Monday, November 30, 2009
Would you buy a used car from this man?
Then how about mankind causing global warming and we must give the third world countries millions of dollars and control of the country? After all he is a scientist....right?
Actually, no.
He is an economist and got half of a Nobel PEACE prize... for pushing man made global warming.
The IPCC, which was set up by the UN in 1988, is the world's leading authority on climate change. It advises governments on the science behind the problem and was awarded the Nobel peace prize along with Al Gore in 2007.
And here's a strange claim.
Pachauri said the large number of contributors and rigorous peer review mechanism adopted by the IPCC meant that any bias would be rapidly uncovered.
Why is that strange? Well I would say the reason is this.
Pachauri was responding to one email from 2004 in which Professor Phil Jones, the head of the climatic research unit at UEA, said of two papers he regarded as flawed: "I can't see either … being in the next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. Kevin [Trenberth] and I will keep them out somehow – even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"
Yeah. No bias here. Move along folks, just do as your told.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Why does Obama bow and apologize??
Obamie the Bower will go to Copenhagen to bow, scrap and apologize for something that is fake.
We now know that the global warming hoaxers cooked the books and this will cost the world more money than Bernie Madoff ever dreamed of.
Why us this not on the media's lips rather than lies about drowning polar bears is a question that we all need to ask. And even further, why is there is no out cry about Obamie the Bower's not condemning attacks against women world wide by Muslim extremists? The hanging of Gays?
You know, I use to think the defense of terrorists by trying to compare Christians and Jews' actions by the Left was them playing devil's advocate, and I refer to the Left in general because to be honest there are a few who understand where the problem is and where we are headed.
But I have come to see that, in general, members of the Left hate America and use any attack against enemies of the West as a method to jump in and attack the West. They did it for years with communism and have now just slid over to the extremist Muslims.
It is always, "Yes but...." Some of them do not know that they are (trying) to give moral equivalence to extremists who hate the West. Some do. Like their past members and communism, some were communists, some were fellow travelers and some were, as Lenin is reputed to have said, "useful fools." The Left is not one specific model.
Of course their hypocrisy is startling. Supposedly they are for minority rights.... women's rights, gay right's, black's... et al. Supposedly they demand fair trials and justice for all... Yet what we see is them, at best, providing a weak...if at all.... condemnation of the Muslim extremists while condemning the West in general and Christians, Jews and America specifically. That the extremists they support would gladly chop off their heads and/or stone, hang, etc., them for not totally obeying the "law" seems to never reach their minds.
Of course 99% of this comes from our education system and from the media. Both have turned against our culture. This came from the radicals of the 60's moving into our universities... that has now filtered down to our state universities and junior colleges. It is now moving into K-12.
The results can be seen with the election of Obamie the Bower. Supposedly smart, his ignorance about America and lack of love for the country that elected him is always on display.
(Part of this was first published on Pluck.)
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
We now know that the global warming hoaxers cooked the books and this will cost the world more money than Bernie Madoff ever dreamed of.
Why us this not on the media's lips rather than lies about drowning polar bears is a question that we all need to ask. And even further, why is there is no out cry about Obamie the Bower's not condemning attacks against women world wide by Muslim extremists? The hanging of Gays?
You know, I use to think the defense of terrorists by trying to compare Christians and Jews' actions by the Left was them playing devil's advocate, and I refer to the Left in general because to be honest there are a few who understand where the problem is and where we are headed.
But I have come to see that, in general, members of the Left hate America and use any attack against enemies of the West as a method to jump in and attack the West. They did it for years with communism and have now just slid over to the extremist Muslims.
It is always, "Yes but...." Some of them do not know that they are (trying) to give moral equivalence to extremists who hate the West. Some do. Like their past members and communism, some were communists, some were fellow travelers and some were, as Lenin is reputed to have said, "useful fools." The Left is not one specific model.
Of course their hypocrisy is startling. Supposedly they are for minority rights.... women's rights, gay right's, black's... et al. Supposedly they demand fair trials and justice for all... Yet what we see is them, at best, providing a weak...if at all.... condemnation of the Muslim extremists while condemning the West in general and Christians, Jews and America specifically. That the extremists they support would gladly chop off their heads and/or stone, hang, etc., them for not totally obeying the "law" seems to never reach their minds.
Of course 99% of this comes from our education system and from the media. Both have turned against our culture. This came from the radicals of the 60's moving into our universities... that has now filtered down to our state universities and junior colleges. It is now moving into K-12.
The results can be seen with the election of Obamie the Bower. Supposedly smart, his ignorance about America and lack of love for the country that elected him is always on display.
(Part of this was first published on Pluck.)
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
The Pentagon Papers
The latest excuse of the man made Global Warming hoaxers is that the cracking of the email servers that show them to be hiding and changing facts is "illegal" and thus must be ignored.
Uh, hey do dahs.... Any of you hoaxers ever heard of the Pentagon Papers?
You've been caught trying to put lipstick on a pig!
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
When to believe global warming scientists......
SCIENTISTS at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.
It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years.
The UEA’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation.
The data were gathered from weather stations around the world and then adjusted to take account of variables in the way they were collected. The revised figures were kept, but the originals — stored on paper and magnetic tape — were dumped to save space when the CRU moved to a new building
Dumped to save space? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
In a statement on its website, the CRU said: “We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (quality controlled and homogenised) data.”
Value added????
Let me see.... Four lies....The checks in the mail.... the Beamer's paid for.... it's only a cold sore... and I will respect you in the morning...
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Yes, we have a lot to be thankful for.
But most of all, our thanks must be to the men and women who sacrificed to keep us free.
Hat tip to Terry M for the picture.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Inconvenient EMAILS
This pretty well nails it but the Lame Stream Media doesn't seem to think scientific fraud and collusion is worthy of discussion.
If you are feeling ambitious you can go the link below and read the emails yourself.
They are indeed inconvenient truths.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
They’re calling it “Climategate.” The scandal that the suffix –gate implies is the state of climate science over the past decade or so revealed by a thousand or so emails, documents, and computer code sets between various prominent scientists released following a leak from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in the UK.
This may seem obscure, but the science involved is being used to justify the diversion of literally trillions of dollars of the world’s wealth in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by phasing out fossil fuels. The CRU is the Pentagon of global warming science, and these documents are its Pentagon Papers.
Here are three things everyone should know about the Climategate Papers. Links are provided so that the full context of every quote can be seen by anyone interested.
First, the scientists discuss manipulating data to get their preferred results. The most prominently featured scientists are paleoclimatologists, who reconstruct historical temperatures and who were responsible for a series of reconstructions that seemed to show a sharp rise in temperatures well above historical variation in recent decades.
If you are feeling ambitious you can go the link below and read the emails yourself.
They are indeed inconvenient truths.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Smokey goes Westminster
America's biggest dog show has a new volunteer.
The bluetick coonhound, best known to sports fans as Tennessee sideline mascot Smokey, will soon be eligible for the green carpet of Westminster.
"It was completely a surprise to me they weren't in. I kind of assumed they were," said Clay Head, the UT senior who handles Smokey IX. "I might have to watch the show now."
The American Kennel Club will fully recognize three breeds next month -- the bluetick coonhound, redbone coonhound and Boykin spaniel, the official state dog of South Carolina. They will join the Icelandic sheepdog, cane corso and Leonberger as rookies at Madison Square Garden in 2011.
Well, there are important things and then there are important things.
And yes, I know. I too was astounded to find out Smokey's cousins weren't already there.... But, after all, there are Yankees involved.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Monday, November 23, 2009
Is any Democrat listening?
Just 38% of voters now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the lowest level of support measured for the plan in nearly two dozen tracking polls conducted since June.
Prior to this, support for the plan had never fallen below 41%. Last week, support for the plan was at 47%. Two weeks ago, the effort was supported by 45% of voters.
Intensity remains stronger among those who oppose the push to change the nation’s health care system: 21% Strongly Favor the plan while 43% are Strongly Opposed.
Rasmussen Link
This pretty well shows that the Leftie Demos don't give a damn what the people want and believe that can destroy healthcare, Medicare first, in the US with no ill effects on themselves.
Call your Senator.
Senator telephone numbers.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Burkha Barbie
The company director of Laird Assessors from The Wirral, Cheshire, said: 'Bring it on Burkha Barbie, I think this is a great idea.
'I think this is really important for girls, wherever they are from they should have the opportunity to play with a Barbie that they feel represents them.
Ah yes, I am sure that girls want to cover themselves completely, have their genitals mutilated, have an arranged marriage and be stoned for having an affair if they survive the Honor Killing attempt by their fathers and brothers.
The West is just soooooooooooooooooo stupid.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Sunday, November 22, 2009
China Clipper and old flights
Mostly Cajun reminded us that Sunday was the 74th anniversary of Pan Am's China Clipper's first trans pacific flight.
Anything airplane fascinates me and I would have loved to been on the first flight from San Francisco to Honolulu to Midway to Wake to Guam to Manilla. The aircrat crusied around 175 knots with a ceiling of around 19000 feet. Not exactly fast but I bet the food and beverage was first class and those four props could lull you to sleep like nothing else.
My first Pan Am flight was in the late 60's on a 707 from JFK to London's Heathrow where I changed to an Aerflot converted bomber for a flight into Moscow courtesy of the Department of State. I did it several times more and was always fascinated by the fact that the aircraft clearly had bomb bay doors and a bubble navigation port in the top of the cabin for silent navigation by the stars. The Soviets didn't worry about public opinion.
The flights were all without incident and they served some good cheese and better vodka. But the plastic didn't match well around the windows and the seats weren't well secured to the floor. Those were not confidence builders.
Later I made quite a few other flights from JFK into Brussels on Pan Am. Take off at 7:00 PM from JFK and land around 6:00 AM give or take. Supposedly you could make a 9:00 AM meeting to show your vigor and attaboy attitude. I never did and it didn't seem to make any difference. Of course I was dealing mostly with the French and the US Departmnent of State and their work ethic wasn't exactly Americanized.
The flights were never full and you could always eat, drink, flip some arm rests up and sleep until wakened for an orange juice and roll breakfast. No Virginia, in those days the peons did not fly first class.
Pan Am wasn't allowed to fly inside the US. Why I don't know. TWA was.
In any event deregulation let them start doing that but they couldn't compete and finally went out of business. My last flight on them was from LAX to Ohau and was memorable in that the pilot took off and flew right into a thunderstrom about 10 miles off the coast. He could have deviated 10 degrees either way and missed it, but he didn't and the turblence was so bad that the oxygen masks deployed and many of the overhead bins popped open. And this was in a 747.
He never said a word beyond announcing we were returning to LAX. But to paraphrase a Contiental pilot who also did a dummie of the day thing flying from LAX to DIA, "Uh, that was a little worse than I thought it would be."
I had a flight about a month ago on a Delta Northwest or was it a Northwest Delta on a 320 Airbus RT to LAX. First Class all the way and it was worse than those Pan Am flights 40 years ago. But if that was bad, think of flying in this:
The best description I can think of this is, "Looks good but will feel bad." But then I am getting older and my sense of adventure has fled. Along with the good wine and food they once served.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Anothger Federal Judge orders another GITMO prisoner released
A federal judge Friday ordered the Obama administration to free a long-held Guantánamo captive who fled his native Algeria years ago and kicked around Europe as a construction worker for a decade before his capture in Pakistan.
Judge Gladys Kessler's order to free Farhi Saeed bin Mohammed, 48, raised to 31 the number of detainees who have won their federal unlawful detention suits since the U.S. Supreme Court empowered Guantánamo detainees to file and argue habeas corpus petitions.
Kessler's order was classified Friday, meaning her rationale for ordering his release was not yet made public.
Probably decided that the evidence trail was tainted..... Or else it wouldn't look good on "Law and Order."
And listen to this glowing recommendation from his attorney:
``He's an easy guy to like,'' said Cohen, ``and certainly not the worst of the worst and not even close to it.''
Well, that sure settles it for me. I guess we need to get worse terrorists...
In the meantime, Obamie the Bower doesn't seem to think this could happen to KSM.
What idiots govern us.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Europe gives up its liberty
So you have never heard of this man? Well, click here to get a look at the new EU President who speaks of global governance and control.
BTW - The Europeans didn't vote for him either. But they gave up their rights years ago.
Herman Van Rompuy. Get used to the name. He is the first President of the European Union, which with the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon by all the 27 EU member states in early November was transformed into a genuine United States of Europe.
The President of Europe has not been elected; he was appointed in a secret meeting of the heads of government of the 27 EU member states. They chose one of their own. Herman Van Rompuy was the Prime Minister of Belgium.
Brussels Journal
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
I remember John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed 46 years ago this morning.
I was at the Naval Air Station near Memphis. I well remember the shock and outrage that someone would dare kill our President. By then he wasn't well liked but he was family. The successful cousin who fought and survived in the war that had killed other cousins, brothers, uncles and fathers and if he had screwed up in Cuba we forgave him for that. What he started in Vietnam was still to come.
He was ours to grouse and complain about but damn anyone's very soul if they should harm as much as a hair on his head. Jack Ruby's actions were perfectly understandable, regretted only by the thought that a slow hanging would have caused the assassin more pain.
We were tired of Eisenhower's patience and stability opting instead for change. If the Soviets had a Sputnik we wanted a Sputnik and if the Soviets had shot down our spy plane then we wanted a bigger faster better spy plane and if they had more missiles... we now know they didn't, Kennedy's campaign lied about that...we wanted more missiles.
Hard to believe in today's world, but we found the Democrats more defense minded than the Republicans. How incredibly stupid of us.
But we believed it then and elected Kennedy instead of "wumpie Jaws," as my father in law called Nixon. The election caused no discomfort. A brief mention was made of "irregularities in Illinois and Texas" but that was buried under the obvious relief of the media that the long night of Eisenhower leadership was over and that our new demi-gods would play touch football on lawns of such sized homes few of us had ever had, or seen, while their perfect marriages produced perfect children and it was our duty to bow before our new leaders.
It was the Camelot motif that started the fall of Kennedy and the press. We were a country that had just fought a war over a challenge to democracy and our Scot Irish heritage would brook no kings and queens in place of the dictators we had defeated. The similarities were just too many to be acceptable.
We didn't know the weakness of the man. We didn't know that he would think he could talk with the Soviets and all would be well. We didn't know that the Soviets would see this and understand they could bluff us out of Turkey and how Kennedy would feel that he must assert himself by opposing them in Vietnam.
No, we didn't know the cost of having a weak President.
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him;
The evil that men do lives after them,
The good is oft interred with their bones,
Or so said Shakespeare's Antony of Caesar. And correctly he did speak.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Friday, November 20, 2009
Brokebank Mountain
Q: What's the real problem with Barack Obama jokes?
A: His followers don't think they're funny and everyone else doesn't think they're jokes.
Hat tip to Jimmy M!
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Mary Landrieu sells Health Care Vote for $100 million
In other words, the bill spends two pages describing would could be written with a single world: Louisiana. (This may also help explain why the bill is long.)
Senator Harry Reid, who drafted the bill, cannot pass it without the support of Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu.
How much does it cost? According to the Congressional Budget Office: $100 million.
I had a real snarky remark about her selling her vote.
But I am not going to go there.
I'm not.
Don't you understand?
It's politics.
Selling themselves is what politicians do.
And a $100 million aint a bad price.
What do you expect? Her voting for the best interest of the country?
Hell. She is a D E M O C R A T.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Feds raid Gibson plant in Nashville.
Let me see....
They can't secure the borders and stop illegal immigration....
They can't figure out we have a Muslim terrorist in the Army, despite his actions....
They can't keep Wall Street from ripping us off to the tune of billions....
What can the Feds do???
An international crackdown on the use of endangered woods from the world's rain forests to make musical instruments bubbled over to Music City on Tuesday with a federal raid on Gibson Guitar 's manufacturing plant, but no arrests.
Yes sir, protecting those trees is A Number 1 on my hit parade of things we need to do. It just makes me so proud....NOT
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Why the Left defends terrorists
You know, I use to think the defense of terrorists by trying to compare Christians and Jews' actions by the Left was them playing devil's advocate, and I refer to the Left in general because the ones who regularly comment in various venues can't mount an effective comment. They just mouth overhead statements with links to some lame stream media article with never any secondary links.
But I have come to see that, in general, members of the Left hate America and use any attack against enemies of the West as a method to jump in and attack the West. They did it for years with communism and have now just slid over to the extremist Muslims.
It is always, "Yes but...." Some of them do not know that they are (trying) to give moral equivalence to extremists who hate the West. Some do. Like their past members and communism, some were communists, some were fellow travelers and some were, as Lenin is reputed to have said, "useful fools." The Left is not one specific model.
But one thing is true. While Joe McCarthy’s tactics were wrong, there really were communists in the government. And, as Hasan has just shown, there really are radical Muslims in the military. And I see no reason to think that there aren’t some in government.
But I digress. Back to the Left.
The Left’s hypocrisy is startling. Supposedly they are for minority rights.... Supposedly they demand fair trials and justice for all... Yet what we see is them, at best, providing a weak...if at all.... condemnation of the Muslim extremists while condemning the West in general and Christians, Jews and America specifically. That the extremists they support would gladly chop off their heads and/or stone, hang, etc., them for not totally obeying the "law" seems to never reach their minds.
Of course 99% of this comes from our education system and from the media. Both have turned against our culture. This came from the radicals of the 60's moving into our universities... that has now filtered down to our state universities and junior colleges. It is now moving into K-12.
The results can be seen with the election of Obamie the Bower. Supposedly smart, his ignorance about America and lack of love for the country that elected him is always on display.
Where is all of this going to lead? I confess I don’t know. I would like to tell you that the American voter will become disgusted and vote Obamie the Bower and his minions out, starting in 2010. So I have Hope for Change.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What Obama was really doing bowing....
You know, there have been a lot of good rants condemning Obamie the Bower bowing down every time he gets near so called Royalty... Many have noted that Americans don't bow to anybody. Others have analyzed him, pointing out he has this deep seated belief America is inferior...
They are all wrong.
Obama is, if nothing else, a planner. And he has figured out that if he gets lucky and isn't impeached, a definite possibility, he has zero chance of being elected for a second term. So he is sneaking in some practice time.... practicing getting into the shoe shine boy position...
Think about it.
Besides, I'm sure you gotta know somebody to get a stand at Chicago's Ohare airport...
I bet he has this song on his mpeg...
See it here.
On Twitter I am Lesabre1
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