Thursday, August 6, 2009

Privacy? What privacy?

The canary for years was used by miners to show the presence of deadly gasses. This one is a very sick bird.

UK ISPs have come out in united opposition to the British government's proposed £2 billion plan to construct a massive "Big Brother" database and surveillance system that will monitor and record every email, phone call and website visit of the country's citizens, reports Martyn Warwick.

Under proposed legislation it would be the UK's hapless ISPs that would be made responsible for implementation of the Orwellian system and, in a submission to the Home Office (the UK's equivalent of a Ministry of the Interior), a coalition of the service providers have condemned it as "an unwarranted intrusion into people’s privacy". The document also accuses the government of deliberately misleading the British public about the extent to which their private communications will be monitored.


No Leftie of note in the US has condemned the plan even though if it records everything then obviously that would include traffic from and to the US (and other countries).

What that tells me is that Obamie plans to do the same.

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