Sunday, November 22, 2009

Anothger Federal Judge orders another GITMO prisoner released

A federal judge Friday ordered the Obama administration to free a long-held Guantánamo captive who fled his native Algeria years ago and kicked around Europe as a construction worker for a decade before his capture in Pakistan.

Judge Gladys Kessler's order to free Farhi Saeed bin Mohammed, 48, raised to 31 the number of detainees who have won their federal unlawful detention suits since the U.S. Supreme Court empowered Guantánamo detainees to file and argue habeas corpus petitions.

Kessler's order was classified Friday, meaning her rationale for ordering his release was not yet made public.

Probably decided that the evidence trail was tainted..... Or else it wouldn't look good on "Law and Order."

And listen to this glowing recommendation from his attorney:

``He's an easy guy to like,'' said Cohen, ``and certainly not the worst of the worst and not even close to it.''

Well, that sure settles it for me. I guess we need to get worse terrorists...

In the meantime, Obamie the Bower doesn't seem to think this could happen to KSM.

What idiots govern us.


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