Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama and national defense

I'm still punked out and in a rotten mood, as my various posts undoubtedly show. In an effort to get back to reality I have went back to why this election is important beyond taxes and the stock market.

National Security.

There is little doubt that the Democrats are anti-war and as such they have no base at all for national defense. Their continual demands that terrorist suspects captured over seas be afforded a full up US criminal justice system trial says it all and it is amazing to me that the Repubs haven't hung that around Hussein's neck.

I have little doubt that if Hussein is elected we will be attacked within 12 months in an attempt to motivate the Democrats into withdrawing from the ME in total.

Much of the Left's arguments is that our security measures have been criticized by the "rest of the world" and that, for some unknown reason is "bad." Actually, as this article shows, we are not that different.

The minister also indicated that "Certain problem areas in our suburbs also remain choice target for Salafist activities. The youth are then sent to theological education in the Muslim world and attend Koranic schools, like the madrassas of Pakistan, Egypt and Yemen."

This is troubling. These people, children actually, aren't being sent to improve their worldly knowledge, and they aren't Rhodes scholars. How to keep up with them becomes an interesting exercise.

"Like Pakistan or Yemen, we do communicate, in agreement with the airlines, the names and dates of departure and arrivals of passengers reported as dangerous. We want to extend this watch to other countries and to flights with a stopover, which would prevent for example going through Switzerland when coming from Pakistan in order to cover up tracks. Finally, we would like to know if passengers travel alone or accompanied. It's important to prevent hijacking of planes."

Such a statement is surprising as many critics in the United States blast Washington for establishing lists of passengers from countries at risk while claiming that Europeans do not. Now we hear the French minister of interior clarifying that these lists exist and that they are part of the French national security apparatus. This demonstrates that the prevention policy in a country very sensitive to civil liberties such as France, can work as a component of counter terrorism measures

And this again goes back to Ayers and Hussein's relationship and how they funded radical schools.

Stanley Kurtz

Radicals, dear chums are radicals. If you have a common enemy the next step is cooperation. Think about it.


Hat tip to Islameurope.

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