Sunday, July 5, 2009

Monkey rights

The European Court of Justice for the protection of human rights will examine the plea to grant recognition to a chimp as a person with corresponding rights. The litigant is not the chimp personally. If successful, this individual will get a guardian to represent his interests. In a future case one anticipates, institutionalized discrimination against chimps will be charged. Putting someone under tutelage because he is a chimp has implications. They are that all chimpanzees, regardless of their personal merits, are deemed to need a guardian. This is, indeed, a clear case of racial profiling.


I couldn't make this up.

1 comment:

  1. Unlike America's liberal whacko's who wanted to declare Bush a lower primate and take his rights away.
    Animal rights?
    How about these?
    1. You have the right to be propperly prepared and cooked.
    2. You have the right to be served with appropriate side dishes and an accoompanying wine.
    Sorry, can't come up with a third right for things that are property.
    And an advocate? Since Billy Mays is dead, maybe we can get the shamewow guy to hawk them as good eating and good for you. Thats the only advocate animals need.
