Monday, July 20, 2009

A non-defense of the Left.

harrogate wants to argue. Problem is, he has no weapons.

It is absolutely ridiculous to assert that the American "Left" (by which you mean Democratic politicians?) supports Sharia Law. Maybe what rankles you is that they are not salivating at the mouth to go start more wars in the Middle East.

I gave you three examples. I will pass on number one, although I think the Left's hatred of America is self demonstrating. But show me by examples of support for Israel that the Left doesn't hate Israel. And then explain the various speech codes and proposed hate laws.

BTW: how do you explain the Right's continuing agitation to eliminate abortion rights in this country? The fight to criminalize abortion (oh and by the way they are not happy with contraception either) does not put the American Right on the level of Sharia cleric, but it sure doesn't make them champions of women's rights, now does it?

Seeing as how I oppose abortion but support a woman's right to choose, you will have to argue with someone else. But comparing political disagreements that aren't going to come to pass to stoning and honor killing demonstrates how desperate you are.

Oh. And what about their strident opposition to gay rights in this country? Remember, it was only in 2003 that the Supremes handed down the ruling that banned homosexuality's outright criminalization. A tour of the Right's syndicated columnists will show that they are still mad about it.

Again you bark up the wrong tree. I believe in the rights of Gays and frankly don't care who they marry. I would just say, provide some links, and I note that opposing gay marriage is not the same as hanging gays.

So I ask again. Where is the outrage over what the radical Muslims are doing? It just isn't there.

And that tells it all.

1 comment:

  1. For what it is worth, I am outraged over what radical Muslims are doing, both in terms of their general endorsement of political violence, and in terms of their abuses of women, gays, non-Muslims, and Muslims who areapparently not Muslim enough. And every person I know who votes Democratic feels the same way.

    It's sort of like the Iran fiasco, the distinction I am drawing. I wonder how much god bluster from our politicians at these regimes, how these regimes treat their own people--how much good does that really do? Maybe the answer is grassroots outrage at such regimes, rather than Senators and Presidents "talking tough." We do not need more wars. If change is going to come from those regimes it is going to HAVE to come from inside them.

    As for Israel, I mean, you could at least be as intellectually honest as Dennis Prager, a high profile right wing talker who routninely slams on Obama, but who also praised Obama for telling the Muslim world in Cairo that America unequivocally rejects the Holocaust denial, the political violence against Israelis, etc. Democratic politicans and their voters, like GOP politicans and their,s almost overwhelmingly condemn the virulent anti-Semitism in the Muslim world.

    But the parties and their voters differ on what to do about it all. Bomb everyone? Not going to work in the end, though it might make some people rich in the process. The truth is there is no easy answer and I suspect you know it for all the stark talking points of the GOP on such issues.

    As for the differences between gays and womens' strugles here, versus their struggles in the Muslim world, of course it is Night and Day. I said as much in my comment. But the fact remains that many quarters of the mainstream Right continues to express outrage over the decriminalization of homosexuality. Forfget marriage for a second, we're talking outright criminal charges here. Rick Santorum, when the decision was handed down, said it was like legalizing bestiality. Horrible, horrible rhetoric for a 21st century American politician.

    Finally, the abortion issue. I was a little surprised, and a LOT saddened, at the deluge of support I saw on the Right blogosphere, for George Tiller's murder. And a deluge it was, especially from commenters. But Tiller's murder was an act of political violence, not a hair's breadth of difference between it and Muslim terrorist acts.

    American social conservatism, again, no the whole, has not descended to near the depth of the Muslim extremist knuckledraggers. but that don't mean they should get a free pass for their divisive, inflammatory, and hateful rhetoric, their desire to jail people who they deem immoral.
