Thursday, April 22, 2010


Click here. You will love the video.

And this is perhaps the best explanation of the "hockey stick" and what its designers tried to do that I have ever read. If you are interested, click here.

And thanks to AttackCartoons!
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On Twitter I am Lesabre1


  1. Glaciers before and after slideshow

    But you found a funny cartoon, that trumps photos of the situation.

  2. That climate change is not caused by man is the point. There is no need to spend trillions of dollars, cause food shortages in poor countries by using corn for ethanol and destroying our economy with a carbon tax that will double, or more, our utility bills and our gasoline bills.

    The Hockey Stick existed because Moore wanted to create panic and a crisis. To do that he ignored the Medieval Warming period because it not only screwed up the graph, there weren't cars around to create carbon dioxide in 1200 AD.

    Phil Jones of East Anglia University has been caught doing the same thing to hide the global cooling that has started. That is part of what Climategate is all about. That and Jones admitting that global warming has not occurred and him wishing it would so the science could be proven. Plus, he even admitted that there had been no significant warming in 15 years.

    Face it Admiral, your ship is frozen in the past and you need an icebreaker!
