Friday, October 10, 2008

Obama violates the Logan Act

Picture from Washington Times.

The Logan Act:

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

"At the same time the Bush administration was negotiating a still elusive agreement to keep the U.S. military in Iraq, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama tried to convince Iraqi leaders in private conversations that the president shouldn't be allowed to enact the deal without congressional approval.

Mr. Obama's conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The Washington Times by his campaign aides, began just two weeks after he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in June and stirred controversy over the appropriateness of a White House candidate's contacts with foreign governments while the sitting president is conducting a war.

Some of the specifics of the conversations remain the subject of dispute. Iraqi leaders purported to The Times that Mr. Obama urged Baghdad to delay an agreement with Mr. Bush until next year when a new president will be in office - a charge the Democratic campaign denies.

Link to Washington Times.

Such outrageous actions and violation of the law leaves me speechless. Yet the main stream media says nothing.


  1. "Such outrageous actions and violation of the law leaves me speechless. Yet the main stream media says nothing."

    Maybe the reason the "main stream media says nothing" about this shocking revleation is because it has been left as "speechless" as you are?

    (A related query: Does blogging about how speechless I am, violate my claim that I am speechless?)

  2. Seems awfully similar in format and content (right down to the headline) to an article published earlier and found here:

    Please feel free to cite segments from AudacityWatch articles, but be sure to include the cite and trackback URL. Or, at the very least, a "hat tip" would be appreciated if we inspired you.

  3. Actually I read the article in the WT, which I linked to. I would been happy to acknowledge you if we had had contact.

  4. Actually dear harrogate finding you speechless leaves me...


  5. audacity watch..... Just went over for a visit, my first by the way...I'll try to come back, and yes... IF I every quote you I will
    so note.

  6. Fair enough... Guess we were just on the same wavelength. The combo of the headline, the opening quote and the highlights from WT were what looked so familiar.

    Will be sure to check out your site, too.

    Keep up the good work!

  7. Thanks... With Hussein you have a full time job!

