Sunday, December 27, 2009

NW 253 Don't worry, be happy!

Here's a little song I wrote

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday there was no indication so far that a botched terror attack on a U.S. airliner was part of a broad international effort.

That the guy says he was connected doesn't count.

That Janet Napolitano's IQ is just a tad below room temperature is well known. Worse, she is in a position within Obamie The Bower's administration where she can actually do some serious damage.

Here's what a guy with a moniker of hughglass worte:

December 27th, 2009 12:17 pm ET

I think that Obama and his brilliant, super qualified, apolitical, HS czar Napolitano are doing a bang up job! I just hope that the attack by a confused, misunderstood black, islamofacist, member of the religion of peace and love doesn’t deter them from their stated goal of pursuing the folks who are the real threat to America. i.e Americans of evil intent, as described in a memo by napolitano’s DHS..” (as) “right-wing extremists” concerned about illegal immigration, abortion, increasing federal power and restrictions on firearms — and.. (particularly).. war veterans …." That’s what the obamatuer administration is all about..keeping an eye on our war veterans and pro lifers!

Hopefully, our First Engagementarianist will continue to ensure our security by relentlessly pursuing right wing extremists at home and not waste any time on the crazy notion, fabricated by Fox News and right wing talk radio, that peace loving muslims, who in obama’s own words, have contributed so much to civilization, are a threat to America. He must continue to offer his hand in reconciliation to Al Quada and the muslim terrorists. Additionally, It would probably help if he would apologize to the Islamofacists for everything America has done over the last 300 years and beg their forgiveness, at least a couple of times a week. As I suggested, doing a bang up job!


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On Twitter I am Lesabre1


  1. We're not paranoid ladies here, but we think that all those incidents on planes (and the shooting at Fort Hood) are connected and part of a plan of serial attacks on USA. Even more so now that a terrorist attack was twarted.

    In my experience, normal passengers pay attention to flight attendants. It seems that those people are trained and ordered to create a climate of fear. And a plan is being followed. I'm amazed it's never questioned in the media.

  2. The media should read your blog. Those journalists would learn a few things which they try to ignore.

  3. I think you are right. But no one will ever convince the media and no will blame Obamie The Bower for ignoring very specific information.

  4. I hope somebody wakes up, and takes care of things in USA. We really worry, here.

    Wishing you the best. Always.:)

  5. I'm pretty sure that will not happen.

    Take care.
