Saturday, April 11, 2009

More replies to a Muslim from England.

The nice thing about having a blog is that you can indulge yourself in the "Why didn't I say that?" syndrome. You know, ten minutes after someone desperately needs to be squelched you think of the perfect answer.

Well, earlier today a Muslim from England wrote a lengthy paean on why Muslims need Muslim schools paid for by the racist English tax payer.... So that was my first miss.....

"Hey! Muslim is not a race. Get a dictionary!" But that was minor. Here's the capper.

British schooling and the British society is the home of institutional racism. The result is that Muslim children are unable to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, therefore, majority of them leave schools with low grades. Racism is deeply rooted in British society. Every native child is born with a gene or virus of racism, therefore, no law could change the attitudes of racism towards those who are different. It is not only the common man, even member of the royal family is involved in racism.

My reply was factual....

Good schooling begins in the home and continues in the home. You should spend less time making excuses and more time examining the home. There is no such thing as a racism gene or virus and I hope your comment was for drama’s sake only.

What I should have included was.....

"In the early part of the 20th century Jews were discriminated against heavily in this country. Yet from this small group of students came some of brightest, most intelligent writers, poets, musicians, scientists known to mankind.

The Japanese, and other Asians, were treated shabbily at best, yet again we find them represented in the top echelon of science and culture.

You might stop and ask yourself why that is. But you won't because you know the answer, and you don't like the answer." Which is:

Learning is important to their culture.

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