubs.

Perhaps someone should also advise the Canadians that what they are doing is often called “aiding and abetting” in an unlawful act and that they should restrain themselves… Particularly when GITMO is starting to have spare cells…

Now, it isn’t that I am for NAFTA, I’m not. Any dunderhead, even Bubba and Pope Algore knew that the end result of NAFTA would be a big time loss of manufacturing jobs. The Little Admiral wasn’t always right, but he knew a giant sucking sound when he heard it, and what was being sucked. Perhaps that is what Bubba aka Monica’s Boyfriend thought was going on. Perhaps he was confused. As the old C&W song said..

I didn’t know the gun was loaded
And I’m so sorry my friend..

It is not that I think manufacturing can make a comeback in the US. A few years back I was involved with a start up in which we tried every way possible to manufacture in the US. It just couldn’t be done.

But what we could do, say in the case of Mexico would be demand a 25% discount in oil prices, the Mexican Army to keep their cultural sojourner wannabees south of the border and to clean up a small fraction of the corruption that is there.

Instead the politicians claim to be able to bring back jobs while, in Hussein’s case violate federal law and lie to the electorate.


  1. Our Prime Minister is doing quite a good job in telling Canadians that to discuss established agreements with political candidates of another country is illegal. He adds that to leak a conversation that might have taken place without his knowledge is blatantly unfair to the candidate. He will not fire his chief of staff, responsible for the leak. Mr. Harper is intensely loyal to his staff and disdains the media who leaked only one half of the story. The other half is that Clinton's advisor had also said to Ian Brodie to take her talk of being tough on Nafta with "a grain of salt".

    Our media, like yours, is mostly liberal. They will favour a democrat but they will choose which one to favour. That's why they protected Clinton instead of Obama. Both (tru their staff) had been totally at fault. So was Mr. Brodie who embarrassed greatly our Prime Minister by listening to the minions, and by leaking it to CTV.

    Our Prime Minister is a strong conservative and a very moral man who is doing his best to keep our governement clean and dependable. I seldom feel the need to advise him on any issue!!!! I don't always agree but I'm never ashamed of my country when he is at the helm.

  2. Actually the "aiding and abetting" comment was tongue in cheek, but I am glad to know your PM has informed the transgressors of what not to do.

    Actually I think Hillary's actions were also reported on, at least on the web, but also likely on cable news and the MSM.

    As to who the media favors, both sides claim it's the other, but I would say that Hussein has been the savior of the day. Since I do not like religious crusades of any type, he is my most disliked.

    Being a minority, by itself, is not a qualification to do anything.


  3. I'm sorry if I jumped so high to defend Mr.Harper. I did not even vote for him in 2006. I would now. He was totally unknown then. The Conservative party had been so totally ruined by Mulroney that it united with the Canadian Alliance from the West to form the New Conservative. I was scared of them. I voted for Mr.Martin (a decent man) although the Liberal Party was falling apart. Mr. Harper won and proves himself worthy of respect and admiration.

    I was opposed to NAFTA right from the beginning for the same reason you express. It spelled the end of the small factories and the Made-at-Home labels. How can Canada compete with the cheap labour of Mexico and of your illegal aliens?

    The agreement should not be rescinded but re-negotiated. It was really a trial. A new deal would be born out of past experiences. Apparently a second marriage is always better than the first!!! (tongue-in-cheek)

    It's amazing that the Democratic candidates felt they had to reassure Canada. They're very ignorant if they think that we're all in love with NAFTA.
