Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bits and pieces

Why I live here.

The azaleas have come and gone but the roses linger on. The woods are full of wild climbing roses, the ones that Nat King Cole sings about here.

I have discovered a varmint repellent that is effective. You can spray it around and they, at least for now, stay away. I couple that with a fake owl, poles with white plastic flapping and a new device.

It is a device that you can bury in the ground and it will send out a vibrating "gawpppp" every 28 seconds. Supposedly it runs off moles. I'm using one above ground to run off rabbits and such.... I have a second one that I will try on moles. Supposedly it is good for a circle of 30'. Runs off 3 D cells. The Guard Dog hates the sound but has finally decided to coexist.

But it was too late for the cabbage. No matter what I did the varmints could eat'em faster than I could set'em out.

But the squash and cukes are up, the tomatoes are starting to bloom and the red, yellow, green and banana peppers look fine. The okra, aka Candy around here, is starting to come up.

The downed trees and limbs have been cut and dispatched and things have dried out. I did lose the Texas Sweet onions I had out, most of them were just washed away but after seeing some of the other damage around here I feel blessed. Especially since a tornado passed us by less than a half mile away. The downed trees, with the signature "twist and snap" rather than just "blown over" are impressive. Some of'em are 24" or so in diameter. Just try and imagine the power it took to do that.

My alter ego, Poker Player, has a new scheme which he will share with you later.

Life is good.

Time for bed. Much to do tomorrow.

What else can a man want besides work? Most of the world's problems come from people who haven't anything to do, or plainly, don't want to do what needs to be done.

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  1. Fine place! You're a lucky man, Jim. But you worked at it. It didn't fall down from heaven. And it didn't come from somebody else's pocket. May you have a great summer. Enjoy your garden! Whatever the wild critters let you keep...Cheers!

  2. Well, I have fought the critters to a draw but the forest always comes back and has since the dawn of time..

    Our job is to try and push it back or at the least hold the line.
