Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Obama shows his colors....and intelligence level

Okay boys and girls. You wanted to see what the Idiot In Chief will do. Well, he tells you.

Obama continues that "too often, Washington has failed to show the same kind of leadership. That will change when I take office. My presidency will mark a new chapter in America’s leadership on climate change that will strengthen our security and create millions of new jobs in the process.

"That will start with a federal cap and trade system," he says. "We will establish strong annual targets that set us on a course to reduce emissions to their 1990 levels by 2020 and reduce them an additional 80 percent by 2050. Further, we will invest $15 billion each year to catalyze private sector efforts to build a clean energy future. We will invest in solar power, wind power, and next generation biofuels. We will tap nuclear power, while making sure it’s safe. And we will develop clean coal technologies.

All of this when more and more scientists are saying it doesn't exist. That the world is actually cooling.... yet it is full bore ahead for the dunderheads we elect.

And I hate to bring this up, but can anyone tell me where these millions of new jobs will come from? I mean failing to press forward on new oil sources will allow OPEC and the speculators to drive the price back to $146 a barrel. That will finish off the economy. The cap and trade BS will double the price of coal and run your electric bill up two to three times what it currently is.

I mean, how stupid can these people be? Survey says:

Very, very, very, stupid.


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