Sunday, August 3, 2008

Afghanistan and England

Continuing with notes on stuff you won't see in our MSM.

Earlier this year, it was revealed that RAF Nimrod spyplanes monitoring Taliban radio signals in Afghanistan had heard militants speaking with Yorkshire and Midlands accents....

A Whitehall source confirmed that the security services are aware of some radicalized British Muslims returning to the UK from Afghanistan.

The source said: "There are very small numbers of British citizens traveling out there, being trained up and then returning to the UK."

"There is a link between Kandahar and urban conurbations in the UK," said Brig. Butler. "This is something the military understands but the British public does not."

Terrorist attacks neutralized Spain in the WOT. But I think the Brits are made of sterner stuff.

Unfortunately, it appears that we may get to see.

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