Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why we fight and why Obama shouldn't be elected

The above picture shows two gays being hung in Iran.

I read somewhere that someone said they were being hung for raping a young girl. That couldn't be true because if they had, the girl would be the one being hung.


Hussein keeps trying to parse his comment that he would meet with terrorist countries without preconditions.


Instead of offering to meet with these stone cold killers with no preconditions, Hussein needs to be saying that he will never meet with a country that hangs gays and rape victims.

Yet he doesn't. Simply put he doesn't feel strongly about these killings... about these murders... to take a stand.

While these two young men and the 16 year old girl rot in their graves Hussein parses words and argues. He is the Chamberlain of the 21st Century. His actions and the actions of his supporters will insure a war.

And he does so because he doesn't have enough experience to run a Starbuck's franchise, much less a country.


  1. Because not talking is an effective form of "punishment" HOW, exactly? It's just so high school, this use of the "silent treatment."

    And BTW, be honest and admit that Obama doesn't talk about meeting between Presidents "without precondition," he talks about having talks between the countries. They used to call such talkers Diplomats.

    But anyway. We know what the crux of the Issue is. You are with the Neocons (same people who gave us the wonder of Iraq) who Actively Desire to start a war with Iran. Obama, like most Democrats and indeed like the vast majority of Americans, does not Actively Desire to start a war with Iran.

    That's where you're peeved.

  2. You know, if you go the link you will find the question is:

    During the FIRST year of YOUR Presidentancy will YOU meet with the LEADERS of IRAN, SYRIA, VENEZULA, CUBA and NORTH KOREA without preconditions...

    And Hussein replies that he would.
    So please, don't make false claims and try to parse words.

    As for starting a war with Iran, you don't know it yet, but you will, that we are already at war with Iran. We have just refused to return their attacks.

    I pray that we act before they kill hundreds of thousands of Americans and Israelis...

    Am I a neocon? well, since I am not a conservative I don't see how I am... I am what used to be called a liberal. But in 1968 the Lefties, with the aid of some Democrats, stole my party. Being a hard headed type I voted for Carter in 1976 but that cured me from being a Democrat forever, or at least until they run off the Lefties who are now in charge of a once great party.

    Yes, dear harrogate it is possible to be for minority rights, National Health Care, etc. and a strong national defense. Think Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Scoop Jackson, Humphrey, etc.

  3. You're the one who's parsing. Just say you want to attack Iran and be done with it, like you did in that last comment.

    Saying oh, we can't reward them by talking to them is stoopid on its face. Talk between countries in this kind of a situation is not a reward, it is an effort to see what can be done short of going to war.

    Again. You want war. Iraqis greeted us as liberators just as you predicted, and things are swell there. Time for phase two.

    There is a problem this time, though, that did not exist before. This time Americans know better. Your desire to attack Iran puts you in the decided minority in this country.

  4. Dude, I just proved you wrong. The adult thing would be to acknowledge your error.

    Parsing? Was there something about:
    “I pray that we act before they kill hundreds of thousands of Americans and Israelis...”
    that you didn’t understand?

    And where did I say anything about “rewarding” them or “not rewarding” them?

    And where did I say the Iraqis would greet is as “liberators?” I didn’t.

    Let me give you first and last warning. If you want to comment, please do so. But when proved wrong, at the minimum, don’t come back with false claims and personal attacks. Next time you do it your comment will be deleted with nasty remarks by yours truly.

  5. First off, I got no problem with the President of the United States meeting with anybody, friend or foe. This isn't high school. You don't gain anything by not talking.

    But it's pretty clear that Barack Obama aint trying to personally meet with I'm-A-Dinner-Jacket.
    But fine, if you want to interpret his answer as a statement that he Personally would meet with the Iranian figurehead, then fine. The point is yours.

    But, so what if they were to talk? Why is it so terrible? I mean, seeing as how you don't see talking as a reward and all, or silence as a punishment....

    I just wish all the War Dogs, from McCain on down to bloggers like you, would stop going on and on about the proriety of talking and who said what and about who.

    McCain should have the cahones to tell the American people, if elected I'm going after Iran. Instead of the kinds of distractions you are putting up in this Post.
