Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why am I not surprised?

The claims of a dedicated member of the Occupy Buffalo movement that he saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are not supported by Army records.

Christopher M. Simmance has told several media outlets, including The Buffalo News, that he served as many as three tours of duty in those war zones and that he was severely injured in Afghanistan.

Service records obtained from the Army, however, show he was stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash., for three years and he left the active-duty Army in January 2001 -- before the 9/11 terror attacks.


From February 2006 to March 2007, Simmance said he was again in "the Valley of Elah," Afghanistan, and, after returning from that deployment, he was ordered back to Afghanistan's "Congo Valley" in April 2007.

There is no Congo Valley in Afghanistan.


"I cannot confirm any of what he said," Denise Simmance, his mother, told The News.


When both the Army and your mother won't back your play then you're in a heap of trouble.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Barney Frank insulted!

The Tennessee Tea Party tweeted @tnteaparty at 12:40 p.m. today about the impending retirement of U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, a gay Democrat from Massachusetts, with this remark: “Good riddance you perverted sodomite POS!!”


I dislike such comments because all they do is make all the Lefties swoon and throw snit fits. And since they might harm themselves and not be around to see Obamie give his concession speech I am naturally against them.

Besides. I am for gay rights. And if Congress wanted to put up with a gay congressman who had let his lover run a whore house out of his apartment and if the good people of Boston wanted to keep electing him for some 30 years..... who am I to complain?

But I do heartily dislike certain things. One of them is people, such as the insulter, who claims to be with the Tennessee Tea Party.

Well, as the commercial now running every 30 minutes says... "There is no Tennessee Tea Party." (Pardon the paraphrase. Couldn't help myself.)

He is a member, perhaps an official of a Tea Party organization that calls itself the Tennessee Tea Party.

Not to belabor a point, but there is no formal organization of TN Tea Parties.

So what we have here is some person claiming to be an official of a Tea Party with a name of the Tennessee Tea Party has said something nasty about poor Barney.

Actually poor Barney should not have words wasted on him. His actions re the housing bubble speak for themselves, and are the reason for him leaving Congress. He had a difficult 2010 election and he knows that he won't win in 2012. Let us review.

By STEVEN A. HOLMES (New York Times)

Published: September 30, 1999

In a move that could help increase home ownership rates among minorities and low-income consumers, the Fannie Mae Corporation is easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders.

Sounded great. But some knew better.

''From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,'' said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ''If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.''


Now that was 9/30/1999. Bubba Clinton was the Prez. And just as Wallison predicted the housing market took off. And tanked. Tanked big time. Of course along the way, the Bush administration took notice and decided something needed to be done.

The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.


And before you say, "About time Bush did something," that was 9/11/2003.

Well, the Demos shot it down.

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''


BTW - Note that was 9/11/2003. It can be argued that Barney's despicable actions caused far more damage to the country than the attacks on 9/11/2001.

BTW - There are links within the two links above that will take you back to the source of the information. Use them if you don't believe me. Of course if they say bad things about your hero you  Lefties won't believe them, even though they are the New York Times.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Nap time

Hat tip to Austin!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Monday, November 28, 2011

Vince Gill and Carrie Underwood, "How Great Tho Are."

Click here for an absolutely stunning performance.

It will bring chills to your body.

Hat tip to Jimmy M!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

I guess a new Porsche is out of the question.

Just days after Saudi Arabia’s king announced landmark voting reforms for women, female activist Sheima Jastaniah was sentenced to 10 lashes for defying the nation’s ban on driving, according to fellow activists. The ruling is the first of its kind—women have been jailed before for operating a vehicle, but not sentenced. There is no actual law on the books in Saudi Arabia that prohibits women from driving, but religious edicts have forbidden it. Women, King Abdullah announced on Sunday, will be able to vote in 2015.


How it's done.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

 “It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why dogs sniff butts

As you may have noticed, when two dogs meet they will always smell each others butts. If you have more than two the situation can become very confused as the manuever this way and that to get a good sniff.

You may wonder why.

Long, long ago, even before time begain, God was creating dogs. He was near being complete and had all of them done except for their rear ends which were layed in a row on a table beside him.

As He reached for the first one He knocked the table over and the rear ends were scattered and completely mixed.

He sighed and picked one up and then finished the job.

And ever since then when two dogs meet they smell each other's butts in the hope they can find their own.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper “It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Five Rules to Remember in Life

1. Money cannot buy happiness but it’s more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.

2. Forgive your enemy but remember the bastard's name.

3. Help someone when they are in trouble and they will remember you when they're in trouble again.

4. Many people are alive only because it is illegal to shoot them.

5. Alcohol does not solve any problems, but then again, neither does milk.

Hat tip to Mike L!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Occupy Wall Street finally tells us what they want

Well, the Occupiers have finally decided to tell us what they want and show us how much history they know and how smart they are.

Details follow.


Note that these haters of corporations are using free gmail.

My comments are noted as "Me:" in bold.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Me: Well, great. But they fail to understand that the right to assemble doesn’t mean the right to seize public and private property for their personal use. That’s usually considered to be criminal trespass.


WE, THE NINETY-NINE PERCENT OF THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in order to form a more perfect Union, by, for and of the PEOPLE, shall elect and convene a NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY beginning on July 4, 2012 in the City Of Philadelphia to prepare and ratify a PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES on behalf of the 99% of United States citizens.

Me: Somehow I don’t think that they represent 346,500,000 Americans. In fact, I doubt they represent 1%.

I. Election of Delegates:

The People, consisting of all United States citizens who have reached the age of 18, regardless of party affiliation and voter registration status, shall elect Two Delegates, one male and one female, by direct vote, from each of the existing 435 Congressional Districts to represent the People at the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The office of Delegate shall be open to all United States citizens who have reached the age of 18.

No candidate for Delegate to the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY will be permitted to run on a party line or use any party label while running for or serving as a Delegate. No candidate or delegate may take private money from any source. Election Committees in the 435 voting districts, consisting of volunteers, shall organize, coordinate and transparently fund this election. The voting process shall be free from the corrupting influence of corporate money and all funds raised by the 99% Declaration Working Group shall be used for the purpose of funding the election of Delegates and providing a venue for the Delegates to meet in Philadelphia.

Me: No private money? No corporate money? “transparently fund?” How? Who are these “volunteers?” How do they get picked?

II. Meeting of the National General Assembly and Approval of a Petition for a Redress of Grievances:

In addition to ensuring a free and fair election of the Delegates to the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY, the Working Group on the 99% Declaration shall be responsible for raising sufficient funds to secure a venue wherein the 870* Delegates may convene, deliberate and ratify a PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES to be presented to all 535 members of Congress, the 9 members of the Supreme Court, the President of the United States and each of the political candidates seeking to be elected to federal public office in November 2012.

Me: Ah, I see. The “Working Group” shall raise the money. But where will they get it? I mean they said no private and no corporate. Hmmmm, I’m beginning to suspect that they want a government grant.

Subject to the voting procedure regarding the final vote for ratification of the PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES as set forth in section III, the Delegates of the National General Assembly shall implement their own rules, procedures, agenda, code of conduct, internal elections or appointments of committee members to efficiently and expeditiously accomplish the People's mandate to present a PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES to all three branches of the government of the United States of America and political candidates before the 2012 election.

III. Content of the Petition for a Redress of Grievances:

The PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES ratified by the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY shall be non-partisan and specifically address the critical issues now confronting the 99% of the People of the United States of America. The Delegates shall deliberate and vote upon proposals and solutions to be included in the PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES and if necessary adjourn for further consultation with the 99% of the People of the United States of America as our founding fathers conferred during the first two Continental Congresses.

The final vote ratifying the PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES shall be by simple majority vote by the 870 delegates and a duly elected chairperson of the National General Assembly shall determine the outcome of the final vote on ratification in the event of a tie. Upon ratification, all of the Delegates shall affix their signatures to the final PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.

Me: What? Simple majority? I thought that was called the tyranny of the majority. Who is gonna look out for the minority?

IV. Suggested Content of the Petition for a Redress of Grievances:

In order to facilitate the timely election of the 870 Delegates to the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY by July 4, 2012 and submission of the PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES before the 2012 general election, the Working Group on the 99% Declaration, shall draft a suggested list of grievances to be submitted to the Delegates of the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY no later than April 30, 2012. The final version of the PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, to be ratified by the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY, may or may not include the following issues currently suggested by the Working Group on the 99% Declaration:

1. Elimination of the Corporate State. The merger of the Amercian political system of Republican Democracy with the economic system of Capitalism has resulted in the establishment of a Corporate government of, by and for the benefit of domestic and mult-inational corporations. Therefore, the 99% of the American People demand an immediate ban on all private contributions of any thing of value, to all politicians serving in or running for federal office. This ban shall extend to all individuals, corporations, "political action committees," "super political action committees," lobbyists, unions and all other private sources of money or any thing of value.

Me: An immediate ban?? Suppose that violates the law. What then?

Private fundings of campaigns from concentrated sources of wealth have corrupted our political system. Therefore, all private funding of political campaigns shall be replaced by the fair, equal and total public financing of all federal political campaigns.

Me: Public financing?? Well, okay. But who is going to determine who gets what? Let me guess. The “Working Group.”

We, the 99% of the American People, categorically REJECT the concepts that corporations are persons or that money is equal to free speech because if that were so, then only the wealthiest people, corporations and other entities comprised of concentrated wealth would have a meaningful voice in our society. The complete elimination of all private contributions must be enacted by law or Constitutional amendment because it has become clear that politicians in the United States cannot regulate themselves and have become the exclusive representatives of corporations, unions and the very wealthy who indirectly and directly spend vast sums of money on political campaigns to influence the candidates’ decisions when they attain office and ensure their reelection year after year.

Me: Okay. Let’s say Congress tells’em to stick it. And let’s say the Constitutional amendment route fails. What then?

It has been estimated that 94% of all federal political campaigns are won by the candidate who spends the most money. Our elected representatives spend far too much of their time fundraising for the next election rather than doing the People's business. This constant need for more and more money, causes our politicians to labor under conflicts of interest that make it impossible for them to act in the best interests of the American People. Indeed, the current system's propagation of legalized bribery and obscene conflicts of interests has reduced our once great Republican Democracy to a greed driven corporatocracy run by boardroom oligarchs who represent .05 to 1% of the population but own 38% of the wealth and whose incomes have increased 275% since 1979 while most other salaries have remained virtually flat or declined.

Me: Ya gotta watch those profits. If you ain’t careful they’ll turn obscene on you. I recommend keeping them below 34 degrees.

2. Abrogation of the "Citizens United" Case. The immediate abrogation, even if it requires a Constitutional Amendment, of the outrageous and anti-democratic Supreme Court holding in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. This heinous decision proclaimed by the United States Supreme Court in 2010 equates the payment of money to politicians by corporations, wealthy individuals and unions with the exercise of protected free speech. We, the 99% of the American People, demand that institutional bribery never again be deemed protected free speech.

Me: Well, there they go again. So again, what happens if the SC ignores them and the Amendment route fails. That could take 10 years or so. Think these folks would accept that?

3. Elimination of All Private Benefits and "Perks" to Politicians. The 99% of the American People demand the immediate prohibition of special benefits to all federal public employees, officers, officials or their immediate family members. Public officials, politicians and their immediate families shall be banned from ever being employed by any corporation, individual or business that the public official specifically regulated while in office. No public employee, officer, official or their immediate family members shall own or hold any stock or shares in any corporation or other entity that the public official specifically regulated while in office until a full 5 years after their term is completed.

There shall be a complete lifetime ban on the acceptance of all gifts, services, money or thing of value, directly or indirectly, by any elected or appointed public official or their immediate family members, from any person, corporation, union or other entity that the public official was charged to specifically regulate while in office. The term "specifically regulate" shall mean service on a committee or sub-committee or service within any agency or department of the federal government responsible for the regulation of the person, union, corporation or entity seeking to directly or indirectly confer a benefit to a public official.
To root out corruption and restore integrity to our political system, all elected politicians and public employees must ONLY collect their salary, generous healthcare benefits and pension. Congress shall immediately pass new laws banning all private benefits to politicians and public officials. Any person, including individuals connected directly or indirectly to corporations, who violate these new laws shall be sentenced to a term of mandatory imprisonment of no less than one year and not more than ten years.

Me: Not bad. Not bad at all. But why not make them purchase their healthcare insurance from the same market place we do? I mean if the intent is to insure they are treated the same as the other citizens. And though not stated, I assume there will be a grandfather clause that excludes the existing Senators and Congress people. If not, there’s gonna be a big dump on the stock market.

4. Term Limits. Members of the United States House of Representatives shall be limited to serving no more than four two-year terms in their lifetime. Members of the United States Senate shall be limited to serving no more than two six-year terms in their lifetime. The two-term limit for President shall remain unchanged. Serving as a member of Congress or as the President of the United States is one of the highest honors and privileges our culture can bestow. These positions of prominence in our society should be sought to serve one's country and not provide a lifetime career designed to increase personal wealth and accumulate power for the sake of vanity and hubris

Me: Again not bad. But the problem here is that the SC has already ruled that a law establishing this would be unconstitutional. So we are back to a Constitutional Amendment. Would the Occupiers be willing to accept that? I don’t think they would.

5. A Fair Tax Code. A complete reformation of the United States Tax Code to require ALL citizens and corporations to pay a fair share of a progressive, graduated income tax by eliminating loopholes, unfair tax breaks, exemptions and unfair deductions, subsidies and ending all other methods of evading taxes.

The current system of taxation unjustly favors the wealthiest Americans, many of whom pay fewer taxes to the United States Treasury than citizens who earn much less and pay a much higher percentage of their incomes in taxes. Any corporation that does business in the United States and generates income from that business in the United States shall be fully taxed on that income regardless of corporate domicile or they will be barred from earning their profits in the United States. This will allow honest companies and individuals who pay their fair share in taxes to take over those markets in the United States economy.

Me: Well, it does need to be reformed. Let’s say to a flat tax. But that is not what they are speaking of. And read carefully “ALL citizens….pay a fair share. When you first read it you get the idea that it means EVERY citizen. But it doesn’t. It means that the FAIR share will be determined by the progressive graduated income tax. So nothing is changed, just who gets the loop holes. That’s the heart of their plan to redistribute income.

Me: Further demonstrating their lack of understanding is the demand for taxing ALL business income rather than all profits. I guess they think that people invest their money in a business and don’t expect to get it back.

6. Healthcare for All. Medicare for all or adoption of a universal single-payer healthcare system. The Medicaid program will be eliminated as redundant.

Me: Works for me. The question then becomes, how do ALL of us pay for it? My view is that a national sales tax collected at the point of retail sale be used. (Not a VAT!) But I doubt that this is what the Occupiers mean.

7. Protection of the Planet. Corporate greed is destroying the only habitable planet known to humanity. New comprehensive laws and regulations must be immediately enacted to give the Environmental Protection Agency expanded powers to shut down corporations, businesses or any entities that intentionally or recklessly damage the environment, and to criminally prosecute individuals who intentionally or recklessly damage the environment. The 99% of the American People demand the immediate adoption of the most recent international protocols to reverse climate change, including the "Washington Declaration" and implementation of new and existing programs to rapidly transition away from fossil fuels to reusable or carbon neutral sources of energy.

Me: Wow. A government agency with unchecked powers to destroy. Now that’s scary. But again it shows really what the Occupiers are about.

8. Debt Reduction. Adoption of an immediate plan to reduce the national debt to a sustainable percentage of GDP by 2020. Reduction of the $15 trillion national debt to be achieved by BOTH fair progressive taxation and cuts in spending that benefit corporations engaged in perpetual war for profit, inefficient healthcare, pharmaceutical exploitation, the communications industry, banking and finance, the oil and gas industry, and all other entities that currently use the federal budget as a private income stream. We agree that spending cuts are necessary but those cuts must be made to facilitate what is best for the People of the United States of America, not multi-national and domestic corporations who currently have a stranglehold on the politicians in both parties.

Me: So we increase taxes and cut spending that benefit corporations. And what, pray tell, is inefficient care? Can you say, “Death Panels, boys and girls?”

9. Jobs for All Americans. Passage of a comprehensive job and job-training act like the American Jobs Act to employ our citizens in jobs that are available with specialized training. The American People must be put to work now by repairing America's crumbling infrastructure and building other needed public works projects. In conjunction with a new jobs act, reinstitution of the Works Progress Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps and similar emergency governmental agencies tasked with creating new projects to provide jobs to the 46 million People living in poverty, the 9% unemployed and 16.2% who are underemployed.

Me: Yeah. I can just see these folks marching off to work. Shovels on their shoulders singing, “Hi ho! Hi ho! It’s off to work we go!”

10. Student Loan Forgiveness. Implementation of a student loan debt relief forgiveness program. Our students are $1 trillion in debt from education loans and have few employment prospects due to the financial collapse caused by the unbridled and unregulated greed of Wall Street. Banks receive virtually interest free loans from the Federal Reserve Bank and then charge upwards of 6% interest to our students for profit. Because education is the only way to ensure our future success as a nation, interest on student debts must be immediately reduced to 2% or less and repayments deferred for periods of unemployment. The tax code will also be amended so that employers will receive a student loan repayment tax deduction for paying off the loans of their employees.

The principal on all outstanding loans shall be forgiven over time by phasing in a graduated corporate tax surcharge. This surcharge will serve as restitution and reparations for Wall Street's intentional and reckless conduct leading to widespread unemployment after the economic collapse in 2007-2008. This economic crisis, the worst since the Great Depression, resulted in the the $1.5 trillion dollar bail out of Wall Street and unknown losses to the economy estimated to be in the trillions of dollars. Banks and the financial institutions they own (see point 16 infra) have caused the current worldwide recession, debt crisis and ongoing turmoil in the international markets.

Me: Now we get to it. They don’t want to keep their word and pay what they owe. How about a counter offer? Just forgive all their debt.

But no more loans backed by the government.

11. Immigration Reform and Improved Border Security. Immediate passage of the Dream Act and comprehensive immigration and border security reform including offering visas, lawful permanent resident status and citizenship to the world’s brightest People to stay and work in our industries and schools after they obtain their education and training in the United States.

Me: Not bad. But how about the parents of those folks? Why, we can’t be breaking up families! Or at least that's what Newt tells us.

12. Ending of Perpetual War for Profit. Recalling all military personnel at all non-essential bases and refocusing national defense goals to address threats posed by the geopolitics of the 21st century, including terrorism and limiting the large scale deployment of military forces to instances where Congressional approval has been granted. New laws must be enacted to counter the Military Industrial Complex's mission of perpetual war for profit. The annual savings created by updating our military posture and ending perpetual war will be applied to the social programs outlined herein to improve the quality of life for human beings rather than facilitating and assisting corporations engaged in murder to make ever-increasing profits distributed to the top 1% of wealth owners.

Me: There goes the military. Say hello to terrorist attacks and imposition of Shariah Law. Maybe we could start with a stoning or two of some female Gollywood Stars engaging in being with a male who is not a family member. (That’s sarcasm.)

13. Reforming Public Education. Mandating new educational goals to train the American public to perform jobs in a 21st century economy, particularly in the areas of technology and green energy. This must be accomplished by taking into consideration the redundancy caused by technology and the inexpensive cost of labor in China, India and other developing countries. Eliminating tenure in primary public education in favor of merit performance and paying our teachers a competitive salary commensurate with the salaries in the private sector. These salaries must be based upon similar skills in the private sector because without highly-skilled teachers, there will never be a highly-skilled workforce and the United States will fall further and further behind its competitors.

Me: Green energy. Of course they don’t seem to understand that green energy won’t provide the power we need and cost three times more than carbon based energy. Stupid is as stupid does. As for the teachers, I wonder how they will take the pay cuts, loss of job security and increase in hours worked. But this is really poetic justice for many of the teachers. These are your students doing what you taught them. Enjoy.

14. End Outsourcing. Subject to the elimination of corporate tax loopholes and exploited exemptions and deductions stated above, offering tax incentives to businesses to remain in the United States and hire our citizens rather than outsource jobs. An "outsourcing tax" should be introduced to discourage businesses from sending jobs overseas and tax incentives should be offered to companies that invest in reconstructing the manufacturing capacity of the United States. This country must again competitively produce everyday products in the United States rather than importing them from countries like China and India. To do business in the United States, corporations must make slightly less profit by hiring American workers and paying them a living wage rather than maximizing every penny of profit to the detriment of our society.

Me: Feels good but looks bad. Or the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Let me see. Along with having the EPA shut them down, taxing investment return rather than profit we are going to demand we manufacture everything in the USA. A noble thought, but I wonder if the Occupiers understand that along with cheap labor most of the world doesn’t have a million pages of regulations that, among other things, spell out the size and quantity of toilet paper in the company’s toilets?

15. End Currency Manipulation. Implementing immediate legislation (see e.g. H.R. 639) to encourage China (which undervalues its currency by an estimated 25% to 40%) and our other trading partners to end currency manipulation and reduce the trade deficit and end unfair trade practices.

Me: Let’s start a trade war.

16. Banking and Securities Reform. Immediate reenactment of the Glass-Steagall Act and increased regulation of Wall Street and the financial industry by the SEC, FINRA, the Justice Department and the other financial regulators. The immediate commencement of Justice Department criminal investigations into the Securities and Banking industry practices that led to the collapse of markets, bank bail-out and financial firm failures in 2007-2008. Introduction of a small financial transaction fee also known as the "Robin Hood Tax" to collect fees on each and every stock trade and other financial transactions. Uniform regulations limiting what banks may charge consumers for ATM fees, the use of debit cards and other miscellaneous "fees." Ending the $4 billion a year "hedge fund loophole" which permits certain individuals engaged in financial transactions to evade graduated income tax rates by treating their income as capital gains which are taxed at a much lower tax rate (approximately 15%).

Me: Watch that “other financial transactions.” A federal sales tax is lurking.

17. Foreclosure Moratorium. Adoption of a plan similar to President Clinton’s proposal to end the mortgage crisis. The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank shall not continue to lower interest rates for loans to banks that are refusing to loan to small businesses and consumers. Instead, the federal government shall buy all mortgages in foreclosure and refinance these debts at an interest rate of 1% or less because that is the interest rate the Federal Reserve charges the banks who hoard the cash despite ample liquidity rather than loan it to the People and small businesses. These debts will be managed by the newly established Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and an independent foreclosure task force appointed and overseen by Congress and the Executive Branch to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether foreclosure proceedings should continue based on the circumstances of each homeowner and the propriety of the financial institution's conduct when originating the loan.

Me: CRA redux. Oh well, nothing like some Hair of the Dog to cure a hang over.

18. Ending the Fed. The immediate formation of a non-partisan commission, overseen by Congress, to audit and investigate the short-term and long-term economic risks in eliminating the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank and transferring its functions to the United States Treasury Department.

Me: Well, Sovereign Debt is working so well all over the world…..

19. Abolish the Electoral College, Comprehensive Campaign Finance and Election Reform. The 99% Demand the abolishment of the Electoral College in favor of the Popular Vote in presidential elections to avoid situations where the Electoral College elects a candidate who does not receive a majority of the popular vote. Subject to the above-referenced ban on all private money and gifts in politics, Congress shall immediately enact additional campaign finance reform requiring the Federal Communications Commission to grant free air-time to all federal candidates; total public campaign financing to all candidates who obtain sufficient petition signatures and/or votes to get on the ballot and participate in the primaries and/or general election election; implementation of nationwide uniform election rules applied to all voting districts requiring equal access to third parties to appear on ballots; abolition of "gerrymandering" by utilizing non-partisan public commissions, shortening the campaign season to three months; allowing voting on weekends and holidays; issuance of free voter registration cards to all citizens who are eligible to vote so that they cannot be turned away at a polling station because they do not have a driver's license or other form of identification; a review of the exclusion of voters with criminal records, and expanding the option of mail-in ballots and verifiable internet voting.

Me: Roughly translated, “We don’t want the small states to have a vote.” And note that National ID card. And if anyone can tell me how to have verifiable internet voting, please call or write.

20. Ending the War in Afghanistan. An immediate withdrawal of all combat troops from Afghanistan and a substantial increase in the amount of funding for veteran job training and placement. New programs dedicated to the treatment of the emotional and physical injuries sustained by veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Our veterans are committing suicide at an estimated unprecedented rate of one person every 80 minutes and we must help now.

Me: I’m all for ending it. The problem is withdrawal is called “surrender.” Of course Obama has already told’em when we're leaving.

21. Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act ("DOMA"). Immediate passage of Senate bill, S. 598, and House bill, H.R. 1116, to repeal the Defense Of Marriage Act because all human beings have the right to love and marry another human being regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Me: Well, there had to be one thing I agree with. Now, if they will just include a clause that says churches have the right to not participate they’ll have something.

V. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that IF the PETITION FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES approved by the 870 Delegates of the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY in consultation with the NINETY-NINE PERCENT OF THE PEOPLE, is not acted upon within a reasonable time and to the satisfaction of the Delegates of the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY, said Delegates shall reconvene to utilize the grassroots network established in the election of the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY to organize a new INDEPENDENT POLITICAL PARTY to run candidates for every available Congressional seat in the mid-term election of 2014 and again in 2016 until all vestiges of the existing corrupt corporatocracy have been eradicated through the power of the ballot box.

Me: Translated: If you don’t do what we want you to we’re gonna run candidates.

Question, dear Occupiers.

Why in hell don’t you just do that instead of making all the childish, ill considered, unworkable and stupid demands?

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Friday, November 25, 2011

The difference between them

and us.

Of course you might argue that goat provides food....

and the lady rider.....?

Warmth in the winter and shade in the summer.

Hat tip to whoever sent me this.

Could have been Jimmy M who once opined, after several adult beverages...

"Fat women need love, too!"

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Some thoughts on Thanksgiving and the Occupiers

My Mother and Father were sharecroppers. In case you don't understand, that was the lowest rung on the economic ladder in the US. They worked on a shares basis and the owner could throw you off the land when they wanted and for whatever reason, or non-reason.

Cash almost didn't exist so goods were charged at stores usually owned by the landowners. Quality was low and prices were high and yet complaints were few. If the customer didn't like it they could take their business someplace else.

Of course someplace else, if it existed at all, was miles away and with horse drawn wagons as the majority transportation it was very difficult to get there. And then you needed cash.

I grew up in that world.

It had improved by the time I was a teenager and my parents made it out by working two jobs and buying their own farm. I worked on the farm all my life, and in other jobs from age 14 onward. My parents couldn't afford college for me and there were no loans and I could never quite get a scholarship. If the school had three I would come in fourth. I was a Baptist at Baptist schools, a Methodist at Methodist schools and thankfully there were no Buddhist schools.

I tried some factory work but that didn't set well so I joined the Navy and it finished my education and gave me a grand old time of immense fun and some terrible frights. Along the way I grew up, married the best woman in the world and we had two children. I finished my working career in corporations advancing from sweeping the lab floor to having a business card saying, "Senior Vice President."

I note these things not to brag, but to establish who I was and what I became. And the further point is what motivated us?

In all of this my parents generation and my generation had goals. They knew where they where and where they wanted to go. I was much the same.

As a country we fought WWII and then the Cold War while, at the same time, enjoying economic growth and living conditions improvements unparalleled in the history of the world.

It wasn't easy and much can be credited to what FDR started and the unions and later the civil rights struggle. And even the Vietnam demonstrators seemed to have mostly good intentions although the presence of "fellow travelers," "useful idiots" and people such as Bill Ayers and wife hurt much more than they helped. Whether the Leftie demonstrators like it or not thousands died because of their actions.

But through all of this we had "goals." We knew what we wanted and we stated them and we worked towards them.

We also learned that when people couldn't tell you what they wanted it meant that they didn't know or they knew but wanted to conceal it from you. The former meant they would likely cause more harm than good. The latter meant they wanted to change society to their vision and they knew that their vision would be rejected by the majority.

I think the Occupiers are made up of both types. And I think the latter is controlling and directing the former.

I see them as people who, instead of wanting to expand, want to control. They are of a group that thinks government can fix all things and that someone in DC will know how much electrical power will be needed at some point. In other words, they are basically socialists, Marxists and communists.

They represent people who take a good thing and then destroy it by demanding that we "do more."

They typify "Best is the enemy of Good."

And instead of attacking the cause, a government that has been co opted at all levels by speculators... Wall Street gave more money to Obama than McCain....They attack the effect.

We let people like this nearly destroy the country in the 60's. I've gotten old despite my plan to live forever and my energy is more directed to hearth, home and family than it ever was. And I confess that I am very worried.I'm not sure we can survive their types again.

So when you say thanks at your Thanksgiving table today add a little prayer for the country. It surely needs it.

(Partially posted on TalkLeft.)

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Abbott and Costello explain the stimulus package

A hat tip to whoever sent me this. I'm having a Senior Moment and can't remember!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Can you say "Limousine Liberal, Boys and Girls?"

These are the people that lecture us.

Hell no, we won’t go — unless we get goose down pillows.

A key Occupy Wall Street leader and another protester who leads a double life as a businessman ditched fetid tents and church basements for rooms at a luxurious hotel that promises guests can “unleash [their] inner Gordon Gekko,” The Post has learned.

The $700-per-night W Hotel Downtown last week hosted both Peter Dutro, one of a select few OWS members on the powerful finance committee, and Brad Spitzer, a California-based analyst who not only secretly took part in protests during a week-long business trip but offered shelter to protesters in his swanky platinum-card room.

“Tents are not for me,” he confessed, when confronted in the sleek black lobby of the Washington Street hotel where sources described him as a “repeat” guest.

Spitzer, 24, an associate at financial-services giant Deloitte, which netted $29 billion in revenue last year, admitted he joined the protest at Zuccotti Park several times.


I wonder if he knows that he would be one of the first to be removed should the ideals, socialist, comminist, Marxist, of the Occcupiers.

I doubt it. He reminds me of gays and women defending Islamic radicals who will cheerfully kill them if they can seize control.

As Forest said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Wanna dance??

An old prospector shuffled into the town of El Indio, Texas leading a tired old mule. The old man headed straight for the only saloon in town, to clear his parched throat.

He walked up to the saloon and tied his old mule to the hitch rail.

As he stood there, brushing some of the dust from his face and clothes, a young gunslinger stepped out of the saloon with a gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other.

The young gunslinger looked at the old man and laughed, saying, "Hey old man, can you dance?"

The old man looked up at the gunslinger and said, "No son, I don't dance... never really wanted to"

A crowd had gathered as the gunslinger grinned and said, "Well, you old fool, you're gonna dance now!" and started shooting at the old man's feet.

The old prospector, not wanting to get a toe blown off, started hopping around like a flea on a hot skillet.

Everybody standing around was laughing.

When his last bullet had been fired, the young gunslinger, still laughing, holstered his gun and turned around to go back into the saloon.

The old man turned to his pack mule, pulled out a double-barreled 12 gauge shotgun and cocked both hammers.

The loud clicks carried clearly through the desert air. The crowd stopped laughing immediately.

The young gunslinger heard the sounds too, and he turned around very slowly.

The silence was deafening. The crowd watched as the young gunman stared at the old timer and the large gaping holes of those twin 12 gauge barrels.

The barrels of the shotgun never wavered in the old man's hands, as he quietly said;

"Son, have you ever kissed a mule's ass?"

The gunslinger swallowed hard and said, "No sir... but... I've always wanted to"

There are a few lessons for all of us here:

*Don't be arrogant.
*Don't waste ammunition.
*Whiskey makes you think you're smarter than you are.
*Always make sure you know who is in control...
*And finally, Don't screw around with old folks; they didn't get old by being stupid...

I just love a story with a happy ending, don't you?
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stupid is as stupid does

Proving again that our education establishment is embedded with people who shouldn't be trusted out alone.

A school administrator in Florida called the sheriff after a pair of consenting 12-year-olds shared a kiss on the playground.

Lee County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to Orange River Elementary School after two female students were debating over who liked a 12-year-old boy more. At that point, one of the girls walked over and kissed the boy – leading an assistant principal to call authorities


"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“It’s the presumption that Obama knows how all these industries ought to be operating better than people who have spent their lives in those industries, and a general cockiness going back to before he was president, and the fact that he has no experience whatever in managing anything. Only someone who has never had the responsibility for managing anything could believe he could manage just about everything.” - Thomas Sowell in Reason Magazine

Gonorrhea Lectim { deadly disease }

The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent
strain of this old disease. The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim. It's
pronounced "Gonna re-elect 'em," and it is a terrible obamanation.

The disease is contracted through dangerous and high risk behavior
involving putting your cranium up your rectum. Many victims contracted it in 2008....

But now most people, after having been infected for the past 1-2 years, are
starting to realize how destructive this sickness is.

It's sad because Gonorrhea Lectim is easily cured with a new drug just
coming on the market called Votemout. You take the first dose now and the
second dose in 2012 and simply don't engage in such behavior again; otherwise, it could become permanent and eventually wipe out all life as we know it.

Several states are already on top of this, like Virginia and New Jersey ,
and apparently now Massachusetts , with many more seeing the writing on the

Please pass this important message on to all those bright folk you really
care about.


Hat tip to Jimmy M!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving turkeys from WKRP!

Seriously funny. If you ever saw it, you'll want to see it again.
If you've never seen it, ya just gotta.

Click here.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Perry has a point

U N B E L I E V A B L E ! ! !

How they vote in the United Nations:
Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records:

Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time
Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time
Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time
United Arab Emirates votes against the United States 70% of the time.
Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.
Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.
Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.
India votes against the United States 81% of the time.
Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.
Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.

U S Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2,000,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Jordan votes 71% against the United States
and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Pakistan votes 75% against the United States
receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

India votes 81% against the United States,
but receives $143,699,000 annually. WHY?


Perhaps it is time to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the American workers who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes.

Hat tip to Larry P!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." -Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Saturday, November 19, 2011

South African Handshake

Hat tip to whoever sent me this!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

 “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

 "Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Friday, November 18, 2011

Think about it!

A true evolutionist would let endangered species die off.

The sign outside the courthouse said no signs allowed. So I took it down.

Atlas Shrugged is now on the non-fiction aisle at Amazon.

Hat Tip to Bill T!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Larry the Cable Guy has a way with words.

"Even after the Super Bowl victory of the New Orleans Saints, I have noticed a large number of people implying with bad jokes that Cajuns aren't smart. I would like to state, for the record, that I disagree with that assessment. Anybody who would build a city 5 feet below sea level in a hurricane zone and fill it with Democrats who can't swim is a damn genius".

Hat tip to Jimmy M!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ernie Ford

was basically a country and western singer who sang with a deep baritone bass voice. His most successful single was "Sixteen Tons."

But this video is not of "Sixteen Tons" but comes from his TV show, probably in the mid to late 50's. Just watch the kid to his right and enjoy live TV.

Hat tip to Bill T!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

These four older ladies

who lived in Yugoslavia always sat outside together near the church and chatted about when they were younger. One month ago they pooled their money together and bought a laptop.

Never having been, but having heard all about Florida, they just happened to click on St. Augustine, FL. They read about the "Fountain of Youth" claimed by the Spaniards when they arrived there.

They collected up all they had left in the world and sent for four bottles of the water. As soon as it arrived, they drank as directed.

The rest of this story will make you a believer because here they are today...................

No... This is TRUE! Really! Would We lie to you?

We have a limited supply of this water available at an incredibly low price of just $1,499.95 a bottle. (A $20,000.00 value)



Make checks payable to:

Democratic National Committe

Hat tip to Mike L!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Monday, November 14, 2011

A prayer for 2012

Dear God,

My prayer for 2012 is for

A fat bank account & a thin body.

Please don't mix these up like you did last year.


Hat tip to Jimmy M!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Out of work airline pilot applies for job

Bill T sent me the following. I'm not sure what airline the pilot helped put out of business, but it remimds me of Eastearn Airlines where they struck themselves out of business. Of course that was long ago and you would have thought union employees would have caught a clue.

Of course as long as the government employees can force the tax payers to pay what they want, which was just reconfirmed in Ohio, then government employees have nothing to fear.

But sooner or later that will end.


"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Gun nut??

You may have heard on the news about a southern California man put under 72-hour psychiatric observation when it was found he owned 100 guns and allegedly had (by rough estimate)1-million rounds of ammunition stored in his home. The house also featured a secret escape tunnel.

My favorite quote from the dimwit television reporter: "Wow! He has about a million machine gun bullets." The headline referred to it as a "massive weapons cache”.

By southern California standards someone even owning 100,000 rounds would be called "mentally unstable. Just imagine if he lived elsewhere:

In Arizona , he'd be called "an avid gun collector”.

In Arkansas , he'd be called "a novice gun collector".

In Utah , he'd be called "moderately well prepared", but they'd probably reserve judgment until they made sure that he had a corresponding quantity of stored food.

In Montana , he'd be called "The neighborhood 'Go-To' guy".

In Idaho , he'd be called "a likely gubernatorial candidate".

In Wyoming , he'd be called "an eligible bachelor".

And, in Texas , he'd be called “a deer hunting buddy”.

In the rest of the South He'd just be called

" A Good Ole Boy"

Hat tip to Mike L!

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Friday, November 11, 2011

Angel Flight

It is terrific. The song is being performed with "effects." Listen to the words of the pilot and the tower, and make sure you sit quietly and listen at the very end. You will understand why one of the singers said he would be glad to help with the song.....if he could stop crying. This is beautiful.

God bless our Vets!

Click here.

Hat Tip to Dave T!

And a special rememberance to Dick and Worley and Chief Knudson. May you have found peace.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veteran's Day to build floor traffic??


I don’t know if this is worth dissemination to your blog but I’m sure many of us have received emails about all the places that are offering freebies to veterans. As an example, Sam’s Club advertises free canes to veterans from Nov 9-11th.

You may want to let our folks know that the canes that Sam’s are giving out are very limited in quantity. I went to my regular Sam’s club around noon on Nov. 9th to pick up a cane and was informed that they were out of them, but would have more tomorrow. In checking with the store manager they were only allocated 30 and were giving out 10 per day for 3 days.

That seems like a crock to me. They are making a big deal out of a perceived benefit to veterans that amounts to a crap shoot if you happen to get there before the allocation is gone. Our folks might be better off buying a lottery ticket.

I’m the first to admit that I am not entitled to a free cane and If I really need one I can afford to buy it. But the deception pisses me off.


Thanks. Walmart has changed since "Mr. Sam" died. It no longer is "Made in America" but "Made in China." You have to wonder where their heads and hearts are.

We're both lucky to not need a cane and even luckier still to have the resources, within some limits, to buy what we want. Many veterans do not.

In a broader sense I see a movement by our Congress critters to limit and reduce benefits from those who have the greatest right for our assistance. We all need to call them and remind them they in charge only because we elected them, and our military kept the country free.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Wanna see something scary??

Check out this map.

And make sure children can speak Spanish.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This comes from Alabama. It would work great in Yankeeland

On Friday, Stephen Pirkle, the chief financial officer of Decatur Utilities (DU), announced that the utility provider will no longer allow illegal aliens to obtain electric, gas, water or sewer service. The new policy has been in effect for two weeks.


Pirkle also said that municipal utility services are now being denied to illegal aliens in Athens, Courtland, Cullman, Huntsville, Russellville and Scottsboro as well.


Hammon continued: “It seems to be working…We’re seeing a lot of illegal immigrants self-deport.”


"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cain and groping and other thoughts

As I wrote earlier on the Cain issue.

Let me say up front that I do not “know” if Herman Cain is innocent of the charges brought against him.

But I am sure of one thing. The way we have chosen to punish and prevent sexual harassment is wrong. Why?

Because if a person decides that they have been sexually harassed then they deserve to have their day in court. And the person accused of sexual harassment decides they are not guilty then they deserve to have their day in court. Or, if both agree, they can have a hearing and settle on a result.


Others will claim that a private settlement saves time and money because going to court is expensive and in too many cases sexual harassment is “he said – she said” and “you had to be there.” That’s true enough, but if everyone knew a public trial/settlement might be the result then people would be more careful in what they say and do. And people would be more careful in what they claim.

Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus and some people make things up for a variety of reasons. Especially if they know a quick and private cash settlement is on the way. And I am not including the ladies involved in the Cain matter.

But to return to Cain, the ladies involved have been released from the confidentially agreement. One has declined to comment. Cain has said that what he did was note that the lady was the same height as his wife, placing his hand just under his chin.

You can call that what you like. But based on the lack of other information I don’t call it sexual harassment. And based on the public’s response, the majority of Americans join with me.

Are we right? Are we wrong? It appears we will never know


So when I first heard that a fourth woman had come forward I just nodded and said, “As it was with Clinton I like the man but this shouldn’t be. But unlike Clinton the press won’t defend him and the Left will gut him. He’s gone. And whether he is innocent or guilty he will be an example for all black men to not leave the reservation.”

But, based on the bare outline of the claim, I couldn’t say he was innocent.

But then I found out she had hired Gloria Allred to represent her. And I thought, why? Allred is known for many things. And chief among them is that she is no friend of any Republican. And she seems a bit spendy for someone of Ms Bialek’s means. So I would say she is working for free. Or at least she won’t be paid by Ms Bialek. So that bothered me.

And then this morning I watched her being interviewed on Fox. Attractive and articulate she made a good case. She had decided only to go public so that Cain could confess.


Fourteen years and then only after Cain has gained a great deal of traction as a Black man who would pull a fair amount of Black support from Obama. So that bothered me.

Now this bothers me more.

By MICHAEL SNEED November 8, 2011 12:30AM"

The Cain Encounter ...

They hugged each other backstage in a full embrace like old friends.

She grabbed his arm and whispered in his left ear.

She kept talking as he bent to listen, and he kept saying “Uh, huh. Uh, huh.”


“I don’t know if what she was giving him was a sucker punch, but he didn’t put his arm down while she was talking to him,” said the Sneed source.

Make that a double huh. I don’t know about you, but if someone had groped me 14 years ago, even if I remained quiet because I didn’t want the hassle of charging him, there would be no hugs and no “full embrace like old friends.” Maybe a knee to his crotch and full hand slap to his face.

But to continue.

◆The “he”... is GOP presidential contender Herman Cain, who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women.

◆The “she”... is Chicagoan Sharon Bialek, who held a news conference Tuesday as the only woman to PUBLICLY accuse Cain of sexual harassment.

◆The Sneed source ... is WIND radio co-host Amy Jacobson, who tells Sneed she witnessed the Cain/Bialek encounter a month ago while backstage at the AM 560 WIND sponsored TeaCon meeting in Schaumburg Sept. 30-Oct. 1 at the Renaissance Hotel and Convention Center.

◆Quoth Jacobson: “I had turned on TV to find out who was Cain’s accuser, and I almost fell over when I saw it was Sharon Bialek accusing Cain of groping her genitals.”

“I was waiting for Herman Cain’s ‘Accuser No. 4’ to surface — and up pops Sharon!”

“I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked.”

“I recall Sharon was hell bent on going backstage at the TeaCon convention — where she cornered him,” said Jacobson.

“I was surprised to hear she claims she did not know Cain was going to be there. Cain was expected and was late.” (Emphasis added.)

Bialek told the media on Monday: “I went up to him and asked him if he remembered me. I wanted to see if he would be man enough to own up to what he had done 14 years ago.”

◆The encounter: “It looked sort of flirtatious,” said Jacobson. “I mean they were hugging. But she could have been giving him the kiss of death for all I know. I had no idea what they were talking about, but she was inches from his ear.”

◆The introduction: “It all began when I took a convention break and joined my pals at the hotel bar. Sharon was drinking Mimosas with them. She said she was a Republican, a Tea Party member, (emphasis added) had once dated [White Sox sports announcer’ Steve Stone] and had worked at WGN radio.”

◆The rendezvous: Sharon also said she was anxious to meet Cain again and had once gone to an after party with him and her boyfriend years ago. But she never mentioned he had sexually harassed her.”

◆The upshot: Bialek has since applied for employment in sales at WIND radio and is scheduled for a second interview Thursday.

Hmmmm, a Tea Party member and a Republican......who just now appears with a Democrat lawyer to try and destroy a black man who can hurt Obama if he's on the ticket....yeah.... that works for me. No doubt what so ever.

And did I mention that she lives in the same building as Axlerod? Axlerod of the Obama supporter???

But she doesn't really know him. I mean, as Obama said of Ayers, he of trying to blow up the Pentagon..... He's just one of the guys in the neighborhood.

"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." - Karl Popper

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves.” - William Pitt

"Logic. There is little logic among the cultural elite, maybe because there is little omnipresent fear of job losses or the absence of money, and so arises a rather comfortable margin to indulge in nonsense." - Victor Davis Hanson