Monday, September 8, 2008

Why should I vote for Obama? Update

You know, along with the many nasties the Left has slung, and I confess that I have launched a few myself..... So in the spirit of the last days of summer, I invite any Leftie to tell me why I should vote for Hussein.

I promise your reason(s) will be treated with respect and displayed as a Post rather than hidden as a Comment.

My mind is a blank waiting for you to fill it full of your logic.

UPDATE - As you can see, not a single Leftie has said a word. The post has been up about eleven hours.

I also posted the above on the Tennessean forum, with is very active with about 10 Leftie types posting numerous times per day.

No one answered there, either.

I wonder why?

1 comment:

  1. Why should you vote for Barack Obama?

    First and foremost because he will truly unite the nation, restore respect for the Office of the President domestically and the nation, world wide. In the past our nation has been seen, as Ronald Reagan described, as the shining city on the hill - a beacon of freedom, democracy, hope and success of the human spirit. This image was damaged during Vietnam, restored by
    Reagan and Bush 41, but tinged by Clinton and destroyed by this administration.

    How can we be the leader of the free world when we won't even talk to other countries? To quote JFK, 'We should never negotiate out of fear, but we should never fear to negotiate.'

    Did you see the throngs who came to see Obama in Berlin? Do you think they did so because they are anti-American? No - they are pro-American, but just confused because they no longer regognize the country.

    On defense, Obama recognizes that our troops are spread out too thinly and overtasked. When GWB campaigned in 2000 he reported that two divisions would have to report 'Not ready for duty, sir' - well how many do you think are NOW in that position? We are sending back soldiers who have been wounded, mentally and physically, for their third or fourth tours in Iraq. We are sending back those who cannot wear a helmet or carry their TA-50. We need to reconstitute much of our military, but we cannot do so while the rotations of our fighting forces require them to spend more time in combat than they are in CONUS.

    He will get our troops out of places which are optional, to which we should have never gone in the first place - and then use a rested and rebuilt military to help catch OBL and bring those who attacked us to justice.

    He will bring common sense back to US economics. He will increase federal receipts, lower deficits and debt, and quit rewarding companies for shipping US jobs overseas. He will tie the economy to new industries and technology - like those in energy production - which will create jobs while lowering our dependence on foreign oil.

    He recognizes that the future of this country lies in our young people, and will invest in education. Not just throw money at the problem, but invest money, time and champion educational programs from the bully pulpit to make it more of a national and personal priority.

    How many more reasons do you need?
