Thursday, June 12, 2008

Muslim School problems


McLEAN, Va. - Textbooks at a private Islamic school in northern Virginia teach students that it is permissible for Muslims to kill adulterers and converts from Islam, according to a federal investigation released Wednesday.

Other passages in the school's textbooks state that "the Jews conspired against Islam and its people" and that Muslims are permitted to take the lives and property of those deemed "polytheists."

Now you would think that such a thing would make any American's blood boil. Sorry dear chums, according to 13% of us in a poll:

Should an Islamic school be allowed to lease county property while using textbooks that teach intolerance?

proclaim their dumbness:

Yes. One way to teach tolerance is to show tolerance.

I am sorry folks, I just can't find any tolerance in my heart for killing people and taking their property. We have police departments called "Robbery Homicide" to take care of such.

And of course MSNB can always be counted on frame the question the wrong way. Note the "teach intolerance." Again. Murder and robbery is not intolerance.

And what does the education officals of Maclean county think? Do you actually have to read this to know??

The county conducted its own study of the textbooks last year at the request of Supervisor Gerald Hyland, whose district encompasses the academy.

Hyland and the county never released results of what they had found, but Hyland said in approving the lease that he is comfortable with the school's teachings, though he did so with a qualification.

"I would be less than frank if I didn't tell you that the curriculum does contain references to the Quran, which, if taken out of context and read literally, would cause come concern," Hyland said at the meeting at which the lease was extended.

Oh really, Mr. Hyland?? I mean, you think? Murder and robbery being taught is a cause for concern?

Heaven forbid!!!

Link to poll.

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