Thursday, December 17, 2009

The question

Christmas is almost upon us and I have seen the usual amount of ACLUites demanding that it not be celebrated.

And one of the more interesting arguments is that we don't know when Christ was born and that there is all kinds of evidence that it was not during the winter.

Fair enough.

But isn't the real question, why should we care? Isn't the real point that He was born and that alone should be cause for celebration?

Does the date matter? What if we picked August 17? May 8? Isn't the real celebration that his birth brought us to this point where hanging of gays and stoning of women and forced marriages and genital mutilation and slavery is condemned and still practiced only by a small group of Muslim extremists and radicals?

I say it does not matter except to the extent that the attacks on it are meant to weaken our society. That some may be ignorant of what they do forgives them only to the extent that stupidity and ignorance is forgiven. That some are Fellow Travelers to the Muslim radicals as some were Fellow Travelers to the Soviets is obvious. The objective. To stifle the critics of the religious practices of the Taliban and al Qaeda. The point of all of the actions we see in opposition to celebrating Christmas is to claim that everything is equal.

And if all is equal then why should we oppose radical Islamic believers? Can't we all just get along?

That is the question. The real question.

I say no. We can't get along with those who seek to enslave us, be they Muslim radicals or man made global warming hoaxers. The timing to the end is different but the result is the same.

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