Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Calling AARP

You probably have noticed a lack of posts from me. I have been traveling, plus the palatial retirement compound is located on acreage and I have many, many, many leaves. So I have been busy, busy, busy..

But not too busy to call the AARP yesterday to express my displeasure of their support for the Death Panels for Seniors bill. After dialing 866 295 7274 and speaking with a very young person, and almost everyone is young to me, I was transferred to a "supervisor" who said she was charged with taking comments for management.

So I told her that taking $400 billion from Medicare was very harmful and I could not understand why.

She assured me it would come from stopping fraud and waste.

Yeah. I know. I couldn't believe it either. But that's what they claimed.

And like the joke, that was her story and she stuck with it.

I concluded by noting that if AARP's management believed that they were stupid and if they didn't they were liars and that either way they should be replaced.

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On Twitter I am Lesabre1

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