Thursday, August 20, 2009

Naked Passengers

I thought I would scare you.

Just heard that a Southwest flight from Oakland to St Louis has turned around and landed... seems two passengers got in a fight and one of them took their clothes off.....

I've heard of ugly people, but wow....

Besides, it sounds like at least one of the two was wanting to make up...

"Come over here... Let me touch ya..."

It seems like people act differently on airplanes. Could be the two or three or four drinks they have in the airport bar... could be the feeling of doing something that is bigger than them.. who knows. But from the naked person here to the person who took a dump in the snack cart, weirdness reigns...

I'm a friendly type but I used to dread the "This my life" types I would run into on a regular basis. I never wanted to hurt their feelings but I really didn't care that they were on there way to see their Grandmother who was dying... I mean I cared but I didn't want to hear about it for the next two hours.

Airlines and their business practices have always fascinated me. A few years back I was on my way to Los Angeles and was connecting via Delta's Salt Lake City hub. We got in way early and as I was looking for the nearest bar I discovered a gate with a flight to Los Angeles that was getting ready to board. Since my connection wasn't in the "legal" connect time I was on a flight some hour and half later. It was obvious that the flight wasn't anywhere near full so I went over and asked if they would put me on that one.

The guy looked at my discounted ticket and said it would cost me $75.00. I declined, expressing my best wishes to the idiots in charge. When my flight left it was over sold and they were giving away $250 certificates to anyone who would give up their seats and take a later flight.

I used to hate pilots who, at night, had to show everyone they could watch the TACAN needle and read a map. "Uh, that's Oklahoma City off the right hand side..." Give me two drinks and let me sleep...

But some do have a sense of a humor.. Years and years and years ago I was on a Continental flight, yes The Proud Bird With The Golden Tail, when there was a loud bang. In a few minutes the pilot came on and announced we would about 10 minutes late arriving in Denver... It was a 727 Trijet. About 30 minutes later there was another loud bang. A few minutes later the pilot came on and announced that we would be about 15 minutes late.... he finished by saying that if we heard another bang it might take longer than anticipated to get to Denver.

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