Saturday, April 4, 2009

Obama influences world opinion

Just a guess, but I would say the guy on the left is Japanese.

Another guess.... This is what he is thinking..
"And these freaking people beat us?"


  1. I see the samething you do on his face. I would tell him that America was different then.

    I watch those 'freaking people' from far away, and I say, "May God have mercy on us!" Not one of them I trust...

  2. Indeed it was different then.

    I would rather have the Japanese as an allie than the French. They are very much a people of their word.

  3. The Japanese are ready to die to keep their word. The French run away, instead...Try to say that to them!!!!

    I've had so many arguments, in my youth, telling some that they betrayed their own colony in 1763. Now they try to take credit for Quebec still speaking French...not their fancy French, of course...the peasant one...

  4. Glad to know you're not one of those hyperventilating types:

    Those of you who are buying into this hyperventilating nonsense need to see this video.

    This deference to a very bad country has been going on for decades; it didn’t start with Barack Obama, or with George W. Bush, or with John F. Kennedy for that matter.

    Instead of impeaching Barack Obama, America needs to impeach its gas tanks.

    And just imagine how much screaming there would be if Obama had let Abdullah hang a medal around his neck.

  5. “deference”

    So that’s what they call it now days??

