Thursday, August 7, 2008

Well of the country?

There is clearly an undercurrent of prejudice in parts of the electorate, evident even among some Democratic primary voters. There is also massive enthusiasm among younger voters to break the color barrier in the Oval Office, coupled with large increases in African-American primary turnout. These unpredictable factors may well balance in Mr. Obama's favor, which would speak well of the country.

Let's get the obvious out of the way. Racism is bad. And there is some people who won't vote for Hussein because of race, just as there are some people who won't vote for McCain because of race. The former are 99.9% white, the latter is 99.9% black.

Some of the whites will tell you they have watched black politicians in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Congress and other places and found them deeply wanting. Given the definition of racism that is, at best, borderline racism. It is also forming an opinion based on what they know of a person. Given that Hussein is a far Left candidate he has done nothing to nudge these people towards ignoring what they believe based on what they have seen. Indeed his now infamous associations have done the opposite.

I also think it obvious that most blacks will vote for Hussein because he is black. Plus he is a Democrat. I believe the former is racist. The latter is just party affiliation. I don't hold that against black voters. Hussein is a historic candidate and given history, I can see why they will vote for him. He is reaping the same support as O.J.

What I find bothersome though is this from the quote:

There is also massive enthusiasm among younger voters to break the color barrier in the Oval Office, coupled with large increases in African-American primary turnout. These unpredictable factors may well balance in Mr. Obama's favor, which would speak well of the country.

That's just silly. Electing the weaker candidate just because he is black speaks poorly of the judgment of the country. Regardless of his color it will be his judgement and experience that counts when the phone rings at three AM.


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