Sunday, October 11, 2009

Arianna and Donna defend Obama

I don't watch the Sunday morning talking head shows very much. Church and other things get in the way. But I picked this link to ABC's talking heads from TalkLeft.

The initial piece is about Obamie's gift of the Nobel prize donated by the not so noble committee and George Will is screamingly funny... But even more interesting is coming to the conclusion that the committee's actions in giving The Chosen One the prize makes a lot more sense than ABC's decision to employ Arianna Hiffington.

And after watching Donna Braizle I just can't help wanting to button up the pocket I have my wallet in and backing into a corner that will let me see all the windows and doors in the room.

Sour grapes? Envy? Well, not just for me.... but also for the 200 million or so other Americans who could do a better job.

On Twitter I am Lesabre1

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