Saturday, July 5, 2008

Why do they come?

Some immigrants to Western Europe – and recently in the US – have an unusual record. Historic immigrations wished to emulate the success stories of their hosts. That meant that one wished to be successful under new conditions. A mixture of underdeveloped origins and its internalized value-system blocking development, and the context of the receiving welfare-state’s services, lead to an unexpected new substance. In some ways the adjustment to exploit available aid intended for the unfortunate, is commendably rapid. It also comes about by blotting out the positive elements of the hosting culture such as the opportunities it offers to the success oriented. A need arises to choose between the relative comfort of support for failure extended to under-achievers and the chances and insecurities of careers for talents. Some of those that were originally embedded in a static culture are inclined to prefer the bother-free security of the former. The result is a sub class of society. Once politically organized it is prone to assert, in the name of cultural integrity, a right to immunity from the laws and ways regulating the lives of the majority. In this, it is reinforced by its common language or religion. Dealing with the problem is hindered by values such as in “religious freedom” and “discrimination”.

The above is from the Brussels Journal and is a great summation of what happens when the host country doesn't demand assimilation but lets PC nonsense take over.

And remember that Europe has a lot more experience with the subject than we do.

My take on legal immigrants is simple. You are here. Great and welcome and all that. Now start calling yourself an American and don't use the hyphen.

My take on intercultural sojourners, aka illegal aliens, is simpler. You are here. Go home!

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