Monday, August 25, 2008

The canary's report

I keep going to what's happening in Europe because it truly is the canary in the coal mine.

A Somalian woman who came to Norway more than 10 years ago is harshly criticizing her fellow Somalian immigrants and Norwegian authorities. In a new book, she claims Somalians themselves don't want to integrate into Norwegian society, and that Norwegian welfare programs make it easy for them to remain isolated

That's fairly typical of all welfare programs that aren't tied to work programs that are rigorously enforced. Give them money and they stay isolated. They have no reason to come out.

She claims that resistance to integration is widespread especially among Somalian men, who fear losing their culture and religion. Many are afraid of Norwegians and view them as infidels who can't be trusted.

The questions that needs to be asked to the immigrants is, "If your culture is so great, why were you forced to come here?? And if you weren't forced, why are
you here?"

In her book, entitled "See us!" (Se oss!), Amal Aden claims the Somalians also exploit the Norwegian welfare state and have many children in order to qualify for more welfare payments. Many couples also "divorce" under Norwegian law in order for the women to receive even more welfare payments as single mothers, only to continue to live under Somalian customs with their Somalian husbands and have more children, the author claims.

Here again there is nothing new. Welfare rules that reward the man leaving the household while also rewarding additional children is exactly the formula that created an almost permanent underclass in the US.

She writes that violence is a part of life in Somalian homes, that young girls are often molested and women and children are intentionally kept isolated. Many Somalian men, she claims, prefer to live on welfare than accept jobs seemingly below their social status.

Culture again that could be effectively changed by using workfare rather than welfare. You want to eat? Work.

Several Somalian activists in Norway are already rejecting the book and blasting Amal Aden for criticizing immigrants traumatized by war and poverty in their homeland. "Half of the Somalians in Norway have been here less than five years, have little education and have problems integrating," claims Said Abdulwahab. "It doesn't help to criticize them."

No surprise here. First we get the excuse of what happened followed by the excuse that they have little education, been there for less than five years and have trouble integrating. Aren't these the same people who won't take jobs they think beneath them and accept welfare??

Abdulwahab has five daughters himself aged four to 14, but has sent them all to school in Kenya. Not, he claims, because Norwegians can't be relied upon but because he wants them to get a good education.

No. He wants his daughters to be educated per Sharia law.

Isn't the question really, why has Norway let these people in?

And isn't it time that we look at what we are doing?

Link to Islamineurope

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